Xitter thread by Matt Walsh
In the late 1990s, Christian families in the small town of Possum Trot, TX, adopted 77 children from the foster-care system. It was a heroic effort by a small church community. Today, leftists are trying to stop Christians from saving more children:
Unsurprisingly, children in foster care are more likely to identify as trans. It shouldn’t shock anyone that children who have faced abuse, trauma, and unstable families are more likely to be confused about their identity and looking for belonging wherever they can find it.
Christian families who feel a call to foster or adopt should be celebrated and supported. Instead, many states are demanding Christians agree to chemically castrate and sterilize gender-confused kids in order to foster any child in the system.
Alliance Defending Freedom currently represents several Christian families in multiple Democrat-run states who have felt called and taken action to offer their love and home to children in need. Some have even spent years as loving foster parents but are now deprived of offering safe haven
In Oregon, a Christian mother & widow named Jessica Bates experienced firsthand the support provided by God and her church community amid her own tragedies. Remarkably, with more love to still give, Jessica sought to become a foster parent.
According to the ADF, Oregon denied Jessica’s application because she wouldn’t commit to using false pronouns or help a child access drugs that could sterilize them and irreversibly alter their bodies. She is not even able to foster a child who shares her Christian beliefs.
In Vermont, Pastor Bryan Gantt and his wife, Rebecca, have been foster parents since 2016, taking care of children born with drug dependencies or fetal alcohol syndrome, and have adopted three children
The ADF claims that “despite a track record of success and high praise from social workers,” Vermont revoked their foster license after they expressed the widely held Christian belief, and basic biological truth, that children can not “transition.”
“Vermont’s foster-care system is in crisis: There aren’t enough families to care for vulnerable kids & children born with drug dependencies… Yet Vermont is putting its ideological agenda ahead of the needs of these suffering kids.” – ADF Counsel, Johannes Widmalm-Delphonse.
Pastor & Mrs. Gantt, and Jessica Bates, are just two examples of the problem Christians, and the vulnerable kids they want to protect, are facing in states like Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Vermont, Massachusetts, and more.
Any way a child arrives in the system — parental neglect, drug use, incarceration, abuse — causes deep trauma. Further depriving these children of a safe, loving Christian home because the parents won’t further abuse a gender-confused child is a new, unconscionable barrier.
When Bishop & Donna Martin of Possum Trot, TX, felt called to foster & adopt alongside their biological children — one of whom has special needs — they moved mountains to make it happen. As Christians, their faith in God created a new, loving home for four adopted children.
“Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot” hits theaters today, July 4. You should see it, but don’t let that be all you do. Love, pray for, and support Christians who are called to this important pursuit despite today’s challenges.
These are all children removed from the grooming and indoctrination the left wants for all children. So, they do all they can to prevent anyone from getting in the way, regardless of how it hurts the children.
Bringing children up in a religious household is grooming and indoctrination, but it’s okay with you.
We are a nation founded on a Judeo-Christian foundation. Since religious beliefs bother you so much, are you finding some atheist nation to move to?
…Of indoctrinating kids into religion. You were indoctrinated. You were “groomed.”
All I ask is that Christianists stop trying to force their views on the rest of us.
You mean like how the GLBQT+ nutcases force their views on the rest of us and our children in their classrooms? Too bad you’re such a dimwit. Our Constitution guarantees us freedom of religion, not freedom FROM religion. If you don’t like those terms, you have freedom to move to an atheist nation.
Should we start a fund to help pay for your move?
You’re only adamantly in favor of religion because of indoctrination. Why doesn’t that bother you?
This nation was founded, and settled by the religious. They built farm lands and cities. They built the schools and the first universities. They fought, and died, to end slavery. But to you, they were no more than indoctrinated fools.
You have a right to your anti-religious beliefs. You, and your fellow atheists, do not have a right to demand the rest of us bow to YOUR demands.
I was 17 and headed down the wrong track when I decided to follow Jesus. He forgave my sins and gave me a new wonderful life. I was not pressured in any way to invite Jesus into my life. I started reading the Bible and that further increased my faith and commitment. I cannot understand the hostility towards Christians and God. The power of God has recused hundreds of millions of people from sin (alcoholism, drugs, illicit sex, stealing, lying, etc – 10 commandment stuff). These reformed people are your decent, caring, and loving neighbors and friends and of course many of our founding fathers. I shudder to think what our world would be like without the reformative power of God.
You made a choice; most people are taken as children and indoctrinated into religion.
What is wrong with believing there is a force greater than self? If you’re so worried about indoctrination, start a movement to ban all rainbow flags in classrooms.
Nothing. Just don’t try to organize my life around your beliefs.
Nobody cares about what you do. How about YOU not try to force YOUR beliefs upon OUR children?
And they are better off for it. In fact we are all better off for it.
Then indoctrination is fine, as long as it’s an idea you personally like.
Which is exactly why what you are arguing the left should be allowed to do.
So… children should just educate themselves? Otherwise, they are “indoctrinated”?
What is wrong with Christian values?
Nothing wrong with brining up the Kids to be Christians You Imbecile its just the NEA, ACLU and SPLC wants all the youth to be Brainwashed/Indoctrinated and one of their Indoctrination Centers
Yeah, it’s absolutely and 100% OK with me for parents to raise their children as they see fit. What is really strange is that you, apparently, think there is something wrong with that, as opposed to a bunch of sexual degenerates poisoning children’s minds.
The Scandal of Pedophilia in the Church
Claiming to be a Christian doesn’t automatically make a person good, any more than rejecting religion automatically makes a person bad.
Micheal and Greg Dumb and Dumber of this Website
When was the last time you heard of a movement to have “drag queen story time,” in a senior center?
Who’re the groomers?
Just like claiming to support democracy while behaving fascist does not make a person democratic. It all boils down to behavior and acts. I’m more concerned with the pedophilia in the White House.
Everywhere there are groups of children the predators find, churches, schools, girl,and boy scouts.
This isnt about the foster care religion its about the lefts odd religion of worshipping gays and every facet of that. I bet even an atheist would be shunned for not using proper pronouns, and in favor of letting the kid outgrow the phase before having them spayed or neutered.
Since you didn’t read any of the article, this is not about religion taking over the government, it’s about the government attacking religious beliefs. The leftist government interfering with people trying to take children and make their lives better is pretty ironic since the same government is involved in human trafficking that puts children into the sex-slave business.
Greg like all liberal leftists prefers o to Cherry Pick their News
Donald Trump’s personal conduct is an attack on core Christian values.
His public conduct is an attack on the rule of law and core Constitutional principles.
I see you are still a liar, Comrade Greggie.
What about Trump’s behavior exemplifies Christian values? I’m genuinely curious.
FFS Joe is toast
Nothing. What does that have to do with leading the nation?
Which of those statements isn’t true, and why?
Explain how Trump’s avalanche of lies and slander isn’t bearing of false witness, how committing adultery against each of three wives isn’t committing adultery, and how ripping people off with a phony charity isn’t stealing. The man worships money, covets property, and has raised himself up as a golden calf.
How do you uphold the rule of law and the Constitution by violently disrupting a constitutional process and by proclaiming there are times when all rules, laws, and articles must be abandoned—even those in the Constitution itself—with such occasions determined by himself?
What do you think a second term with this egomaniac would be like, now that the Supreme Court he stacked has proclaimed a president has full immunity from criminal prosecution for anything he does, so long as it’s an “official act”?
Repeating cult propaganda memes doesn’t actually answer any of those questions.
Did she get a WH shower with joe?
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden just wanted assurances that all those sparkles he was seeing wasn’t him having a stroke.
Is a $100 tip enough for the guy who checks your golf cart for bombs?
What do you care about adultery or bearing false witness? Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden cheated on his wife and even cheated on Jill with his own daughter. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has told THOUSANDS of lies. He is also a traitor to the nation, corrupt and incompetent.
No Christian is perfect. No one meets the standard of Jesus. Everyone fails to be righteous. Yet, they can be forgiven. Even Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden can be forgiven, but he CAN’T be President anymore.
Trump isn’t a Christian. He sometimes plays one on television, though not very convincingly. Unfortunately he has an extraordinarily gullible audience that judges him by what he says rather than what he does.
You have no idea what a Christian is. In fact, you have no idea what an American is. All you know is fascism, socialism, racism and hate.
So I guess you think all life came crawling out of the Ocean as some Dumb Fish that never existed and think all Humans are related to Apes like National Geograhpic and Time Magazine shows
Yes. That’s what educated people understand to have happened, though I’m not sure what Time has to do with anything.
Trump’s lies? What about the disgraceful lies told by Joe Niden for over 40 year? Trump’s adultry? And what about Joe’s adultry with Jill? Phony charity? And the Beau Biden charity fund?
And then we get the J6 bullshit from you.
I think we could elect Pluto and we would have a better president than Joe Biden.
As a clear example of how batshit crazy you are, the entire Democrat cabal has been lying to you for 5 years and you still swallow those lies.
I’ve seen your tu quoque tap dance countless times before.
Always the coward, Comrade Greggie. You still didn’t answer my questions. You show what a liar you are when you give some glib answer as you just did.
No surprise. You were a piece of shit liar ten years ago and you still are.
If Trump is reelected you’ll get what you deserve.
We can hope so, We damn sure didn’t deserve what Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has done to us.
Comrade Greggie, I worked since I was 15. I paid my taxes and have never asked the government for a damn dime. I certainly deserve better than Lying Joe Biden.
So you’re not receiving Social Security and don’t have Medicare?
You do realize there’s a republican scheme to privatize Social Security that doesn’t divulge where the money to pay current retirees will come from after they divert the FICA revenue stream, right?
Will they pay you out of general revenue, when they’re planning more tax cuts despite skyrocketing debt?
There is a Democrat scheme to destroy it altogether, along with the entire nation.
Most people drawing SS paid for it, and Medicare, every damn payday. Unlike the illegal aliens that Biden has given Medicare to.
I paid every paycheck into my SS/Medicare account. I wish I had been able to pay into the Galveston County, Texas plan. Galveston County opted out of SS/Medicare until a Democrat Congress passed a bill not letting any other county do what Galveston County did.
You do realize that you are just pimping DNC bullshit, right?
What are you going to do if Biden bows out and you’re still stuck with “Pussy-Grabber for President”?
Biden is the Pussy-Grabber for president.”
You just want to ignore Tara Reade.
And Ashley.
Whoa just reply to yourself are you all gifted with dementia?
Vote for Trump.
Tell you what vote for this pie hole.
Atheiststic Pinko Meathead
You make many empty accusations with no evidence. How has Biden and his circus sideshow freaks not attacked Christian values, and core Constitutional Principles?
Blah, blah, blah
Trump disclaims Project 2025, fearing voters are becoming aware of what they intend to do. Today, on Truth Social:
Make no mistake—this IS the plan. They say so themselves. Trump denies knowing anything about it or about the people preparing to put in place. THIS IS A BLATANT LIE. He knows the plan and he knows the people. HE’S the effin’ Judas goat that will allow them to do it.
Make no mistake: you are full of shit. Make no mistake: there is no lie you won’t spread to support the degenerate Democrats. Make no mistake: Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is an incompetent, lying, corrupt, treasonous pedophile that the DNC is trying to scrape off the bottom of their shoes.
Did you see Stephanopoulos’ interview? Another pathetic performance. Afterwards, all the ABC propagandists looked suicidal.
Read Project 2025, idiot. It’s all there if you look.
Your cult leader is LYING when he says he knows nothing about it or the people behind it. He knows them and he’s backed by them.
Does this man sound the the bumbling incompetent your propaganda outlets claim he is?
No, he isn’t. You should worry about THE cult leader, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, who just blew another chance to prove what a sharp, dynamic, sharp-as-a-tack hotdog he says he is.
You would deny the sun rises in the east when anyone can see with their own eyes that it does.
You would lie that the sun rises in the north to keep symbolically kissing Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s ass and balls.
The think tank that puts out this agenda backs Trump BUT that doesn’t mean Trump MUST adopt all of their agenda.
Most supporters of joe or Trump say they agree with their candidate of choice over 70% of the time.
This agenda is in line with Trump’s proposed policies about 75% too.
All Greg cares about is generating a lie that he can pretend to believe instead of facing the disastrous facts.
greg has no idea what he is talking about.
Understand, greg is defeated like biden. He has nothing left
Trump LIES:
He knows nothing about it, but he disagrees with what they’re saying?
Were you all dropped on your heads as children?
Knowing about the group and being aware of their statements are two entirely different things, scooter.
You don’t know anything about Project 2025, the organization, but you’ve been asked questions about their proposals. THAT’S how, you stupid, brainless, lying, leftist, fascist, pedophile-loving turd-burglar.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Elections are about the future, not the past. They are about tomorrow, not yesterday, and the question on so many people’s minds right now is, “Can you serve effectively for the next four years?”
BIDEN: George, I’m the guy that put NATO together, the future, no one thought I could expand it. I‘m the guy who shut Putin down. No one thought it could happen. I’m the guy who put together a South Pacific initiative with (inaudible). I’m the guy that got 50 nations, not only in Europe, outside of Europe as well, to help Ukraine. I’m the guy that got Japanese to expand their budget, so I mean, me, for example, when I’m decided, we used to have 40 percent computer chipping, we invented the chip, that little chip, the computer chip.
It’s clear you were.
AND we heard yet ANOTHER new excuse for him getting his diapered ass kicked in the debate: Trump kept yelling at him even when his mic was shut off. Did ANYONE ever see Trump talking when his mic was shut off? They had them both on split screen the entire time. NO, he didn’t, yet Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, f**king liar that he is, said that was what discombobulated him.
Of course, Stephanopoulos didn’t question it.
Yeah, you are STUCK with that dilapidated pedophile. But, without even more election fraud than was deployed in 2020, he ain’t defeating anyone. He’s going to lose, then that whore Jill will dump him when all she has left is his sorry, shit-pants ass.
Comrade Greggie, do you admit that Joe Biden stole another man’s wife?
Yes or No?
Who? This guy?
Jill and her first husband separated in 1974. She met Joe Biden in March 1975. Her comment to her mother:
Her divorce from her first husband became final in May 1975.
She and Joe Biden married in June 1977 and have been together ever since. 47 years seems to me like a serious commitment to their marriage.
You can extract a Yes or No from that—whichever you wish.
You attack Biden on every one of Trump’s moral defects. It’s hard not to notice.
Trump committed adultery behind the backs of all three wives.
Projecting again, Comrade? You attribute every failure of Biden to Trump. You are lying when you do but your TDS gives you cause.
So you disallow Biden’s blatant adultery going so far as to steal a friends wife?
Even your morals are questionable.
Vice versa, but thanks for playing.
Do you think that Greg just made up these dates?
A picture of a whore and her pimp. Now, SHE’S the pimp.
Oh dear I missed the Snuffelupagus show, so jet lag, a cold, and delusional Trump taunts? They are all on the edge of complete insanity, read what Greg has been brain-washed into thinking.
This Project or agenda 2025, 2 versions one of global tyranny a UN Net zero madness, the other some supposed conservative think tank thing a 1000 page plan as reported by the AP, but no links to this document. The AP seems appalled that the top Executive (Potus) should be in charge of the executive branch and his policies, not theirs should be carried out.
There’s a web site at which you can download each chapter as a PDF file.
(I’ve lost track of how many times I already posted it.)
Try “ONCE”. Now, where is Trump’s authorship?
Nothing but election fraud. That’s all.