Excess Deaths? Must Be All That Pandemic Stress (Definitely Not the Vaccines)

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by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

This has been a tricky one to write because there are so many moving parts that effectively converge on one whole… so perhaps a TLDR as an introduction is warranted.

The COVID “pandemic” was created in order to sell a novel and otherwise untestable product line to the global population. Although successful in that aim the chickens are starting to come home to roost with millions of excess deaths globally.

Somebody other than the instigators needs to take the blame so there needed to be a new merry-go-round of scapegoats to sow confusion long enough that the instigators never end up paying.

Cue, the Actuaries.

So where to start to unravel this mess in a cogent way?

Let’s start by attributing the blame to “COVID” shall we?

“COVID is responsible”

This was a recent headline in the Business Times which drew the attention of the excellent Senator Rennick on twitter recently:

On the face of it, this statement raised no eyebrows at all. After all, we all know that “COVID” is still killing people, don’t we?

Well, it shouldn’t be.

Firstly, the global population has now been exposed to multiple bouts and variations of this cold-like virus and it’s no longer “novel” which was the scary prospect sold to the world back in 2020 when the entities that knew exactly where it came from needed to scare the world into believing there was no possible treatment.

Remember this?

It was a report of a walk through at Elmhurst hospital in New York where thousands of patients were supposedly dying every minute – even though that was impossible and the video itself shows very few patients and unused ventilators.

It was a lie.

Here’s the actual video from the NY Times youtube channel (just in case they delete it)

You can see empty beds and unused wrapped ventilators and no patients being pushed round in emergency or stacking up in ED. They also reference the “tent outside” which relates to the Samaritan’s purse tent hospital that ended up never being used (because there was no excess of sick patients).

So Colleen Smith’s narrative in this video was an outright lie.

Purely coincidentally, of course, Colleen Smith’s specialty is medical simulation. That is, making up scenarios where people pretend to be ill and need a doctor’s intervention. Great for training medical students. Not so good if you’re using it to overinflate a pandemic.

The point being, when we were sold this pandemic as being dangerous and requiring unprecedented measures of containment it was because we were told that we have never been exposed to this virus and therefore it’s as dangerous as bringing a cold to an Amazon tribe. But that wasn’t the case at all – even back then – and it’s definitely not the case now after most countries have been infected many times over.

Secondly, particularly in Australia where the population has been vaccinated multiple times over and nearly 100% of Australians have been vaccinated1, the population was also told that the vaccinations would stop the pandemic and it would stop the deaths.

So, how can a population that is nearly 100% vaccinated still be dying “of COVID”, and worse, why did the deaths from “COVID” get worse after the vaccine rollout (as we discussed here and here).

Of course the predictable response is heard in cries of “you opened up the country that’s why there were so many COVID cases”.. except that there is a problem with that because we were told that the COVID vaccine was 95% effective at stopping infection, and apart from the obvious fraud that we have exposed previously in those studies it seems that only Brad Hazzard – health minister for New South Wales – knew that COVID cases were going to explode immediately after the vaccine booster rollout.

I wonder how he knew? Because the epidemiologists didn’t know – only Brad Hazzard, the health minister who imposed COVID vaccines by force coercion consent on the population2, knew.

How smart is he?

And here is the original clip where he makes the Nostradamus-like prediction.

He was right of course – the vaccination booster rollout imparted to the population of Australia such unparalleled protection that the case rate increased by 20 times as we already discussed here.

So, now Australia has a situation where it “opened up” believing that that vaccine would offer protection against infection, transmission and death – and it didn’t do any of those.

So who’s to blame? If it’s “COVID” and the deaths are ongoing then we are talking over 40,000 deaths in Australia alone, and over 10 million deaths worldwide.

Now it gets interesting

(1) If the vaccine manufacturers (and DARPA who commissioned them) committed fraud in selling their vaccine as a method of preventing infection (which they did) they may be criminally and financially liable for a huge number of deaths

(2) If the vaccines “worked” and the deaths “would have been worse without the vaccines”3 then the entities that created the virus must be responsible.

Of course, any questioning of the real world effectiveness of the “95% effective at stopping infection” COVID vaccines resulted in conflation and obfuscation from the two main sources of vaccine data – the UKHSA4 and NSW health.

The UKHSA famously stopped publishing COVID data by vaccination status when their famous “table 14” showed that vaccinated people were getting COVID at 3x the rate as the unvaccinated people5.

Although this was dramatic by March 2022, it had already become obvious by September 2021 that the vaccines were not preventing infection (although the introduction to the UKHSA documents insisted that they were, even though their own data was showing the opposite – hence why it was buried in table 14 at the end of the document).

So, in September 2021 the media was brought in6 to propagandise explain to the population why a higher rate of COVID in vaccinated people didn’t actually mean that the vaccine wasn’t working. Here’s a classic example:

(click to play)

The narrator gets into a pretzel trying to explain why the very same data source that was being used to tell you that the vaccine worked – because it didn’t show what they wanted to – now can’t be relied on.

The clip also introduces Adele Groyer (around 14:30) – an Actuary and prominent member of the UK-based COVID 19 Actuaries Group. She is tragically no longer with us having succumbed to a rapidly progressing cancer. Adele was one of the main opponents of the (never-investigated) proposal that the vaccine rollout directly or indirectly led to an increase in cancer deaths, despite being a documented factor in the Australian Bureau of Statistics reports for excess deaths that we discussed here in 2022.

A similar denial of “anything but the vaccines” in relation to excess deaths in most Western countries following the vaccine rollout famously came out of the Australian Actuaries institute, who seem to be very friendly with the COVID-19 Actuaries Response Group….

With the other partner involved here being “Actuarial Eye” – who unironically embedded an eye of Horus into their website meta data, presumably “just for fun”.


But the combined Actuaries report7 itself was a hoot.

Not only did they point out that deaths in 2020 (the scary pandemic year) were lower than expected but nonchalantly claimed that there were 3000 excess deaths in 2021 and around 20,000 predicted for 2022 – the year of publication (2023 was to become worse of course)…

…but what did the combined might of these expert actuaries organisations come up with as the cause of these excess deaths?

Well, COVID of course. And the impact of the “COVID measures” (which were a government intervention – that will be important later). These included:

“Pandemic-Influenced lifestyle changes” (apparently we ate too much during lockdowns)

“Undiagnosed COVID-19” (because you can die without symptoms of a respiratory disease, according to the actuaries).

“Delayed deaths from other causes” (apparently people could hold off dying during the scary COVID pandemic year and choose to die the following year)

In fact, surprisingly because the Actuaries are obsessed by it, nobody died of “Climate Change” in this report.

And the other thing that they didn’t die of – OBVIOUSLY – is the COVID vaccines. Because, as the COVID 19 UK group had already said – only 14 people died from the COVID vaccines8.

Excerpt from the Actuaries report, with verbatim copy in the tweet above

Naturally this would be believable if it wasn’t for the fact that there were ultimately over 1000 reports of death following vaccination reported to Australia’s vaccination safety database – of which the majority appear to have no verifiable record of investigation as a FOIA on exactly this question was refused back in 20229.

Who’s Responsible for “COVID”?

Well, this one should be easy because we exposed proof of the source of “COVID” with a famous two part series which eventually spawned this Daily Mail article and the #ModernaGate hashtag back in 2022:

Two years later and the COVID select committee are finally getting round to asking the right questions of the right people who were clearly and provably involved with the labs that created the virus as well as the viruses themselves.

Archive: https://archive.md/gKaNs

So, this now raises another question. That is, who foots the bill?

Just before we answer this it’s worth understanding exactly what happened and I’ll try and summarise it here:

Researchers involved with “Gain of Function” also known as “Pandemic preparedness” research have been creating viruses, or clones of viruses (DNA versions from which fully working RNA viruses can be made), for years.

This “research” has created “Lab Leaks” which is code for the deliberate or negligent release of viruses into the environment.

This time it resulted (whether naturally or with assistance) in global spread and the declaration of a “pandemic”. The eventual result of that – either directly or indirectly – was millions of deaths and the destruction of global economies.

Now this article is not going to discuss how those deaths arose (because we have already done that) but for the sake of argument let’s take the actuaries role and say it was because of “COVID”. The adverse result of “COVID” was:

Deaths from COVID infection (mostly indirect due to pneumonia)

Deaths from the disruption of societal function

Deaths from pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions

Financial losses related to the interruption to the economy

Psychological and physical injury not amounting to death

Well, that is going to amount to a big bill and some criminal prosecutions.

So, who should pay?

Let’s see if a cartoon helps

Who is Going to Pay the Bill?

All the relevant players are in the meme, including one or two that you might not know so I’ll have to introduce them.

DARPA: The US Dept of Defense quango that underwrites most of the illegal gain of function (biological weapons development) around the world.

ECOHEALTH: Peter Daszak’s organisation that recruits multiple university virology departments around the world to pretend to swab bat bums in Laos and other places.

REINSURERS and INSURERSInsurers are the insurance companies that provided “Pandemic Insurance” plans. Reinsurers are the insurers to the insurers.

I’m going to focus on the last group but before I do I’ll just reiterate what is going on so you can see where we’re headed next

If chaos can be implemented in the blame game over COVID, nobody will ever have to pay a dime in compensation and nobody will ever go to jail.

Those are the lessons learnt from thalidomide, agent orange, the Iraq war and a hundred other government-corporate interventions that caused immeasurable death and disability.

Now, let me guess, this is the first time you’ve heard of “reinsurance”?

So isn’t it funny that it pops up as a discussion point in one of the more trusted accounts exposing COVID origins here:

For reference, Michael Worobey was one of the primary instigators (along with Tony Fauci and a few other now infamous characters) of the “it came from a pangolin-bat-snake get together” story, which everybody now knows was a lie

So why would people like Worobey also be getting involved in reinsurance disputes?

To answer this we should know what the reinsurance companies role was….

Blue Canaries” is another anonymous account helping expose the truth about this pandemic cartel and wrote a fantastic thread here explaining how the game works.

Here’s my translation:

Find monkey-bat viruses to take to lab (MB = Metabiota).
Gain of Function monkey-bat viruses infected into people (EA = Ecohealth Alliance).
Sold Pandemic Insurance (Metabiota)
Sold Surveillance (Metabiota)
Virus labs in Ukraine and China
Release in planes and airports
People get sick and wear masks
Roll out the Tik Tok hospital dancers (to paradoxically create the perception of a deadly pandemic)
Vaccinate everybody
Create more money
More sickness results

And here’s the first post of the longer thread that shows how Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca company links into Metabiota, providing a direct line from the US government corruption pipeline (Joe Biden) to Metabiota and the US biolabs in Ukraine and China.


The thread (archived here) shows all the links between Nathan Wolfe’s Metabiota and Ecohealth Alliance.

Nathan Wolfe – who you may never have heard of – is of course highly connected, one of the “100 most influential people in the world”. Here he is with Ghislaine Maxwell, second-in-line to blackmailer-in-chief Jeffrey Epstein at the Time Gala.

Ghislaine Maxwell and Nathan Wolfe attend TIME 100 News Photo - Getty ...

Here is a short description of his role from this article

He is the epicenter of the Deep State bio network.

Not only is he the founder of Biden’s Metabiota, he is a WEF member, DoD employee, sat on the board of Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance involved in Wuhan, funded by DARPAGates Foundation, funded Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar project with the Clintons, member of The Edge Foundation collecting microbes and housing animal viruses all over the world, AND Russia have accused him directly of being the key player in creating SARS-CoV-2 from a bat coronavirus he discovered in Ukraine.

I should remind you that the Edge Foundation is basically Jeffrey Epstein’s blog used by the “Skeptics society” (a dubious collection of pharma-obsessed scientists who have historically used their scientific credentials to protect pedophiles). Terra Mar is Ghislaine Maxwell’s company which ran a submarine to Epstein Island, coincidentally for the Skeptics society and their science friends.

Lawrence Krauss of the Skeptics society on the way to the Epstein Island submarine with Stephen Hawking (archive)


What are Reinsurers?

So now we get to the crux of what has been going on in the background of this “COVID pandemic” situation.

From the Insurance Information Handbook:

Reinsurance is insurance for insurance companies. It’s a way of transferring some of the financial risk insurance companies assume in insuring cars, homes and businesses to another insurance company, the reinsurer.

For context, bear in mind that “insurance” companies are the people that sell you life, disability and employment insurance. They have no control over whether a “pandemic” or other event occurs that creates a huge drain on their resources from deaths or disability.

As it happened, there was no discernible pandemic that resulted in natural losses in 2020. However, there has been since, with excess deaths reported around the world following the COVID vaccine rollout that was meant to “stop the pandemic” but appears instead to have been temporally associated with, if not contributory to, its perpetuation.

As a result of something that has happened over the last 3 years, excess deaths have gone crazy in most countries in the world.

Excess deaths 2022 in developed nations (source: BMJ)

And that something is being attributed to “COVID”. But we know that “COVID” was a pandemic created by biolab gain of function research conducted through Metabiota, DARPA and the Wuhan institute of virology. So shouldn’t they pay for the consequences of all these excess deaths that are going to bring insurance companies to their knees through life insurance and disability claims?

Well, fortunately insurance companies can insure themselves against such spikes in unprecedented claims. And the companies that underwrite these are reinsurance companies. You can tell them from their names most of which end in “Re”: Munich Re, Swiss Re, Gen Re are examples. And most of the reinsurance business runs through a super corporation called Berkshire Hathaway, run by Warren Buffett. Warren Buffett is one of the world’s richest men having made a fortune from “a textile company”. He is apparently a philanthropist who partnered with Bill Gates, which provides significant influence over what happens with the virology-to-vaccine pipeline. Of course his hundreds of billions of dollars of personal wealth are – just like Jeffrey Epstein’s – genuine earnings and nothing at all to do with cronyism in the US government.

Warren Buffett

Now, although you might think that the reinsurance companies would take a hit during a “devastating pandemic” the opposite happened. From August 2020:

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The UN wants Famine and Pestilence the UN rides with the Four Horsemen