Ex-FBI Intel Chief Says DOJ Has “No Case” Against Trump

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by Jack Phillips

A former assistant director in the FBI said he believes the affidavit used to obtain a search warrant of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago reveals the government has “no case” against him.

“We now know why the DOJ wanted the affidavit—which is supposed to articulate the probable cause needed for a legitimate search—to be kept under seal,” wrote Kevin R. Brock, the former assistant director of intelligence for the FBI and principal deputy director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), in an opinion piece published Sunday.

The affidavit was ordered released by a U.S. magistrate judge last week in response to court filings submitted by media outlets and third parties. The legal document, however, was heavily redacted and revealed very little about what the FBI agents were searching for on Aug. 8 and why.

“First,” Brock wrote, “the affidavit confirmed that the FBI’s investigation was triggered in January 2022 at the request of the National Archives, which wanted certain documents, especially classified documents, that it considered to be presidential records to be turned over to it by Trump.” But there appears to be nothing “in the affidavit asserting a refusal by Trump to cooperate,” he wrote.
“Second, from what I have seen, I don’t believe the affidavit articulates how a federal law was or is being broken. For those who hold out hope that the affidavit’s redacted sections fill that gap, there is almost no chance that they do,” he continued.

The legal document’s probable cause arguments only deal with “half of what is needed to show a possible violation of the federal statutes that are cited in the warrant,” Brock wrote, adding that based on his experience, it’s unlikely the government will release more of the redacted portions of the affidavit.
‘Cannot Be Proven’
In order to obtain a warrant, it’s not sufficient for the affidavit to only argue that there is cause to believe Trump had allegedly classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, the former official said.
At the same time, the unredacted portions do not make the case that Trump wasn’t authorized to have the documents at his Florida residence.

“A criminal violation of those statutes only exists if it can be established that the person being investigated was not authorized to possess, store, transfer or copy those documents,” Brock said.
“This is an easy element to establish against anyone in America. Except one person.”

Trump and former aides have said that while president, he had a standing order to declassify materials that left the White House’s Oval Office and were sent to Mar-a-Lago.

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This is just another attempt by the DNC the UN and the CFR Globalists to keep Trump from running again in 2024

President Trump broke no laws and there is no need that he be indicted.

One cannot be indicted and then a law to support the indictment be created

Biden had no chance of winning his primary in 2019, much less the presidency.

But here we are…

They’ve proven they can lie and cheat and create hoaxes for over six years.

This Putin-style, dictator-style attack on Trump won’t end until he is gone.

That’s what their minority cult members want, deep down: blood.

Trump is an insult to the intelligence of anyone who has any, and a shameless exploiter of those who don’t.

He was impeached twice, lost by a landslide in 2020, fomented an unsuccessful coup attempt that got people killed, and is presently the subject of multiple criminal investigations—yet the GOP is still letting him call the shots. Don’t be surprised when he runs the party into a ditch.

“Trump is an insult to the intelligence of anyone who has any, and a shameless exploiter of those who don’t.”

When you’d like to bring some objective facts to bear, rather than the gyno-centric emotionalism that marks the Left and the rapid deterioration of the West due to gyno-supremacy, let me know.

Using mass media and corporate Trillions to buy votes form those watching Colbert and getting indoctrinated by purple-haired wokesters after purging all rational discourse from both the classroom to the town-square is the only exploitation I see.

Meanwhile, your champion not-the-president Biden continues to make your comment about Trump more foolish, since you’d support such a mindless, incompetent boob of a puppet while daring to call Trump into question?

You had your time. It’s over. Biden and those who installed him are breathing their last gasp of 20th Century air, while trying to build the FBI into their own personal SS.

Too many guns, greg.

American citizens have too many guns…and the Constitutional Right to have them.

You lose.

Everything I said in the second paragraph is factual.

Everybody has guns, unfortunately. That’s what makes stupidity so dangerous.

Pay attention, Biden is running the country into the ditch. Meanwhile the “landslide” winner has no one wanting him to campaign with them for this falls election. Kinda sad for such a big vote getter. One would think he’d be a big draw at rallies, but alas no one wants him.

You fascists do not have shit on President Trump.

Can’t talk about inflation, immigration or energy shortages can you motherfucker?

Gas Prices STILL the Highest on Record in US History — But Biden and Democrats Claim They Lowered the Price


Everything I said in the second paragraph is factual.

NOTHING you said had any basis in fact or truth.

There is no case against Trump.

There has NEVER been a case against Trump, since he broke the deep state’s plans in 2016 and allowed democracy to flourish once again.

The Left doesn’t understand what they will awaken…legally and peacefully…if they arrest or assassinate Trump (I’m sure the CIA has a few “assets” warmed up for just that purpose).

Trump’s illegal removal and retention of Top Secret government documents is only the latest development.

The assertion that Top Secret HCS documents were automatically declassified by their unlawful removal itself is moronic. It’s like a thief claiming rightful ownership of stolen property by virtue of taking possession.

Trump is not above the law.

Trump’s illegal removal and retention of Top Secret government documents is only the latest development.

He’s done NO such thing. Just the latest hoax from an illegitimate government committing treason against the People themselves.

The FBI and Biden admin still haven’t proven what they did was necessary, and their story changes every day.

This is what it looks like. These people are who they appear to be.

Trump is not above the law.

NO ONE said he was. He is, however, not BELOW the law.

And sure as hell is ABOVE manufactured crimes performed by a banana republic government, which is all this is.

Trump is innocent and everyone knows it.

He’s done NO such thing.

If he did, the FBI has now has proof that he did, which will be presented in a courtroom.

The assertion that everybody and everything is corrupt but Donald Trump and his merry band of idiots is ridiculous—and that’s the point we’ve now come to. America deserves better.

It was all declassified. They were all Trump’s documents. Do you have a document describing the 30 million documents Obama took, his declassification of them and his right to possess them? No, you don’t, because that’s not how the process works. You can cry all you want, but Trump has committed no crimes.

The assertion that everybody and everything is corrupt but Donald Trump and his merry band of idiots is ridiculous

Well, you’ve tried for over 6 years to show some corruption or crime involving Trump and you can’t seem to do it. However, we have the proof of Hillary’s illegal, unsecured home server, how it was hacked and how she illegally had classified documents on it and lied about it. We also have Hunter’s laptop. So, you have crimes you WISH Trump had committed, but we have solid proof of crimes and corruption Democrats are involved in.

It was all declassified.

So there’s documentation of that, right? Because claims that Trump tapped boxes with his Magic Fairy Wand before they were hauled off to his golf resort won’t cut it in the court of common sense.


So there’s documentation of that, right?

In reference to the Executive Orders implemented by Bush and Obama, what documentation is required?

From the search warrant affidavit:

The FBI’s investigation has established that documents bearing classification markings, which appear to contain National Defense Information (NDI), were among the materials contained in the FIFTEEN BOXES and were stored at the PREMISES in an unauthorized location

The FBI’s investigation has established that documents bearing classification markings, which appear to contain National Defense Information (NDI), were among the materials contained in the FIFTEEN BOXES and were stored at the PREMISES in an unauthorized location


…probably not.

All declassified.

There once was a time in history when the limitation of governmental power meant increasing liberty for the people. In the present day the limitation of governmental power, of governmental action, means the enslavement of the people by the great corporations, who can only be held in check through the extension of governmental power.

We propose to use the government as the most efficient instrument for the uplift of our people as a whole; we propose to give a fair chance to the workers and strengthen their rights. We propose to use the whole power of the government to protect all those who, under Mr. Wilson’s laissez-faire system, are trodden down in the ferocious, scrambling rush of an unregulated and purely individualistic industrialism.

Theodore Roosevelt, September 14, 1912

Limitations of government power. Part of that is the fourth amendment, which the raid on Mara Lago was ignored. Search warrants are supposed to be very specific, part of that limited government power. What limits did the FBI have raiding Trump’s home? Your other assertions are just more hopeful speculation on your part.

Yes the progressive movement of the known Racist Democrat Wilson created the non stop destruction of the Constitutional Republic. More government obviously has failed miserably to protect us from the Rothchilds ,Rockerfellers, Blackrock, Soros, and Gates. Now these criminals make government multimillionaires, Insider trading, lobbying bribery, tax code protections all passed for their benefit. Evil allowed to run rampant while they sit in well guarded gated communities or estates immune from prosecution for their own crimes, protected by the government forces you so ignorantly cling to.

One Year Ago Today: Biden Drone Bombs Wrong Vehicle – Kills Family of 10 in Kabul After Suicide Bomber Murders 13 Americans

There once was a time in history when the limitation of governmental power meant increasing liberty for the people. In the present day the limitation of governmental power, of governmental action, means the enslavement of the people by the great corporations, who can only be held in check through the extension of governmental power.

Uh, these “great corporations” fund and support the Democrat Party, almost solely.

Biden was simply installed by many means, not the least of which being SIX BILLION DOLLARS in donations from cronies: banks, tech, pharma (who got Trillions from their Covid grift) and every other big money, 1%-er force in our country and many outside our country.

The Democrat Party is the party of the rich, using their installs to get richer.

You’ve already tried using that quote to justify the Democrat’s totalitarian police state. That’s not what Teddy was talking about.

Becoming the serfs of concentrated wealth and power was EXACTLY what he was talking about. NOTHING stands between the common man and serfdom but a democratically elected government having more power than the corporations.

Trump turned regulatory agencies over to tools of the very corporations they were created to regulate. He did this again, and again, and again.

Democrats are concentrating wealth with THEM. If you believe this is a problem, why do you support Democrats with lies?


“NOTHING stands between the common man and serfdom but a democratically elected government having more power than the corporations.”

I think you’re a little confused.

Your Democratic Party is owned by the corporations, and leading us towards serfdom.

Trump and what he represents is soundly the opposite.

Biden is part of the “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy” installs from the WEF. It’s fact.

And you dare act like your not supporting serfdom?

The “accuse them of what you’re doing in public” isn’t working anymore, greg. Get a new grift.

Remind me who was behind the Citizens United decision. Don’t try to tell me that the Founders ever intended for multi-billion-dollar corporations to have the same First Amendment freedom of speech protections as an individual citizen. This essentially gives a few wealthy people control over our nation’s political system. Things have rapidly gone to hell as a result of that decision.

Your Democratic Party is owned by the corporations, and leading us towards serfdom.


Remind me who was behind the Citizens United decision.

Unions. Citizens United was a direct response to unions taking the member dues they collect and donating to Democrat candidates about 90% of the time, regardless of what the members want to support.

Remind me again which ideology dominates the tech industry and which ideology the tech industry ALWAYS censors, suppresses and silences as they contribute millions of dollars to the Democrat party? Funny how you never seem to have a problem with your favorite crybaby issues when it benefits your degenerate beliefs.

The American public is still waiting for the Biden admin to tell us why Trump was raided.

We still don’t really know.

Trump didn’t have any classified information he wasn’t already cleared to have.

No obstruction. Nothing hidden. No crimes.

The Biden admin has destroyed the Democrat Party’s chances of getting any victories in Novembers.

Voters haven’t forgotten every lie, every gaff, every illegal action, every war, and every price increase that’s occurred over the past two years.


A Convention of States must be called so we can dissolve this regime that no longers serves as a legal Federal Government.

From there, we reform a smaller, founder-approved Federal Government and restore free and fair elections.

In our country, the people decide…not banks, Amazon gift cards traded for ballots, and Eric Coomer.

They only redacted the parts of the warrant that did not harm Trump.

Well, that definitely draws a gigantic, “Well, DUH!” Of course they have no case. Of course they have no evidence of a crime. Of course they tainted all the “evidence” they collected with an absurdly broad warrant and refusal to allow anyone not FBI see what was taken. Of course scarfing up attorney/client privileged materials and Trump’s passports indicates a thoroughly illegal search and seizure. Of course, in a real court with unbiased judge and jury, this would be thrown out with extreme prejudice.

But, getting a conviction isn’t the goal. Indicting and dragging it out in court, tying Trump and covering him with the standard leftist stain of prosecution is. It is how the left abuses the justice system time and time again when they KNOW they can’t win a straight-up election. Changing the course of yet another election and throwing it to the Democrats is the goal.

Thibault fired and escorted out of FBI headquarters!




So there’s documentation of that, right? Because claims that Trump tapped boxes with his Magic Fairy Wand before they were hauled off to his golf resort won’t cut it in the court of common sense.

You have nothing asshole

Your hate for President Trump paralyzes you and you do not even know it

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The FBI’s investigation has established that documents bearing classification markings, which appear to contain National Defense Information (NDI), were among the materials contained in the FIFTEEN BOXES and were stored at the PREMISES in an unauthorized location

All were declassified

Poor Greg needs to tell us all why Trump even needed a wand. Who is above the CIC in classification matters who does the most powerful person in the USA answer to? Charles Swabb, Bill Gates, Dr. Jill? Is there a super secret never to be revealed star chamber some where?

Poor Greg needs to tell us all why Trump even needed a wand. Who is above the CIC in classification matters who does the most powerful person in the USA answer to? Charles Swabb, Bill Gates, Dr. Jill? Is there a super secret never to be revealed star chamber some where?

Yeah, let’s see the documentation on Hillary having permission to keep classified information on a secret, private, unsecured server (which has hacked by EVERYONE) or the 30 million documents Obama took.

No case?

08/30/22 – Justice Department says documents were likely ‘concealed and removed’ from Mar-a-Lago storage room to ‘obstruct’ probe

US government documents were “likely concealed and removed” from a storage room at Mar-a-Lago as part of an effort to “obstruct” the FBI’s investigation into former President Donald Trump’s potential mishandling of classified materials, the Justice Department said in a blockbuster court filing Tuesday night.

Tuesday’s filing represents the Justice Department’s strongest case to date that Trump concealed classified material he was keeping at Mar-a-Lago in an attempt to obstruct the FBI’s investigation into the potential mishandling of classified material.

The Justice Department revealed the startling new details as part of its move to oppose Trump’s effort to intervene in the federal investigation that led to the search of his Florida resort and his desire for a “special master” to be appointed to the case.

It presents a strong rebuttal of the criticisms of the FBI’s unprecedented search of a former President’s residence, laying out clearly how Trump had failed to return dozens of classified documents even after his lawyer attested that he had provided all classified material in his possession.

A picture on the final page of the filing showing classified documents strewn about on the floor — full of classified markings like “HCS,” or human confidential sources — hammered home how sensitive the material Trump had taken was…

Well greggie the village idiot, it looks like the truth may be out soon with “dozens” of FBI employees with integrity are coming out of the woodwork to spill the beans on the FBI criminal acts.

No case?


Justice Department says documents were likely ‘concealed and removed’ from Mar-a-Lago storage room to ‘obstruct’ probe

The “likely” word means this is a lie, and it’s laced with plausible deniability.

We don’t publicly decide someone’s guilt based on partisan smear campaigns meant to hypnotize the low-education -type…like you. We have Constitutional Law. Trump has broke no laws.

No one is below the Law.

No case.

WHAT investigation? When did the DOJ tell the Trump team there was an investigation? How do you obstruct something you don’t know is going on?

There WAS no “classified information”. It was declassified.

Who, besides the hand-picked agents perusing the Trump home, was there to see what was collected? Did they think to eliminate all doubt by having someone from Trump’s side present to see what was collected and where is was collected from? Nope. They even wanted the security cameras turned OFF so there would be no record of their actions.

Of COURSE the FBI leaks their side of the story to CNN, a willing and indiscriminating co-conspirator in all their hoaxes. That doesn’t help their credibility.

There were no classified documents in President Trump possession at Mar-a-Lago.

The raid was conducted because the FBI/DOJ need to confiscate the Crossfire Hurricane documents in an effort to hide 6 plus years of their criminal activity.