Winter may be coming but it’s already Springtime for Lawyers in Washington, D.C. The list of people lawyering up these days would probably fill this page and lap over onto the next. It’s just been announced that the John Durham investigation into the provenance of the Russia probe has turned into a criminal investigation.
Subpoenas and grand juries are coming, real ones, not the Star Chamber counterfeits being orchestrated by the panicked Democrats and their junior league Southern California Torquemada.
To those of us who have been watching this spectacle from the beginning, this was inevitable. After all, where’d the Mueller/Russia probe come from in the first place? Since there was absolutely no there there, it makes no sense that it wasn’t a fraud from the outset. Who started it? Who are the treasonous/seditious culprits who conspired to overthrow an election? Well, we should soon be finding out, although we can make some educated guesses.
But we do know absolutely who collaborated in the crime, who were the accessories to and in some cases the instigators of this most heinous plot in American history….
… the mainstream media!
They were the more than willing conduits to lies leaked to them by a long list of truly dishonest, unpatriotic Americans – some inside our intelligence agencies and no doubt some foreigners as well.
The names of these institutions we all know and they are some of the most important companies on our media landscape. This is time to name the biggest miscreants: The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal (front pages), the infantile BuzzFeed, the risible CNN, ABC, CBS, and the multiple sexual molesters at NBC. These are the people who have informed us, actually assured us, from the outset that Donald Trump had done things that deserved impeachment when all they did was try to overthrow an American presidential election. All that time they were harboring the real targets of the investigation, the real criminals.
Now it is time to overthrow them. They no longer deserve their place in our society.
Even now, within minutes actually, The New York Times is desperately trying to spin the news as legally biased in some manner, insulting Durham with no knowledge. How pathetic. How reactionary and how conformist. They really are still the paper of Walter Duranty, even though some of their more jejune reporters may never have heard of him.
Again, none of this could be possible with the media enabling it. Watergate existed in the dark for about 10 minutes before the media was digging deep into it, relentlessly looking for the facts. Now, the media will aid in covering up a liberal scandal which readily assisting in fabricating a conservative scandal.
Those lies and false stories spread were not mistakes; they were crimes. Crimes against this country.
@Deplorable Me: Do Washington DC legal firms sell stock in their companies? I think it is time to invest. Should be a lot of $500/hour billing. Maybe the Clinton Foundation will pay for the legal fees!
@Deplorable Me: #3 we can dream…