Elizabeth Warren daughter secretly behind effort by Mass to register 500k welfare recipients

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William A. Jacobson @ Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion:

The news broke today that Massachusetts has taken extraordinary efforts in response to a lawsuit by a former ACORN affiliated, Soros-funded group to register 500,000 welfare recipients to vote (who would have thought there were that many people on welfare considering Mass has only 6.5 million residents).

Republicans cried foul, as this was a transparent attempt to register Warren’s base, while no similar efforts were made to register voters who might be more favorably inclined towards Brown.

Rob Eno of Red Mass Group, however, took the story to an entirely new level by discovering that the group in question is run by Elizabeth Warren’s daughter:

Elizabeth Warren’s daughter Amelia Warren Tyagi is leaving nothing to chance in the 2012 election for her mother.  Warren Tyagi, the chair of the George Soros funded Demos Foundation, has bankrolled, through Demos, former members of ACORN in their pursuit to have the Commonwealth’s welfare agency perform a voter registration drive.  The Boston Herald has the story, although they missed the Warren familial connection….

The article goes on to show that NEU4J was aided financially in this effort by Warren Tyagi’s organization Demos.

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That’s one acorn that didn’t fall far from the tree…

@#1 I think it is more like a Co a NUT.