Election Rigging in Georgia: A Step-by-Step Guide by the Democratic Party!

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by Peter Halligan

All using taxpayer funds to defraud taxpayers of their votes and wishes.

Rig the county, rig the State, rig the Federal POTUS election results.

A little background for context,. Here are the Fulton County 2020 POTUS election results – just the County, not the State:

Election Night Reporting (clarityelections.com)

Biden, apparently, had a majority of around 244,000 votes.

But compare that to the outcome for Georgia State as a whole, from here:

Georgia Election Results 2020 | Live Map Updates | Voting by County & District (politico.com)

The gap is less than 12,000 at the State level.

You can see why the results were so important in every county in Georgia and why manipulating the results in just one county could flip the results at the State level.

Rig the County, rig the State!!!!

Remember that the Democratic Party is a criminal enterprise and one of its favourite tactics is to commit crimes and then project these same crimes onto their opponents by making them up out of whole cloth. Recall the treason committed by Hillary Clinton making use of foreign (Russia, British, Maltese and Australian) spies to launch “Russia-gate”? What are Steele, Downer, Mifsud and, of course, American spymaster Halper doing now?)

Here’s a refresher on the use of this tactic of projection by dirty Fani Willis onto Trump.

Here’s a description of the charges brought by Fani Willis from Brave browser in answer to the question “what charges did Fani Willis bring against trump”

“Specifically, the indictment alleges that Trump “unlawfully conspired” to change the election outcome while participating in a “criminal enterprise”. The 98-page indictment, issued on August 14, 2023, includes 35 counts, with six of those counts being dismissed by Judge Scott McAfee in March 2024. However, DA Willis appealed the decision to dismiss those six counts, and the case remains ongoing.

Note that the exact charges and details may evolve as the case proceeds, but based on the available information, these are the charges initially brought against Trump by Fani Willis.”

The charges were brought with the intention of inflicting maximum damage to Trump’s campaign by tying them to the 2024 POTUS election cycle.

Note the charge that Trump “unlawfully conspired” to change the course of the election outcome. There is no news on the moves to disqualify Willis from the case brought against Trump because of her more than dubious character, actions and testimony before a disciplinary proceeding held in February 2024:

From May 2024:

Fani Willis Disqualification Gains Steam – Newsweek

“Earlier this year, McAfee allowed Willis to stay on the case after several defendants took issue with Willis and Wade’s “improper” relationship and moved to have her booted from the case over the alleged conflict of interest. Willis and Wade have admitted to the relationship, which they say ended last summer. They argued it had no bearing on the case.”

“Although McAfee chose not to disqualify Willis, he granted a request from the co-defendants to have his ruling reconsidered by the Georgia Court of Appeals. Last week, the appeals court agreed to hear the defence’s case. A court date has not yet been announced.”

Here’s the bombshell headline from Fulton County:

Georgia to Address Voter Fraud Issues in Special Hearing – Doug Billings (billingsreport.com)

Which has this embedded tweet:

“GA State Election Board will discuss SEB2023-025 this morning

·        17,852 votes counted with no ballot images

·        20,713 original votes from tabulators out of thin air

·        3,930 duplicates counted and inserted via intentional human intervention.”

A long way to go to make up the 244,000-vote margin of victory for Biden in Fulton County, but, more than enough to overturn the tiny 12,000 majority at the Georgia State level!

So, the charge that Trump “unlawfully conspired” to change the election outcome while participating in a “criminal enterprise” is a PROJECTION of the same crimes committed by the Democratic Party and its operatives.

This tactic has been employed in every swing state and was captured I the movie “2,000 mules” by Dinesh D’Souza.

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Don’t put it past the Demon-Rats to rig this election and the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders to cover up for them as always

17,852 votes counted with no ballot images

20,713 original votes from tabulators out of thin air

3,930 duplicates counted and inserted via intentional human intervention.”

You can be damn well certain that if anyone believed those were anything but Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden votes, they would be having the shit investigated out of them.

This is why STATE FARM ARENA, the first major election fraud incident that night, is so critical and why no one has adequate answers for it.

The cheating included murder of the governors daughters BF to stop the audit of the dominion machines. Car go boom.

Car go boom.

That amuses you.

Election fraud amuses you.

Car go boom.

I can’t imagine why you find that humorous.

I dont, but it was quite effective in halting the audit. Not that you know WTH I was posting about.

Nah, there’s no such thing as election fraud. Just ask any Democrat.