Even Democrats Are Now Slamming Serial Killer Andrew Cuomo for His Murders and Lies

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By Ace

Democrats smell the stink of decaying bodies wafting out of Andrew Cuomo’s crawlspaces, and are scrambling to distance themselves from the crime scene.

Fellow Democratic legislators in New York weren’t buying Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s explanation Monday as to why he refused for months to release a true accounting of nursing home residents who died from the coronavirus.

Assemblyman Ron Kim (D-Queens), whose uncle died from COVID-19, bluntly said that “all of it is BS” and a cover-up.

“They could have given us the information back in May and June of last year. They chose not to,” Kim said after hearing Cuomo was blaming the Department of Justice probe for delays in releasing the accurate coronavirus death tally of nursing home residents.

…Meanwhile, state Sen. Alessandra Biaggi (D-Bronx) challenged Cuomo’s assertion that his team informed lawmakers that it would delay release of nursing home fatality data because of the federal probe.

“No, @NYGovCuomo , you did not tell the ‘entire’ Senate or Assembly that there was a DOJ investigation, as the reason why you didn’t share the nursing home numbers,” Biaggi said in a tweet.

…State Sen. Julia Salazar (D-Brooklyn) claimed Cuomo was lying.

Cuomo blames ‘politics,’ fails to address nursing home cover-up admission
“If the Governor had actually informed the legislature months ago that his office was withholding the data they had on total nursing home deaths, there would’ve been no need for them to have a call with a group of legislators last week to inform them of this for the first time,” she tweeted.

“Governor can claim (as he’s done) that they withheld the data bc they thought it would be used against them by the DOJ(!). But claiming they informed the legislature is a lie on top of a lie. If he’d been honest in the first place, he may have had one bad news cycle. But now?”

State Sen. John Liu (D-Queens) also said the federal probe wasn’t an excuse for “months and months of delays” in “misleading” or “withholding information that the public deserves to know.”

Finally addressing these allegations — facts, really– Cuomo simply denied that anything was his fault, and blamed everyone else for the murders and subsequent cover-up — including voters for believing “conspiracy theories.”

This is on top of reports that the state underreported nursing home deaths. In January, New York Attorney General Letitia James also accused the administration of underreporting those deaths by as much as 50 percent.

According to Cuomo, however, it all comes down to vague miscommunication. The governor claimed nursing home deaths were “always, fully, and accurately” reported, but that there was a delay in providing answers to “information beyond the place of death,” like whether a patient died from Covid-19 in a nursing home or went to a hospital first.

There was a delay in providing that information to the public, the press, and local lawmakers, Cuomo explained, because at the time his administration was fulfilling information requests for the Department of Justice, which was looking into the governor’s handling of the pandemic.

Though he was asked multiple times, Cuomo did not explain why his staff could not fulfill multiple requests for the same information. He simply said they were dealing with a pandemic and “everything was done by the best minds and the best interests.”

…He apologized for creating a “void” that birthed “conspiracy theories” about his nursing home order.

I’m so tired of hearing this thuggis, thick-fingered guappo killer’s lies.

Governor Ron DeSantis — who made the obvious (and yet, paradoxically, courageous) choice to keep infected patients away from the biggest clusters of at-risk people, is very charitable towards Cuomo in saying that the problem was the vaunted Fake Science “models” which, as they always do, prophesized calamity and catastrophe and panicked people into trying to keep the hospitals empty.

Of course, DeSantis also notes that he and some other governors saw through those Global Warming for Grandma “models” and ignored them. At some political cost, note.

But I think he’s being way too charitable.


Among Cuomo’s biggest donors are, get this, the hospitals.

Old people largely have their medical expenses paid for by Medicare. And Medicare, notoriously, underpays for treatment.

Black JEM says that nursing home patients are mostly paid for by MedicAID — which pays even more poorly than Medicare:

92 Ace – its worse than you think. Nursing home patients are almost all – if not all – on Medicaid. Not Medicare. Medicare isn’t a great reimbursement, but it does treat hospitals much better than Medicaid. So they – the hospitals – probably pressured Cuomo to discharge nursing home patients so they could at least put medicare patients in instead.It’s that cynical, and there have been hints that this was a quid pro quo by Cuomo to thank the hospital association which is a big funder. So not only did Cuomo kill all those seniors, so probably did your friendly neighborhood hospital CEO.
Posted by: Black JEM

A hospital filled with Medicare and especially Medicaid patients will not be making any money. It might actually be losing it.

I guess we’re supposed to consider it a big coincidence that this vicious mobbed-up guappo offloaded non-renumerative old people to the nursing homes instead of clogging the hospitals’ Accounts Receivable departments with them.

But note, too, that the feds under Trump built emergency medical facilities to treat and contain infected people, and sent over a Navy hospital ship to NYC (and another one to California) to treat the infected.

And note too: None of those facilities saw a single patient.

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This is the very same Cuomo that said Pro Lifers were not welcome looks like Cuomos political days could be over

“Governor can claim (as he’s done) that they withheld the data bc they thought it would be used against them by the DOJ(!).

Imagine the gall! Imagine the DOJ might use evidence of incompetence and dishonesty that killed people to punish the guilty! Maybe Cuomo should have given Hillary a call. She could have put those silly notions to rest.

Funny how none of these people coming out of the woodwork now didn’t say a word before it was leaked and the Demediacrats took notice.

Cuomo claimed hospital space was a crisis and Trump solved it. Cuomo claimed shortage of ventilators was a crisis and Trump solved it (though Cuomo had thousands of them stashed away). Yet Cuomo is the model of efficiency and Trump was a failure. Well, that’s Democrats for you.

@Deplorable Me:

Cuomo claimed hospital space was a crisis and Trump solved it. Cuomo claimed shortage of ventilators was a crisis and Trump solved it (though Cuomo had thousands of them stashed away). Yet Cuomo is the model of efficiency and Trump was a failure. Well, that’s Democrats for you.

He did not have them stashed they had been auctioned off, he was going to steal them from rural hospitals. The ventilators when delivered were misplaced for a bit by his incompetent people.