Seriously, is Hunter Thompson your Game Master? Because this has advanced from medieval passion play to deadly slapstick with civilization-ending overtones.
First you try to kill the man who is now, congratulations btw, the most loved freedom fighter in the world. Then you proffer this bullied, hapless, cross-dressing kid who couldn’t get into his school’s rifle club as the shooter, who is so obviously MKUltraed via your wretched operatives cruising the chat rooms of the desperately mentally ill looking for human ‘subjects’.
Not only that, he bicycled to the event with a ladder and a rifle. Then as if designed to mock us, we get a Keystones Kops film of three actual short fat (at least one) lesbian DEI hires who can’t even holster a weapon under stress, assigned to protect a man who stands 6’3”. In yet another scene from this insulting murderous nonsense, a ghastly female authoritarian claims sloped roofing explaining why the SS snipers were inside the building that the shooter was on top of. Do you create these women in a lab? Because they are all the same, scared rabbits cosplaying “strength” and “girl power” and making one senseless obvious mistake after another.
Then that poor but malignant cabbage-headed fellow gets unceremoniously shitcanned and the silliest most useless DEI hire in the known world becomes the Democrat puppet-of-choice, making this the third election you have tried to steal via abrogating even the appearance of a democratic process.
You are a mess and you need therapy.
And, you are going to try to steal the election again via “the first black woman president ever”. It’s so tiresome, I’m bored and I don’t believe anything at all that comes with an official imprint. No one sentient does. Every word is a lie, including the ‘ands’ and ‘buts’. Btw, no propaganda on earth will make this an African-American family.
Look, I know the thing you are most afraid of is a popular revolt, because you are aware, probably more than I, what people think of you. This no-real-growth-since-the-1970s idea has created millions of highly intelligent individuals who don’t have enough to do, so what they’ve done is figure out what you’ve been up to. And they cogitate and marinate in the tales of your evil. All those families that weren’t formed because feminism, abortion, and faux-environmental collapse? All those businesses not started because of a regulatory super-structure going for de-development because there is too much actual plant food in the air? All that growth stalled because of artificially high energy prices? All that hyper-sexualization of the culture? All the turning of entire generations to “art” and “identity” as a substitute for a full, lusty, creative, explosion-of-energy life that stands astride the stars and brings freedom and fun to the universe?
Really, you’re fired. You are awful, stupid and fired.
Those people who would have been building healthy happy lives in towns big and small across the world, had it not been for your foul stupid destructive interference, spent their time figuring out what you have done to us. And now, with the internet (thank you very much) we know exactly what you’ve been up to.
So instead of putting you in talk therapy, which takes too long, let me explain what these people, who you somehow think are stupid, have come up with. This is so close to becoming received wisdom, accepted history, which will, as I have observed in the past, very rapidly morph into reality. And when I say millions? I mean a billion, easy.
And I am not the seemingly bonkers but somehow prescient pathfinders David Icke or Alex Jones. I don’t read Q. I wouldn’t know where to find Q. I am a real reporter, properly trained and published and I look into every corner of the culture. I do not limit myself to what some success-head Ivy league robot (I’ve dated them so I am intimately aware of their very ordinary minds) publishes, I listen to real people. Who think. Outside the teeny-tiny box that your behaviourists beavering away in cube farms in Langley, created.
Nor am I some deplorable populist trog as you think of us (how dare you? how dare you malign and set your goons on (metaphorically) hundreds of millions of good people?). I went to the “best schools”, I was published by the “best editors”. I am a collateral descendent of George Washington so many times I’ve lost count. I’m a Spencer descendant as many times, which means I’m a cousin of Princess Diana and Prince of Wales. I’m a descendant of Aaron Burr, and most of the northern founders including Roger Sherman, who was the only man who signed all four documents of the American founding. HE WAS A COBBLER. There are tens of millions of us descended from those lines of ancestry, that deep, vital imprint, fiery, world changing, the first nation in the world (relatively) free of predators until you slithered in to feed. That line, that ancestral memory, that profound unkillable imprint, that shining light-filled example? We all come trailing clouds of glory. All. Of. Us. We are the future. Not you. All the ideas come from us. You are too dissolute to solve anything.
If you don’t start to listen and heed people outside your depraved circle all your houses will be torn down and it won’t be us who do it. It will be a supernatural power. Michael’s armies are gathering.
All this chaos, absurdity and ginned up catastrophe is meant to hide how truly evil you have been.
There are literal stacks of evidence of each of the below accusations. To repeat, for each accusation I could compile ten pages of citations and another ten pages of published books. Libraries could be filled with this data, and everyone not in a leftist cult or success-and-greed-head cult is aware of it. All day, every day, people aggregate the evidence against you. And they talk to each other. Since you destroyed civic peace with your endless psy-ops, this is what has replaced normal human collegiality. Plotting your end. Planning the future.
The entire polis, the vast unwashed that you think are as dumb as Reese Witherspoon, but not as cute, are sharply aware of the following:
Kamala is Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s ultimate revenge against those who kicked him out of the race. He didn’t want Kamala undercutting him, so he assigned her the impossible task of making the disaster he intentionally created on the border look like success. Now, after all his “friends” Ides of Marched him, he has saddled the party with Kamala, the Border Failure. He gets the last laugh and the party pays the price.
The nation pays the ultimate price.
Dont forget book deals, and speaking engagements, and of course charitable foundations.
On Gab since Beta Andrew has told us of this account, also of foreign government officials that send him orders to censor speech, to which he promptly tells them to GFY.
Remember the female headed construction crew of the Florida International University pedestrian bridge?

They were so stupid they thought the suspension trellis was a pretty design feature to be installed later.
They never got to it at all.
Early DEI.
But several people died in that bridge collapse.
And short women can’t block the head of a tall man.