EPIC! Trump’s Defense Team ABSOLUTELY RUINS Democrats With 13 Minute Montage of “Fight” Word Like Trump Did!

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(The video montage starts at 7:10 timeframe.)

via Jim Hoft

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GREAT! Any beats on him much time :Comcast, Disney,Viacom. – show this?

Watching the Democrats respond to questions (can’t really use the term “answer”) it is obvious they lack any capability to adhere to facts or speak the truth. They will make up and say ANYTHING that will fit into their narrative of false accusations. Complete lying scum.

I now believe the Republican’s “weak” initial defense was intended to make sure the Democrats didn’t change their plan to use Trump’s statements to try to make it look like he incited violence by using the word “fight”. I think it looks like they led the Democrats right into a trap and pummeled them mercilessly with their own words. Yeah, it got redundant and repetitive, but that’s because the Democrat’s lies and hypocrisy is redundant and repetitive.

The Republican video montage clearly showed the Democrats have routinely used incendiary rhetoric (far more than Trump) have shown disrespect, hatred and divisiveness for 4 years and that the poisonous atmosphere in the country today is THEIR doing, not Trump’s.

And it was easy for Democrats to fall into the trap because for 4 years EVERY WORD Trump uttered caused them to fly into a rage and demand his impeachment. He asks for unity after the election, they go nuts and demand his impeachment. He demands border security and the laws be enforced, they demand impeachment. He reads Un the riot act, they demand impeachment. Then, he calls the President of Ukraine to congratulate him on his election and work together to fight the corruption the Obama administration condoned, he IS impeached. It doesn’t take much to “incite” crybabies that are spoiled to the belief that everything they want is a right and they deserve to have everything their way all the time and they simply believe that is how rational minds work.

Yeah, the pain and frustration of having the media and Democrats align themselves against the President, lie about him, cheat and commit widespread fraud and then have those powers simply ignore all the evidence and blow it off boiled over into a riot. It is difficult to tell if that riot would have even happened if there were not BLM and ANTIFA operatives were not inciting the already outraged crowd and led them to the Capital, but regardless, Trump in no way promoted or incited the violence.