Explosive Scandal…”Climate Tricksters” Of German Government “Brazenly Falsify” UN IPCC Recommendations

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P. Gosselin:

This sunny, warm, spring Sunday morning in Germany brings us yet another spectacular scandal…one that shows how the Environment Ministry of the German government is not really interested in climate science after all, but in using the climate issue as an instrument to generate hundreds of millions of euros for funding pet environmental programs.

Daniel Wetzel of the online Die Welt brings us a story titled: “The Brazen Report-Falsification of Climate Tricksters“.

The story today is about how the conclusions the UN IPCC report released last month apparently did not satisfy the expectations of a series of German government agencies within the German Ministry of Environment, and so they made some major changes in their own German language four-page summary for the public and media. The four-page summary contains outright contradictions and falsifications of IPCC results, Die Welt reports.

Die Welt first explains how condensing the monster size IPCC report into a summary that is only a few pages long (one that can be easily digested by the public) is a daunting task. More than 1000 pages of technical gobbledygook gets summarized into a 33-page Summary for Policymakers – in English. But that too is also too tough for an increasingly lazy German media and groups to get through. Die Welt writes:

And so the journalists, speakers and environmental groups were thankful that the German Federal ministries and authorities responsible for climate protection provided a very clear four-page summary of ‘key points’ of the IPCC report.

Responsible for the German summary were four high-ranking institutions: led by Ministry of Environment, and involved were the German IPCC Coordinating Office in Bonn, the Environment Agency in Dessau, and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.”

This is where the scandal begins. The government agencies, obviously unhappy with the recommendations of the IPCC, simply ignored and changed some of the key findings to say the opposite in their 4-page German summary.

For example the German Ministry of Environment was not pleased that the IPCC report was sharply critical of the practice of maintaining a renewable energy subsidy system along with an emissions trading. Die Welt:

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