D.C. McAllister:
I don’t know if Roy Moore is guilty of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl years ago. I don’t know if any of the men who have recently been accused of rape, harassment, assault, or molestation are guilty, except for those who have admitted it, of course. For some, the evidence is stacked pretty high, but I still don’t know if they’re guilty, and neither do you.
My purpose here is not to defend predators or to pretend like men aren’t capable of great evil. They are. As are women. But in this Salem-like witch hunt of sexual abusers, we are losing sight of a core principle that sets America apart from barbaric nations: Each one of us is innocent until proven guilty.
While I want to hold all people to account for their crimes, I do not want to become so blinded by my own fear and lust for vengeance that I stop seeing the humanity in others and the rights they have as citizens of this great nation. To allow accusation, allegation, rumor, and innuendo to rip people from their jobs and drive them from the circles of respectable society is to allow for mobs to rule with torches and pitchforks.
I am particularly concerned by this increasing cascade of accusations leveled against men in positions of power, because it is set against a backdrop of political hostility and cultural animus toward men in general. Again, this is not a defense of the guilty or even a criticism of those who want to take steps to bring the guilty to account — legally. But we must realize that how we are going about it is uncivilized and threatens to rip apart the fabric of trust that is essential in holding the civil society together.
We already have a culture that is anti-man. Masculinity is dubbed “toxic.” Men on college campuses are fighting for their right of due process. Men aren’t allowed their own spaces without being called sexists. Boys in schools aren’t allowed to be boys.
I recently heard from friend whose son elbowed a girl in the rear while on the bus, because she kicked him between the legs. He was written up for sexual harassment. He’s seven! That’s right, SEVEN! He was punished. She wasn’t.
If we are now going to demand that men lose their livelihood and reputations because they have their names placed on an “abuser list,” if we’re going to begin treating mere news reports, second-hand stories, and unsubstantiated allegations as fact, then we might has well admit that we are no longer a free and civilized nation. We are a nation ruled by a mob that wants instant verdicts in the court of public opinion, instant action, and instant punishment.
Instead, we need to stop acting like children and slow down.
Sounds like Trump on Hillary and her “emails.”
Wheres the blue dress Democrats?
40 years and its a me too declaration?
Sure there are those guys out there , IMO at 30 a guy is pretty much set in his preferences, predators get bolder the more they get away with it and get busted.
She was sitting on a wooden bench with her mother, they both recall, when the man introduced himself as Roy Moore. Then she leaves her little girl alone with a stranger..uh huh.
Then they find by a miracle 3 more women with stories all from 40 years ago.
Smell something?
Well Now he has to prove it didnt happen, thats not the way our justice system works.
Shouldn’t republicans be working the angle that he was a democrat at the time this allegedly happened?
He states in his autobiography that when he was a commanding officer in Vietnam, his own men threatened to frag him. He should keep his pistol in his pocket. So to speak.
@Greg: Its time we stop letting you hold us to conservative standards when the democrats have none. Even WAPO said there was never any intercourse or even full nudity claimed by the 4, sounds like no pistol just BS.
Deborah Wesson Gibson. Gibson is a Lib who volunteers for #Moore’s DEM opponent Doug Jones. Why the hell wasn’t this disclosed in the WaPo story?
Tim Murphy’s standards? Roy Moore’s? Tony Cornish’s of Minnesota? Those of Jeff Hoover, Brian Linder, Jim DeCesare, and Michael Meredith of the Kentucky legislature? Ol’ Newt was deep in adultery himself, while making moral pronouncements about Bill Clinton, as I recall. Nobody can be presumed to be free of moral failings based solely on party affiliation. Throw down an Anthony Wiener, and I’ll raise you one Dennis Hastert.
I take a much dimmer view of child molesters than run of the mill philanderers. I believe you’ll find that to be true of both republicans and democrats. I don’t know what we’re going to collectively do about the possibility of false accusations. There are motivations for that, too. People can be very disappointing. More and more I find myself resisting a pervasive attitude of cynicism, wondering where truth and honor for their own sake have gone. We’re on opposite sides of a philosophical divide, but I suspect you know what I’m talking about.
Jeff Bezos (Amazon, WaPo) is just a younger, not-in-a-wheelchair version of Larry Flint.
Every now & then Larry offers a million dollars for dirt on a Republican.
He usually gets nada or fantasy.
Jeff is willing to publish the results of such deals.
As was pointed out, there was no “there” there and, at least one of the 4 is a Dem opperative!
Just one slight difference… Hillary’s emails, the classified information on them, the access hackers had to them and her lies about the were REAL. See, to some, reality, facts and truth carries some importance. I realize not for YOU, for for others this is true.
The noteworthy difference is that Republican leaders, including the President are saying, “If the allegations are true, Moore should step aside.” Democrats in this situation all say, “That was a long time ago. Get over it.”
It is alarming the frequency of these accusations. It is frightening how many times the accusations prove to be mere political gambits.
@Greg: I take a much dimmer view of child molesters than run of the mill philanderers
While I certainly agree Moore is innocent until proven guilty, that kinda contradicts the Gospil of FloppingAces doesn’t it?
Oh wait, due process is contingent on party or idealogy, just as everything is according to the Gospel of FloppingAces.
Moore says he’s been personally targeted by the forces of evil and the Obama-Clinton Machine’s liberal media lapdogs. Yeah, right.
His accuser sounds far more credible. She certainly doesn’t sound like an instrument of “the forces of evil.” Nor does she seem to have anything to gain by stepping into the spotlight and lying. On the contrary, she’s setting herself up to be on the receiving end of a lot of anger and hatred by coming forward.
Moore isn’t going to step aside for the good of his party. He’s going to force voters to either ignore the accusation, or decide what they believe about his character. He’s forcing his party to do the same thing.
@Greg: Even loser Mitt has weighed in, No he should not step aside…CHARGE! The rinos dont want another thorn in their side like Lee and Cruz, questioning them on why they dont keep promises, a surefire vote for the people. For each Low liberty score Rino that retires we need a real conservative to slide into that slot someone who can score above an F.
Seems WAPO has become the Rolling Stone.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: dems condemned Weiner.
See now the full throated support and apologies fron Alabaman Republican officials for defrocked “judge” Moore.
He had a 14 year old girl put her hand on his penis.
And I’ll raise you one Edward (Teddy) Kennedy who actually left the scene of his drunk driving accident and let a young woman die. Was he shunned by his party? Hell, NO. He was lionized instead.
If she was going after a Democrat, she would suffer the same fate, and ridicule, as Monica Lewinski whose life the Clintons destroyed. Never mind that decades later, the Democrat position is to always believe the woman.
You’re still an idiot.
@Greg: We should definitely be looking into Democrat instigation behind these accusations, which have laid dormant for 30-35 years. If found, well, that just won’t look very good for Democrats, will it, Greg?
If the left had any integrity and credibility anymore, this would appear far worse. We’ll simply have to wait for charges and a trial or Moore’s confession to know who is lying and who is telling the truth.
Finally… after he was a three-time loser.
Says someone 35 years later? Once he is in a Senate race? Nothing about that sounds a bit suspicious to you, does it? Moore has issued a pretty definitive denial. It should be pretty simple to prove or disprove… is such an outcome is even important to a liberal.
Here is what is going to happen: Moore has unequivocally denied the charges and vowed to stay in the race. The accusations will be played up to the fullest during the campaign. Whether Moore wins or loses, the accusations and accusers will fade back into the woodwork. Just like the playbook calls out.
@Bill… Deplorable Me:The Moores are filing suit.
Per Steve Deace, Judge Moore’s wife, Kayla, informed me today they used the word “defamation” in their statement for a reason — they intend to pursue legal action against the Washington Post.
@kitt: Yes, Mitt weighed in.
Apparently he forgot how fellow Mormon Harry Reid claimed he (Mitt) hadn’t paid ANY taxes in at least ten years and should step down as Republican nominee!
If Mitt had been consistent in his viewpoint he would have stepped down!
But Mitt’s a hypocrite.
Just like Harry Reid.
@Nanny G: GOP removing all support, might just clinch this election for Moore, their approval rating cause of the broken promises is rank as a 5 day old bologna sandwich.
@Nanny G: @kitt: Republicans are very sensitive to scandals such as this because, with a liberal media that smells blood in the water, they always come out the loser. Democrats, no so much. Thanks, again, to a corrupt media, Democrats can easily weather such scandals and then, two years later if it comes up again, they just say, “That’s in the past. Let’s get beyond that.”
@Bill… Deplorable Me: We have to begin with better responses when they bring it up give them a “valley girl” WHAT EVER.
Each one of us is innocent until proven guilty. Of course this is only the law that applies to dimocrats in this country. We all know that if a Repub or conservative is accused of something terrible they’re guily until proven innocent and if you can’t prove you’re innocent, you remain guilty.
Well, you’ll have to admit that would be automatic immunity.
clearly it wouldn’t have served any useful purpose.
So Greg, you put adultery (which is not a crime) in the same category as multilple rapes? Yeah, that’s what I figured.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Moore spoke Saturday after addressing the charges of sexual misconduct in a radio interview with Sean Hannity on Friday.
“These allegations are completely false and misleading,” Moore told Hannity. He specifically denied The Post’s report that he had a sexual encounter with Corfman in 1979. However, in the interview Friday, Moore did not rule out that he may have dated girls in their late teens when he was in his early 30s.
He said he knew two of the teenagers, not the one who he allegedly had touch his penis. He said nothing about the fourth and Sean didn’t follow up.
No, Democrats are innocent no matter how guilty they prove to be because no one expects anything more from them.
@Redteam: Multiple rapes?
Really, Reddy.
You seem to have no problem with a man in his 30s having a fourteen year old girl touch his penis.
@Redteam: There was a tv station in Alabama that couldnt find 1 person that believed the WaPoop story, so I guess we now wait for the Russian angle.
yes, Phulof, that would be Slick Willie, the very same pardoned felony draft dodger. So you think you know that someone touched someone somewhere? And this was 38 years ago and you have proof? And is this clearly proof ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ in a court of law? So that would be photo’s, or dna or eye witnessess. She’s lucky she’s got you lining up her witnesses for her, Phulof. Anyhow since you have absolute proof, how about giving us the details. Anyhow Phulof, where you been, George get another $15 to pay you for another month?
You seem to have a problem with reality. Not only has no one filed any charges, not only did it take 35 years for this to surface (on the eve of an election), but the accusations are beginning to look VERY dubious, at best. But, law, justice and truth means nothing to liberals, as we have seen in your dog-like loyalty to the Clinton’s. This looks more and more politically driven every day and that is a despicable way for liberals to try and influence elections; it causes there to be doubt in EVERY accusation made.
But, as I said, liberals don’t care, they just want power.
@Frijay42302: Frijay, you lost track of your name.
@Redteam: As to be expected, Reddy can’t enumerate his tales. Multiple, and poor Reddy can’t even put up one.
And in the end, we have the Trumpeters defending a man in his 30s having a 14 year old girl touch his penis.
How low will the deplorables go.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Again, apologies for child sexual abuse, DepoBill.
Don’t apologize to me… apologize to your victims.