Jazz Shaw:
We’ve now heard that Donald Trump will be calling for a serious investigation of voter fraud. This is a move which was met by howls of protest from liberals across the board. This frustrating conversation is once again sucking up the news cycle, with Dan Balz at the Washington Post going so far as to say that the new president is endangering democracy itself.
The reality is that Trump is the only one proposing something which has even a chance of ending this debate once and for all. His critics are saying that he’s making claims about voter fraud which are ether flat out lies or, at minimum, can’t be proved. The second part of that claim is correct. He can’t prove it. Of course, the uncomfortable (for some) truth is that the people saying there wasn’t any widespread voter fraud can’t prove that either.
The reason is one which I’ve been carping about for a long time now. When I first began to examine this subject I quickly arrived at the conclusion that we have no idea how much voter fraud there is, and in order to know why you need to know about the murder rate in New York City. Yes, the two are related. And if you think this is something I cooked up to “defend Trump” you should know I wrote that almost five years ago. Suffice it to say that if you think you know that there is either no voter fraud or there is some amount of it which you can accurately estimate, you’re fooling yourself.
With that as a starting point, here’s some of what we do actually know. In the most recent election, 1/3 of voting machines in one Michigan county recorded more votes than the actual totals. In Florida, just before the election, five people complaining about not receiving their absentee ballots discovered that somebody else had cast them for them. (And those were five people in one small area who actually took the time to go complain. Yeah… I’m sure they were the only ones, right?) In Illinois, people were found to be offering cash for votes. When somebody bothered to check in one Colorado county, the dead were found to be voting with alarming regularity. In one southern California county there were hundreds more votes cast by the dead.
I could go on, but it would quickly bore you I’m sure. But here’s the point. Those do remain isolated incidents in terms of what can actually be documented. Maybe those five absentee ballots in Florida were the only ones. Or maybe there were thousands and those were just the ones we found. Either way… wouldn’t you want to know?
Maybe those two counties in Colorado and California are the only counties in the nation where people are showing up, signing in the book under the names of dead people and voting. Or maybe there are hundreds of them in most of the more than one thousand counties across the country. I have no idea… but wouldn’t you want to know?
Maybe the voting machines are nearly flawless with only a handful of exceptions, or maybe they are spewing out mathematical fictions right and left, either through poor designs or intentional malfeasance. Isn’t that something that we really should know?
Like allowing illegal aliens to vote or allowing convicts to vote while not allowing vets to vote someone needs to take a baseball bat and beat the jackasses brains out
President Trump played the Left perfectly on this issue.
He let them play their best card: that we don’t know so how about we assume no voter fraud occurred.
Then he played his card, making the point Jazz is making: let’s find out for sure.
In modern history there is an example of how the Left’s view turned out to be stupid and dangerous:
Should doctors wash their hands between examining cadavers and pregnant women?
Popular, liberal, elitist, expert opinion was NO.
It cost 5 million EXTRA lives AFTER the proof was out there.
A thorough and widespread investigation should be conducted into voter registration, issuance of drivers licenses to illegal immigrants, ID issues to illegal immigrants and how voter security is instituted. We should know how precincts protect the sanctity of the vote… or IF they do. We may not find out how many fraudulent votes were cast but it will identify where voter fraud is highly likely and encouraged.
Democrats have been found to be encouraging illegal immigrants to vote. They have been caught in fraudulent voter registration which, without enforcing voter ID, leads directly to voter fraud. That does not even include the voting dead, another aspect of other fraud the left ardently supports.
Let’s see what we can find.
zero voter fraud? I believe the reason stein and her backers (hil-liary and soros) stopped the recount in the three states was the voter fraud was being discovered in hil-liary’s favor (e.g., for every hil-liary vote in detroit, they marked six)
It cannot be proven how many illegals voted, however if I were a betting woman, I bet just in California it was hundreds of thousands.
@enchanted: I’m going to see your bet and double it. There were way more than that. Any system that doesn’t demand an ID be shown and that you vote in person is ripe for fraud. I’m all for voter ID’s and Biometrics. I worked a polling station in W. Silicon Valley. During the closing audit the ballots were pretty evenly split. But when I checked on line it was 65/35. So the mail in ballots were that much of a swing? I’d bet not.
I do believe this will back fire on liberals. They were so concerned that the Russians affected the vote, why would they not have illegal votes cast if there were no controls? I believe the illegal votes the Russians cast for Trump helped him to win. (Think that will get the liberals going?)
Before leaving office Obama did something taking the power to run the elections from the states and gave to to the Feds, as a part of critical infrastructure or some such nonsense. The DHS was found to have hacked a states election several times, I am pretty curious about that.
Voter ID seemed to work pretty well in WI the recounts were pretty insignificant, now that we have that recount data lets go for a state that doesnt require ID and do some comparison.
It looks like several small studies are confirming Trump’s assertions a few 1,00 votes at a time.
@Randy: I am beginning to believe that when Trump brings up an issue, it is best not to write if off simply because Trump brought it up. Thus far, he has been right about the things he focuses on almost 100% of the time.
He MUST be heeding advisers.
@Randy: You think Trump came up with his 3-5 million claim by accident?—That’s what he lost by and his huge ego—I’d say his insecurities–can’t handle it.
I say do a FULL investigation Mr. Trump–the sooner the better,
He’s signed SEVENTEEN executive orders in 8 days. I think he’s MADD.
@Richard Wheeler:
I’m disappointed, I expected at least a hundred by now. But, the thing is Richie, he’s only reversing Obozo’s illegal executive orders.
The issue, illegal voters, we already know that they stopped the vote recount in Mich because just a cursory check showed that there were lots of ballot boxes labeled with more votes than were actually there and that they were for the dimocrats. Rather than reveal any more illegal votes, they stopped the counting.
my prediction is that when the facts are known, it’ll be more like 5-8 million illegal votes cast.
Caveat, while there are likely 5 milllion or more ‘illegal’ voters in Gayfornia, I’m not sure if we can count them or not because apparently there is no such thing as illegal voting in Gayfornia. If you can get to the poll, no ID of any kind required, you can vote under which ever name is available. I guess you just point to a name on the list that has not voted and indicate with sign language and they’ll let you vote. At least that’s the way Google says it’s done there. Caution, if you’re gonna check that out, be sure to google ‘voting requirements in gayfornia’.. I’m not sure they still recognize California.
@Richard Wheeler: No Rich, but there were many close races that were won or lost by less than 500 votes. How many were illegal? This is the issue. I know you are too focused on Trump to understand.
I keep waiting for the left to come out in support of an executive order sign by the former president that has been reversed by an executive order signed by President Trump.
Criticizing an order by President Trump is all well and fine, but where are the moonbats calling for a return to what has been reversed.
Oh, and that voter fraud, rampant and widespread, primarily democrat by the way…..
From FOX News, January 30, 2017: Trump’s voter fraud expert registered in 3 states
It gets even funnier:
From U.S. News and World Report, Jan. 25, 2017: Tiffany Trump, Steve Bannon, Steven Mnuchin Registered to Vote in Multiple States