U.S. Attorney John Durham’s ongoing probe into potential FBI and Justice Department misconduct in the run-up to the 2016 election through the spring of 2017 has transitioned into a full-fledged criminal investigation, two sources familiar with the investigation told Fox News on Thursday night.
One source added that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s upcoming report on alleged FBI surveillance abuses against the Trump campaign will shed light on why Durham’s probe has become a criminal inquiry. Horowitz announced on Thursday his report would be available to the public soon, with “few” redactions.
The investigation’s new status means Durham can subpoena witnesses, file charges, and impanel fact-finding grand juries.
Fox News reported on Tuesday that Durham’s probe had expanded significantly based on new evidence uncovered during a recent trip to Rome with Attorney General Bill Barr.
Barr reportedly told embassy officials in Italy that he “needed a conference room to meet high-level Italian security agents where he could be sure no one was listening in.”
A source in the Italian Ministry of Justice told The Daily Beast earlier this month that Barr and Durham were played a taped deposition made by Joseph Mifsud, the professor who allegedly told ex-Trump aide George Papadopoulos that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. Mifsud reportedly was explaining to investigators in the deposition why people would want to harm him, and why he needed police protection.
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It’s on
I guess they can include this as well.
Without lying the Democrats had no case at all. I saw Schitt already has gone apoplectic.
We must be balanced, an opinion from the crazies https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/3kxyyk/the-doj-is-giving-trump-exactly-what-he-wants-a-criminal-investigation-into-the-mueller-probe
They are investigating the investigators as the FBI, DOJ and other depts are suppose to be “apolitical” how on earth could they be his political enemies?
If the trail leads to political enemies that ordered the depts. to be political well then I guess it could technically be correct.
@kitt: No Democrat will address the question of what happened to all that mountain of evidence they all said they had right at their fingertips proving Trump colluded with Russians to win in 2016. I myself have asked this numerous times of people claiming that Trump is guilty and impeachable for the accusation de jour and NOT ONE PERSON has the guts to respond. That question is, I believe, the very crux of the issue of WHY an investigation is absolutely necessary. This was no mass hypnosis; this was a concerted, coordinated effort between the Executive, DOJ, FBI, IC, DNC and the media to destroy Trump, either as a candidate or, failing that, as President.
What was found through all those investigations is, as we have suspected, there was not one shred of evidence to even warrant suspicion of Trump, much less to warrant all those investigations or impeachment. There wasn’t even enough for SUSPICION. It all had to be fabricated and stretched to the extreme, fabricated and stretched it was and finding out how far up the Democrat ladder this goes is absolutely essential to preserving our system of government.
Lots of bombs being dropped in the last 24 hours and none of it good for the DS, the dems, and MSM. Where to start? Their response has been very predictable. They will become more unhinged as the details and evidence emerge. Perhaps the “impeachment inquiry” is more than just an attempt by the demokrats to overturn the election and is also an attempt to gain some sort of “leverage” over PT so they can “negotiate” some sort of a deal to avoid having their cohorts’ seditious little asses nailed to the wall. After all, the Congressional dems are complicit in trying to cover up any criminal wrongdoing that is uncovered.
@another vet: I don’t think they have any option but to fight. They’ve gone way too far, sedition-wise, and this is an existential struggle for the left. It is an existential struggle for the Constitution, as well. If it means anything at all, those that have attacked it must be held accountable. They have attacked the very heart and soul of this country with the intent of replacing the sacred Constitution with a police state.
This is going to get very desperate and the media will be fanning the flames.
@another vet:
Comeys attempt to blackmail Trump with the dossier, failing miserably, the IC released the hounds Buzzfeed published the Russian disinformation at the direction of the CIA.
Game on.
@Deplorable Me: @kitt:
Look at the trap they walked into. They told us repeatedly that seeking out foreign assistance was treasonous and here they are getting busted out for doing just that. They argued their own case against themselves. Then they said PT committed obstruction for criticizing an “investigation” into a noncriminal matter that never happened in the first place. Now here here they are criticizing an actual criminal investigation into crimes that were actually committed meaning they made their own case against themselves again. Not the brightest bulbs even though they believe that they are everyone elses superiors.
@another vet: No longer matters what the press claims what they accuse anyone of, the rubber may be meeting the road but again not holding my breath for indictments and trial.
Flynns attorney is requesting dismissal of all charges due to gross misconduct on the part of the government goons.
@another vet: They’re hypocrisy is no surprise, but they are able to retaliate with the help of the corrupt liberal media. They invent whatever they wish the truth to be.
@kitt: General Flynn should receive damages and Mueller and his team should have to pay up.
@Deplorable Me: I heard the attorneys got 20 million taxpayer dollars, that isnt a smidgen of what would be payback for what they did to the general.
Everyone of them should be disbarred as a start.
@kitt: @Deplorable Me:
This kind of sums up the significance of what happened last night.
UPDATE- It’s now being reported that FBI Counsel James Baker is cooperating with Durham’s investigators. Time to order more dependons for Brennan, Clapper, Comey etc.
@another vet: Not to sound too dramatic, but this is the kind of thing people wind up dead over. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some connected with the coup contract Hillaryitus and wind up dead… sort of sending out a signal. Maybe Epstein’s guards are available to watch over some important witnesses.
@another vet: What took them so long to figure this out it is unlawful to lie to a court to obtain a warrant, illegal access to the NSA database, perjury, obstruction, bribes, entrapment, slander, libel, espionage, destruction of evidence etc, etc, etc. If stupidity was a crime they would all be doing life.
@another vet: There will be many more than Baker spilling their guts very soon.
@Deplorable Me: There are too many for them all to be killed off by the guilty. Obama is deeply in this and maybe should sell his US property and move back home. There are many in the house who are complicit as well as some senators. State Department is full of guilty people. At least 38 knowingly failed to secure classified data. There are many at the CIA that have not even made the news yet. There are plenty at the FBI. I believe that John McCain and other never Trumpers are involved. Time to clean house!
Barr is a Trump tool. John Durham is not. He’s another straight-shooter, like Robert Mueller. So have at it. Investigate the investigators to your heart’s content. The impeachment process is still an oncoming express train.
Chief District Judge Beryl Howell has just ruled that the DoJ must turn Mueller’s locked-down grand jury material over to Congress.
And there’s this: Government watchdogs rebuke DOJ’s handling of whistleblower letter at heart of Trump impeachment probe
Who’s gonna be first and make the best deal? Who’s going to evade the Mueller treatment?
@Randy: Well, they don’t have to kill them all. Remember, these are wormy weasels. They’ll crawfish at the drop of a hat if they fear for their lives. Barr might rake em over the coals, but the CIA’ll kill em.
@Greg: The coup is unraveling
@Greg: Mueller was a puppet. His good days were long ago.
@Deplorable Me:
Baker was the one who wanted to prosecute Hillary but was talked out of it. I still think RR may have been the first to flip.
But they’re smarter than the rest of us just ask them.
Clapper has already stated publicly he was following Obama’s orders. Then there were the text messages talking about how the WH was running the show. We just need to get someone to make the statement under oath now. Perhaps the reason BHO sent those billions to Iran was to use it as part of his retirement just in case this would happen.
@Greg: Yeah heard that now they should end all grand jury proceedings forever. All they are is one way kangaroo courts where one sided evidence is presented and people must decide on that to bring charges or not.
Let it fly into history, once we know then the other evidence disputing it can be shown.
On September 30, a federal judge advised DoJ federal prosecutors they had until November 15th to either bring charges against McCabe or drop their investigation of whether he lied to federal investigators, otherwise he would order related documents to be released.
The investigation of McCabe was opened over a year ago. A grand jury was convened and heard the evidence, which indicated the investigation phase had been completed, and then…nothing. No record was ever released concerning the grand jury’s findings, leading to suspicions that the jury determined there was insufficient basis to bring charges against him.
Needless to say, that wouldn’t be welcomed news in the White House, but the DoJ can’t withhold exculpatory information indefinitely just to allow politically useful accusations to appear credible. The grand jury findings concerning McCabe had already been noted as being overdue more than a month ago.
September 13, 2019 – On the Mystery of the McCabe Grand Jury
@Greg: Must be a federal judge appointed by Obama or Clinton. There is no statute of limitations on treason.
@Randy, #23:
Sorry to disappoint you, but Judge Reggie B. Walton was initially nominated by Ronald Reagan. His subsequent judicial appointments were made by George H. R. Bush, and then by George W. Bush. He then became Presiding Judge of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which is his current position, by the appointment of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.
Everyone who has nominated or appointed him has been a conservative. Those who have dealt with him in the courtroom have commented that he is not guided by politics, but by a tough-on-crime mentality.
In 2005, Judge Walton was driving his wife and daughter to the airport when they came across a cab driver being beaten up alongside the road. Walton got out of his car, tackled the assailant, and held him until the cops arrived on the scene. Don’t mess with the judge.
@Greg: Mark Levin source: McCabe turns down Durham plea agreement Twitter mark levin ^ Posted on 10/25/2019 4:29:10 PM PDT by janetjanet998. Andrew McCabe was offered a pre-indictment plea agreement and turned it down. So US attorney Durham has impaneled a grand jury.
No doubt charges will be forth comming as the IG report clearly indicated he lacked candor(that means he lied his ass off).
@kitt, #25:
By turning down a plea agreement, McCabe is essentially saying, Go ahead, bring it on. But you would first have to assume that Mark Levin has a reliable source. Seems to me the DoJ would need to finish their first go at a grand jury before beginning another one. Call me skeptical.
janetjanet998’s Twitter account has been suspended. That doesn’t suggest high confidence in the source’s reliability. It might be a Russian troll. Who knows?
It’s all going well for Trump. The Dems have been able to fake charges and use the media, but the truth comes out eventually.
Even though an inquiry failed in the house and now the “clown show” is needed to pretend there’s an impeachable offense?
Just good theater, and designed to injure Trump through misinformation rather than good policy, or good candidates.
Freedom is important, Greg. We’re not giving it up. Hope you and your party are ready.
I think you party underestimates how easily the country will allow rule by media, entertainment, and lack of due process….as opposed to constitutional law.
An oncoming train doesn’t care if someone standing on the tracks believes it’s real or not.
That’s what was told to Hillary and your party…who continue to stand on the tracks thinking they are the train.
Now after getting run over by the train, your barely breathing party is trying to destroy the tracks rather than play by the rules.
Another train is coming. How stupid are you?
@Greg: Being suspended by twitter means you are conservative and hurt some poor snoflakes libs fweelins, now a badge of honor.
Mark Levin not a good source? He uncovered there had to be a FISA using leaks to the liberal media, was promptly accused of being a conspiracy guy, ha, guess who was right? As he was a chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese during the Reagan admin he knows how things in DC happen.
From the memory hole https://money.cnn.com/2017/03/06/media/mark-levin-joel-pollak-breitbart-trump-obama/index.html
It isnt a theory when its true.
Mar 06, 2017 · Levin called out CNN’s Brian Stelter, who earlier today accused him of peddling a “conspiracy theory,” asking him and the rest of the media why they are now denying that the Obama administration asked for FISA court warrants to surveil the Trump campaign.
@Nathan Blue, #29:
Not so stupid as you would like to believe. I think the polls are a result of having declared war on pretty much everybody.
@another vet: You think McCabe suddenly understood why people get fired or is he trying to keep a low profile for some reason?
Oh, you think it is wrong to withhold exculpatory information? More to come.
That doesn’t make them non-liberal. Republicans nominate conservative and liberals; Democrats nominate liberals.
You better f**king believe it. Barr is a highballing right at this failed coup.
@Nathan Blue:
No, they just think they’ve had all the switches thrown to redirect or derail the train. They don’t know those switches are being reset to the main line and their are in the right of way. Speaking of Hillary, Trump obsesses about her so much that she has to obliquely reference Trump during the sacred lying about Cummings yesterday. She’s insane.
@kitt: Who is ALWAYS called out as lying only to eventually be found to be telling the truth and the other side is doing the lying? Yeah, that would be conservatives.
@Greg: Polls mean nothing.
Better get off those tracks, bub. You’ve been duped.
You might want to do some study about “majority” mob tactics through use of propaganda. They stacked the bodies.
I’m aware that when a corrupt and dominant political force gets to control of the information getting to the public, they’re able to mobilize a large part of the population by way of fear and hatred.
That’s why we call you Greggie Goebbels. If you think of America will go the way of Germany and Russia, you are mistaken.
OAN is becoming an investigative powerhouse.