by Ace
This is espionage, isn’t it?Late Friday, there was a bombshell filing from special counsel John Durham. Remember him? The filing reveals that “lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to ‘infiltrate’ servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an ‘inference’ and ‘narrative’ to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia, a filing from Special Counsel John Durham says.” At the White House?!?!? Spying on the White House…WTF?The latest filing deals with former Clinton campaign official Michael Sussman who has been charged with making a false statement to a federal agent. He has pleaded not guilty.
…Durham’s filing states:the government will establish that among the Internet data Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited was domain name system (DNS) internet traffic pertaining to “(i) a particular healthcare provider, (ii) Trump Tower, (iii) Donald Trump’s Central Park West apartment building, and (iv) the Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP).”
According to Conservative Tree House, the Tech Executive-1 is Rodney Joffe who worked with a federal cyber contractor called Neustar. You can read more details about the filing over at Technofog’s Substack.
Here’s more from Technofog:
Joffe and his associates obtained the information because they had “come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the Executive Office of the President.” They then manipulated this information to further a conspiracy theory that Trump and those in Trump’s orbit were continuing their secret backchannels with the Russians.This was repackaged with the Alfa Bank hoax and given to Sussmann, who then laundered it to the CIA on February 9, 2017. (Apparently Sussmann was done dealing with the FBI.) Sussmann alleged to the CIA that the data showed “that Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations.” Durham “identified no support for these allegations.”
One can’t help ask why Joffe (via Sussmann) risked legal exposure to continue to push false Trump-Russia allegations before and after the 2016 election. First to the FBI in 2016 then to the CIA in 2017. It seems that Joffe was desperate, and his desperation only increased after Trump’s election.Bonchie thinks he knows why this spying/hacking/framing campaign went on after the election: Hillary Clinton was attempting to frame Trump for treason with Russia, so that a combination of Congress and the Supreme Court would literally cancel the 2016 election retroactively and pronounce her President as she desired above all other things.
Remember, hardcore bitter-end Hillary loyalist and idiot Sally Kohn was scheming about just this sort of scenario from a month into Trump’s presidency — all due to the faked-up bullshit of the Hillary Clinton disinformation campaign.
Currently the neoliberal/neocon NeverTrumpers are crying about Trump trying to “overturn an election” and “direct a coup.”
But here is evidence Hillary Clinton — the candidate NeverTrump supported in 2016 — actually ran a coup attempt herself, and drafted elements of the FBI and CIA to help her execute it.
And where is NeverTrump? Where is, for example, AllahPundit, who fanatically “claims” all Trump stories except for ones like this that hurt his fee-fees? (By the way, the answer to the eternal “John Sexton or Karen Townsend?” question this time is Karen Townsend.)
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We can tell how much David Frum, Bill Kristol, David French, and all the rest of the NeverTrumpers care about coups by how absolutely silent they are about the coup attempt executed by their 2016 candidate. (And substantially aided by their 2020 candidate, Joe Biden, who was part of those Oval Office discussions about how best to weaponize the nonsense Clinton Dossier against incoming President Trump. It was Biden who proposed using the Logan Act, for example, as a pretext to open a criminal investigation into Trump’s intended National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn.)
Where is the Bulwark? Where is the Dispatch?
Where are the “I Have No Tribe But Patriotism” heroes Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger?
Seems they do have a tribe after all. The Democrats and Hillary Clinton, of course.
They’re all silent.
Some coups are Just and Necessary, the neoliberal/neocon NeverTrumpers have decided.
Well, here is what is NOT a bombshell revelation: Hillary is a corrupt, lying scumbag. Is there possibly a bigger bullet this nation could have dodged? People capable of this… are they not capable of election fraud? How many accusations have to be proven TRUE before the accusations will be taken seriously?
We’ve warned and warned and warned; the Deep State is real. They will stop at NOTHING to seize power and turn this nation over to forces adversarial to the US.
The left went into immediate damage control following their loss to President Trump in 2016. Remember the countless meetings post election to discuss resistance strategies? As I recall the Nazi lover, george soros, was instrumental in the formation of those meetings.
Nazi Collaborator George Soros Meets With Democrats to Oppose Trump in First 100 Days | People’s Pundit Daily (
Soros Gathering With Top Democrats in D.C to Plot Trump Resistance (
Soros bands with donors to resist Trump, ‘take back power’- POLITICO
All of the shenanigans that crippled the Trump presidency were orchestrated by the entrenched DC power structure with the willing assistance of the democrat media. In my view, the timing of the explosive nature of the Durham probe in conjunction with the upcoming midterm losses of democrats in both houses, spells political annihilation of the democrat party.
There will come a point at which the democrat media will not be able to ignore Spygate. Spygate is Watergate by 100k. The resistance opposition to President Trump launched a coup de etat early in his presidency. That coup failed multiple times but ultimately was successful with the stolen election and the subsequent prevention on January 6 of rectifying the stolen election in the House of Representatives.
Yet look at how much Trump achieved even with such insurrectionist forces arrayed against him. The cost to this nation due to the left’s opposition to progress and growth is inestimable.
The democrat party is guilty of many treasonous acts and many in the party are going to be exposed. For my part, convicted treasonists should receive the full punishment outlined by law…
18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Interestingly enough, anecdotes of treason exist in our History…
The Consequences of Treason | Circa1865
I ran across this and it jarred my memory…
Any faith you ever had in the FBI and the US DOJ, kiss it goodbye. These institutions work for the DNC.
Based on new testimony uncovered today, Hillary Clinton was carted all over in a wheelchair during her 2016 Presidential campaign. She couldn’t walk a city block and she had a “med bag” near her at all times. We wrote on August 15, 2016 that Hillary was so exhausted that she was taking weekends off. This article caught fire and was the top story at Drudge that day.
Over the Target: Maria Bartiromo Questions Whether ‘Hysteria’ Over Ukraine a ‘Ruse’ to Distract From ‘What Hillary Clinton Did?’
of courses it is. The bottom line here is that not only did they spy on President Trump, they also stole the 2020 election.
Psaki Refuses to Answer Any Questions About Durham’s Investigation Into Hillary Clinton’s Spy Operation On Trump (VIDEO)
Sorry, not sorry. This is not going away. It will only ramp up