by Amy Curtis
We’ve talked a little bit about Project 2025, a series of policy proposals from the Heritage Foundation, in a document that is 900 pages long. The Left has lost their minds over it, screaming it’ll turn America in to a dystopian hellscape if Trump wins in November.
The kicker is this isn’t related to the Trump campaign, and Trump has distanced himself from it (whether or not that’s a good idea is a debate for another post).
But we digress.
Eric Swalwell is the latest to post an unhinged theory about 2025.
What is Project 2025?
It’s forced marriage.
The backers of Project 2025 want forced marriage. And Donald Trump supports them.
— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) July 7, 2024
Forced marriage.
Okay, Eric.
Whatever you say.
This is the dumbest post on all of X tonight.
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) July 7, 2024
And that’s quite the achievement.
Congrats. Dumbest tweet of all time
— Lisa Says (@LisaPurdue2) July 7, 2024
There should be an annual awards show, a la the Oscars, for dumb X posts.
He can’t help himself.
What page does it say forced marriage? I’d love to read that.
— TrashDiscourse (@TrashDiscourse) July 7, 2024
Yes. Please cite your source, Eric.
He will do every terrible thing listed in project 2025 because he wants those evangelical Christian votes. They want him to publicly announce his support of it at the RNC conference and for that reason they won’t allow mainstream media coverage now.
— Maggie Reed (@mermaidmamamags) July 7, 2024
Suuuuure he will. Just like he did every bad thing last time, like get us in to WWIII.
Oh, wait.
You know this is a lie. Even you should have higher standards.
— Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) July 7, 2024
He only has double standards.
So is this swell headed Blowhard still going to Nuke Gun Owners who refuse to turn in their Guns?!
No one does pathetic desperation like a Democrat. Fartsmell, Fang Fang’s useful idiot, is flailing about for some relevance. No, he’s just the dumbass that farted on TV.
What is it with Democrats and incontinence?
Trump’s Project 2025 might be the thing that encourages apathetic voters to get out there and cast their ballots for the Democratic candidate.
Unless they read it and compare it to the UNs Agenda 2025.

You know nothing about either one.
Bidens overflow crowd lol
I’ve downloaded and read the Project 2025 chapters that were of immediate interest to me. Can you say the same? (Difficulty: reading an OAN chyron doesn’t count as reading a chapter.)
Also: I know that there is no U.N. Agenda 2025, which is apparently more than you know.
You are superior in you inability to research
Even after your attempted roast, that’s still not called either “Project 2025” or “Agenda 2025.”
Try again.
Funny, that what I put in search, hmmmm another net zero brainfart.
One of your reps
President Trump draws more on a golf course.
Again: Democrats are generally voters, not fans. I wouldn’t go to a Biden rally if they held it next-door to my house and gave away a free puppy to each attendee, but I’m voting for him again.
Irony much?
joe was interviewed by Joe S and Mica on MSNBC the other day.
He claimed he gets HUGE crowds.
He is so isolated from reality he really believes it!
But you are correct dem votes don’t come from people who would go see joe.
Many dem votes come from the dead.
Many dem votes come from illegally submitted ballots.
Many dem votes come magically in the middle of the night just in the amounts they need.
Then why does Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden have rallies if Democrats simply don’t do rallies?
Those rallies scheduled are being cancelled, fund raisers kaput.

A free puppy from Biden?
Commander Biden, President Joe Biden’s family dog, bit US Secret Service personnel in at least 24 incidents at the White House and other locations, according to new internal USSS documents.
This is complete nonsense because (a) all — ALL!! — policy preferences held by Democrat voters are shiny objects fixated upon and arrived at through emotional manipulation; (b) they respond to celebrity endorsements; and (c) I not only remember Brandon’s appalling speech in front of Independence Hall, but I also remember the atrocious display of hard-ons by national media personalities and an eight year tongue bath following a performance that would have made Leni Reifenstahl blush at the ’08 convention.
“Not fans.” What a ridiculous lack of self-awareness. You say what you will about Trump and his supporters, but he is the first — literally, the first — national political figure since Reagan to even come close to pretending to support the interests of Americans over someone else.
As for your insistence on voting Brandon, it’s so obviously contrary to the national interest in so many obvious and undeniable ways, you’re either (a) in on the take in one way or another, down to and including welfare, (b) driven utterly mad by an irrational and senseless hatred based on nothing but hoaxes, or (c) suffering from some sort of mental illness for which you should seek help.
How is it “Trump’s Project 2025”? He had nothing to do with creating it and denounces any association with it. How is it his? How many times will I have to ask before you answer?
Just like Clinton and Obama Bide surrounds himself with the all time Worse from the very Bottom of the Dumpster Birds of a Feather But even Vultures would avoid these things and don’t want t o insult any birds by comparing them to the types the Demon-Rats surround themselves with
The official 2024 GOP PLATFORM was released today.
You can tell Trump wrote much of this himself; he loves his exclamation marks!
So, we’ve got: page 1, the Title; page 2, the Dedication; pages 3, 4, and 5, the Preamble; and page 6, the Table of Contents. Which leaves us with ten skimpy half-page Chapters, for a grand total of 16 pages.
The attentive reader will note that each Chapter is nothing more than a short list of desired outcomes, with each item followed by a brief sentences that reveals ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about how such an outcome will be achieved. (But they DO have a candidate who can declassify Top Secret government documents simply by the application of his mental powers alone, so making a wish may be sufficient to achieve each end.)
This is in contrast to 2020, when the GOP passed a resolution to have no official written platform at all, because “it did not want a small contingent of delegates formulating a new platform without the breadth of perspectives within the ever-growing Republican movement.”
The actual blueprint for a new Trump administration really is Project 2025, folks. It’s creators include former members of the Trump administration. Interestingly, they have quickly cranked out the official 2024 GOP PLATFORM when they realized Project 2025 had exposed far more of their radical intentions and methodology than intended, and that shocked American voters are actually becoming aware of its existence and READING it.
Blah, blah, blah, blah
You have nothing skipper, not even a candidate.
YOU’VE got the lies, but I’VE got the links. Read the damn documents.
And the platform was voted on by the delegates when, Comrade Greggie?
BTW, which plank do you object to?
Meanwhile, your party is in disarray with no end to it. When was the last time you saw Senators, Congressmen and party big wigs demanding their nominee resign?
It was officially approved by DONALD. No delegate votes were required.
You don’t seem to understand yet how authoritarianism works.
You dumbfuck. You don’t know how political conventions work. Go back to choaking your chicken.
Since the WEF agenda and the UN agenda were not approved while Biden was literally in attendance at the meetings, then he has nothing to do with those, correct? And you have nothing to be concerned about…?
Provide the evidence that Trump was present when the Republican convention Platform Committee drew up the (proposed) platform.
You’re as fucking stupid as your buttbuddy, Comrade Greggie.
Provide the evidence that Biden personally attended the meetings where the WEF and UN agendas were drawn up and approved.
Can you display your ignorance any better Mikey?
It doesn’t say anything about his being there when the agenda was drawn up. I read the article. You should give it a try.
Trump didnt write or yet sign on to 2025, but the link shows Joe is all in on the WEF and UN plans.
Biden cant plan anything he is toasted.
What part,of what you say you have read, dont you like?
Here are some of the main points of disagreement I have with Trump’s Project 2025:
NOT Trump’s platform.
The think tank is not representative of the Trump supporting Republican party.
It is a splinter group, a small minority of republicans.
Who were and, in some cases, such as Stephen “Nosferatu” Miller, still are his advisors.
You sound as if you repudiate Project 2025. Is that the case?
Does he need to be sitting in the room? It’s the platform, and the GOP is bragging about it. He’s the GOP nominee. Unless he says otherwise, the GOP platform is his platform.
I oppose allowing anger-amplified stupidity to occupy the nation’s driver’s seat.
Comrade Greggie, obfuscation is your forte.
That was actually a perfectly clear statement.
which plank do you object to?
The one you struck your head against when you were dropped as a child?
1. Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.
2. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.
3. Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.
4. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty.”
OMG where is the DEI and stuff? What of pronouns and free stuff?
Consider your audience.
So, groomer, you approve of Comrade Greggie’s obfuscation? Is it because you two are like minded?
Stop dodging the questions posed to you and start acting like an adult.
Physician, heal thyself.
Where’s the answer to my question? Chickenshit much?
Tell me, groomer, how many times have you been a delegate to the DNC conventions?
FYI, I’m not a physician.
What does that have to do with anything at all?
Tell me how many times you’ve performed at the CMEA convention.
Tell me how many times you’ve attended the Fall Festival at my school.
CMEA convention has what to do with the DNC convention? NOTHING.
You’re, once again, trying to divert and not answer my question. You, and Comrade Greggie are dishonest players.
Nobody except you has said anything about the DNC convention. What does it have to do with anything?
OK, groomer, I’ll play your childish game.
How many times have you been a delegate to a political party national convention?
Because it is clear that neither of you two clowns know how a convention works. Comrade Greggie is bitching about a platform that the delegates have yet to vote on and won’t even say which plank he disagrees with. All he does is throw shit against the wall hoping it sticks.
The platform committee gets together and develops the platform *before* the convention, so they can then present it to the convention as a whole to vote on it as a fait accompli. That’s the way it’s done. *You* are the fool for not knowing that.
The GOP has already presented the platform on its website. The *fait* has been *accompli*. I’m sorry that they didn’t consult with you.
Perhaps you should make a greater effort to keep up with what your party is doing.
You forgot the part where the platform is then debated on the floor prior to voting on it by the delegates.
You’re a dumb ass for not knowing that. You’re such an uninformed f*cking idiot.
Get back to me when you’re a delegate to the DNC convention, groomer.
Similarly, contact me when you’re a GOP delegate.
State or National?
You’ll be making it up anyway, so you go ahead and choose.
05 has bagged and tagged you groomer, quit trying to prove your total ignorance.
Why would I make my being a delegate to a party convention up? I tolerate a lot of things I don’t like but I am adverse to lying and liars. Just because you have no problem lying doesn’t mean others do.
I’ve been a delegate to numerous RPT conventions; in San Antonio (more than once), Fort Worth (more than once), Dallas, skipping Houston in 2020.
RNC conventions in Cleveland and Charlotte.
Just man up and admit that you have never been to a political convention as a delegate, state or national and have not one damn clue what you are talking about.
I don’t know why you do and say half the crazy shit you do and say, so I’m not the one to ask.
Of course.
I never said I have been.
…Yet you’re the one who didn’t know that the platform committee meets before the convention.
What is the documented link between Trump and Project 2025.
Compared to you, I’m the sanest person on the face of the earth.
So then, why did you pretend to know how conventions are conducted? Because you’re a liar?
Really? Quote me, verbatum, on that, liar. Not only does the Platform Committee meet prior to the call to order for the entire convention but also does the Organizational Committee, the Rules Committee and Credentials Committee and any other special committees.
You’re dishonest, groomer.
You have loads of firm opinions on things you have no experience with or knowledge about.
Sorry, groomer, but you stumbled on (or was directed to) this forum and you immediately showed you are full of hot air, not information. You quickly became Comrade Greggie’s BFF. Perhaps you should not have been so quick to jump to the defense of someone who is clearly mentally disturbed.
I highly recommend you put the shovel down. Or are you trying to mimic Becky Pringle?
You must be mistaken; I’ve never jumped to your defense.
Nice try, groomer, but no cigar.
Perhaps you could tell me what I got wrong about conventions.
What I said was that the platform committee meets before the convention to hammer out the platform. That’s true. I said that the convention delegates vote on the platform put forward by the platform committee. And that’s true.
What else do you believe I said?
You said we supported civil war and that Trump was going to be acquitted.
That’s because Democrats actually present their decisions as a fait accompli, like they do with candidates. That’s what Michael is most comfortable with.
But that is exactly what Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is providing.
So, you didn’t vote for JoeTater? Good for you.
tough nuggies lil guy all you can do is cast your vote.
He objects to anything that makes America better.
In Comrade Greggie’s attempt to show us how smart he is, he confirms he is nothing more than a low I.Q. idiot.
Where’s that link between Trump and Project 2025?
Trump is the wrecking ball that will make it all possible. He couldn’t be elected without them; they couldn’t tear everything down to impose their new vision of America without him.
A lot of innocent people are going to get thrown off the roller-coaster if these guys slip the constitutional leash.
Don’t forget that they’re open to violence if they don’t get their way. They’ve said as much.
You mean like the left wing Antifa/BLM?
Mostly peaceful protests?
Oh, you mean like maybe those who keep suggesting Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden assassinate Trump? How about Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden declaring he won’t leave and isn’t going anywhere? Why aren’t you outraged about him declaring himself President for Life?
I already told you:
Trump is the wrecking ball that will make it all possible. He couldn’t be elected without them; they couldn’t tear everything down to impose their new vision of America without him.
That’s how they’re connected. That’s their deeply co-dependent relationship.
Whats wrong dont you like hope and change?
Hope is a good thing; change can be anything from ‘a change for the better’ to ‘going to hell in a handbag’.
obama sure proved that!
If Trump wins, they believe they’ll control him.
They would be wrong.
That would make them an unelected deepstate .
Trump will want to create his own personal embedded power structure of loyalists who will do what he tells them to. That’s what authoritarian leaders always do.
Based on what evidence, exactly? In fact, it is Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden that has now declared he “is not going anywhere” and “is not leaving”, so THERE is your “authoritarian”.
Based on what he SAYS he’s going to do.
Based on his methodical purges from the GOP of anyone disagreeing with him, even if it resulted in the loss of a republican seat in the House.
Based on what former members of his administration have WARNED he’s going to do.
Based on Project 2025, which in fact details the objectives and intentions of the political faction he cannot be elected without.
Based on what every authoritarian leader throughout history has done in the past, and is doing in the present.
What is it he says he’ll do? Who has he “purged”? How about that linkage between Trump and Project 2025? Do you have anything besides a vivid imagination anchored in lies to base any of your stupid opinions on?
How about Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden pledging he “won’t leave” and “isn’t going anywhere”? Sounds like he is planning on being the dictator for life.
If you work for the executive branch your job would be to carry out the plans of the Boss, not your personal plan or the plan from the last boss. He was elected on a platform, you are the employee to assist that plan is carried out, its like their job.
Why is that a bad thing?
Yesterday you were pushing mutilating kids, oh new boss today we see that kids learn to read, new plan, if you dont like it get a different job, like at a sideshow or self employed stealing luggage.
FFS Greg do you remember this retarded shit?
Many dem and GOP voters say they vote for a candidate who agrees with them …. FOR THE MOST PART.
I remember thinking, “if Trump can do even 1/2 of what he says he’ll do, that would be enough for me to be happy with his presidency.”
In point of fact, Trump got way more than 50% of what he promised done.
This think tank is like me and other voters, both D’s and R’s.
They hope Trump (Or their candidate) can get some percent of what they want.
And, lucky for the think tank, Trump agrees with about 2/3rds of what they want.
So, everybody’s happy.
Except you.
greg obviously does not understand the think tanks who put together a series of “white” papers.(sarc) It is done outside the input of those who may be somewhat connected in one way or another. Project 2025 is a collection of actions to prevent what the IC and others did to Trump in his first term. Perhaps it is why the left is opposed, they will not be able to effect control over Trump as they did in the 1st term.
Bullshit. Of course he does. He’s just desperately grasping at straws to find SOMETHING that can penetrate Trump’s armor. They have no successful policies or achievements by Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden to brag about, nothing but absolute disaster. So, they find something like Project 2025 that has a few details that they can weaponize and they try to hang it on Trump. This is the “fine people” of 2024; how many times will Trump be asked to denounce it despite him denouncing it 5 minutes earlier?
Forgot to add the sarc tag. He knows all too well, it is just the next effort to attack Trump. They know they will not win with joe and they are unable at this point to replace him, unless hillary gets that 3am call to administer Arkancide.
You never fail to get played. It was Trump Russia collusion now it’s project 2025. Give it a rest.
Pro-life advocates have been rallying to keep language related to a federal 20-week abortion ban in the platform, but since the Dobbs decision many party insiders believe that plank should be removed not as an indication that the Republican party is moving away from pro-life beliefs, but as an acknowledgement of political reality.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said Sunday on CNN:
Another scare-mongering point taken away from rabid dems by Donald Trump!
Eat My Tailwind Gopher Breath Skreeet Skreet Skreeeee
The true threat is Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. He has now declared he won’t leave. He says he’s not going anywhere. So, THERE’S your dictator. He absolutely and openly declares he will not leave, no matter what. I think Trump knows how to get him out, though.
Joe is calling the man a liar to his face. He has also called your lying cult leader a liar to his face. The media should have called Trump a liar from the moment the fat bastard started lying. They were too damn polite with the s.o.b., standing on decorum long after it was apparent Trump would disregard all rules of civil political discourse.
In case you haven’t noticed, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has less than zero credibility. He is the biggest liar on the face of the earth, and keep in mind, that is the same planet where Hillary is. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden lies all the time he is awake. He lies just for fun. He lies when he doesn’t even have to. He lies while everyone knows he’s lying. On top of that, he’s a corrupt, incompetent, treasonous pedophile piece of shit.
Ben Shapiro embarrasses Eric fartswell
He wants to know if it’s OK to come out.
List of the 31 Trump associates who helped write Project 2025:
From Forbes, July 10:
Bit coin is a fiat currency, precious metals gold is the only constitutional form of currancy, yes end the horrors that Wilson unleashed the Federal reserve.
I think it’s probably worse than fiat currency; it’s not even backed by a government’s assurance that it’s acceptable as legal tender. In addition, crypto-currency “mining” is presently sucking up between 0.6% and 2.3% of America’s electrical power. Every new addition to the total crypto “supply” requires the consumption of more electrical energy than the previous addition required.
AI and government spying on the public sucks lots more power, to maintain every key stroke in massive server farms and to keep them cool.
Gold doesnt vanish if the grid goes down.
Gold is an excellent medium of exchange, but I don’t think the total global supply is sufficient to conduct the enormous volumes of trade that go in world’s national economies.
Bit coin also has a limit, then I guess it will split, there are other precious metals and forms of trade.
Yep. When I was a kid, I had silver quarters and dimes and copper pennies in my pocket. I never knew I was rich.
How are they “associates”? Why do they and Trump say they aren’t associated? Why are you so damned desperate? Why do you always lie? Where is the documented link? Why are Democrats registering illegal immigrants to vote? What is the crime all 12 jurors unanimously agreed Trump committed to turn their version of a bookkeeping error into a felony?
Do you see that column on the right? That states what the relationship of each person to the Trump administration was. Claiming he doesn’t know anything about Project 2025 or the people who wrote it is complete, unmitigated BULLSHIT.
So, again, what is the documented LINK between Trump and Project 2025? Just because two people know each other doesn’t mean they are collaborating. The only BULLSHIT is that which fills YOU. Don’t forget the other questions.
All of those people who were part of his administration are the link. You can figure this out. You just don’t want to.
DC think tanks is a whos who, some were bound to have connections to not just 1 administration. This is really something you need to get down those rabbit holes The eritage foundation where does it get its funding. Research this yourself Media isnt reliable track down every link on the internet. The media is colluding on bringing down the President they cant be trusted. Even members of the Senate!
When your most worshipful idol is a weak, dried up, incompetent, corrupt, treasonous pedophile like Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, you get pretty desperate and shrill.
No. They aren’t. They are just people that, at one point or another, worked in the administration. How many people do you suppose that is? That’s no link at all. Where is a documented link between Trump and your boogie man?
You never learn. You swallow garbage with a smile.
I thought Joe had a 6 handicap. How did joe beat Medicare?
If he thinks he got 81,000,000 votes, who trusts him to keep score?
You are wasting your time with project 2025. Top issues for the campaign are immigration, economy and Biden’s lack of cognitive ability.
It’s either pretend Project 2025 is an actual issue or address the economy, crime, the border, energy, new wars, the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s corruption, election fraud…
I think Project 2025 will be America’s big wake-up call. The GOP’s official 16-page 2024 Platform isn’t enough to conceal 922 pages of unconcealed authoritarian intentions.
Trump’s big problem is that many Project 2025 objectives are obvious extensions of his own stated intentions or of what he was already attempting during his first term. Recent SCOTUS decisions have made it all too clear how easily he could implement extreme policies, if reelected.
Your thinking is foolish.
bidens lack of a functioning brain
You thought Adam Sandman was a racist, there was Russian collusion, Schiff had “the evidence”, Trump said Nazis were “fine people”, there was no election fraud, the laptop was “Russian disinformation”, Trump would back out of the debate, Obama didn’t spy on Trump, the 51 IC stooges were legitimate, Ashley’s diary was fake… you don’t exactly have a stellar record on predictions or insight. In fact, all your “thinking” is based on wishful thinking.
So spare us your “insights”. They are worth less than a Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden promise.
Extreme policies? Like student loan forgiveness against a SCOTUS decision?
For you.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhh let them chase their tails.
Swalwell questioned Ben Shapiro about “Project 2025.”
It did not go well for Swalwell.
“I think it is important that you’re here as one of the leading conservative voices in the country,”
And the country has, in the last couple weeks, talked about and Googled ‘Project 2025.
It’s one of the most Googled search terms right no.
On a scale of zero to 100 percent — how much do you support Project 2025?”
“I think, like President Trump, I haven’t looked all that deeply at Project 2025. But it seems that Democrats on this committee — sort of like Peter Pan and Tinker Bell — if they say ‘Project 2025’ enough, their presidential candidate becomes alive again.”
I think the term for it is “pathetic desperation”.
democrats are on the short end of the stick. biden will be defeated and they will suffer down ticket losses that will strengthen the Republican numbers in the House and allow them to take the Senate. Buh bye sotomayor, hello 7-2 court.
Turns out the entire “Project 2025” thing is a creation of the Uniparty that joe/jill has been pushing as a distraction from his dementia/Parkinson’s.
They also have a recycle of Russia, Russia, Russia, SMH
Every time Swalwell shows up on TV, I reflect with fondness on the legacy of Preston Brooks.
This is Trump’s campaign pitch to American voters. He works a crowd up by bypassing reason and pounding a handful of simple angry ideas into their heads. He has done it so much that he can do it on autopilot. No one seems to notice when he rambles off into momentary incoherence, as he does at the end of the unedited video.
Hmmm…. anything like constantly repeating “threat to democracy” and “Project 2025”? At least what Trump is saying is the truth.
Project 2025 would overhaul the U.S. tax system. Here’s how it could impact you.
See B S= See Bull Shit.
Create a low-end flat tax rate of 15% while eliminating most deductions, and that’s the result: A middle-class family with 2 kids and $100,000 in annual income would be out another $2,600.
The wealthiest, on the other hand, would have a flat 30% rate—which would represent a 7% cut from the current 37% bracket.
Project 2025 – refer to page 696, Intermediate Tax Reform.
So it’s yet another scam to cut taxes for the richest while raising taxes for everyone else.
Cheap fakes
So? It’s not policy and it’s not the platform. It’s not Trump’s. Why didn’t you complain when Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden raised taxes on the lower and middle classes with his tax hikes and exploding inflation?
Flaunting a vacuous 2024 Platform while denying all knowledge of Project 2025 is a classic bait-and-switch scam.
What issue do you have with the RNC platform? Historically speaking the 1924 democrat convention, the Klanbake, had lynching in the platform.
Sounds quite pro American, provided you are an American.
…just like charging 70 bucks for cheap Chinese-printed bibles.
Apples and oranges. Do you have a point possibly?
The point? Trump is a rotten apple that has rotted the entire Republican barrel.
The official GOP 2024 Platform is as phony as your candidate, who obviously wrote most of the damn thing himself. (Yes! He loves exclamation marks!)
It’s the bright shiny object intended to distract voters from the actual agenda, which is covered in excruciating detail in Project 2025.
Try harder next time skipper
The Republican party is more unified than it has ever been. EVER. How about that Democrat party? Ever seen a more chaotic mess? All because they relied on election fraud in 2020 instead of a viable candidate with a popular agenda.
After purging republicans who can’t stand your crooked cult leader, there’s a lot fewer to BE united.
Who has he purged? He showed what a great leader he is in 2017 and now the party is fully united behind him. Unlike Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, who faces court intrigues. Now they are threatening to “beat the shit” out of anyone that disagrees with him.
The one and only point Greg has is that Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a massive, incompetent, corrupt, treasonous pedophile failure and he needs ANYTHING he can desperately grasp to convince himself he has distracted us, the voter, from noticing.
“How Old Are You? Remember, No Serious Guys Until You’re 30” – Biden Goes in For a Sniff, Creeps on Young Girls at Michigan Restaurant (VIDEO)
biden needs to register as a sexual offender.
Probably looking for the nearest shower.
Prove it. Say, why does Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden call Trump names and lay into him with lies in his speeches but cowers like a scared little bitch face to face in the debate? Is THAT your hero? Kind of a gutless little c*nt.
Biden just shredded Trump with the truth before a cheering Michigan rally crowd.
If he keeps talking like this, Biden can take Trump down in November. He’s nailing Trump with Project 2025, point by evil point.
All except for the fact that Project 2025 and Trump have nothing to do with each other. More lies. Nothing but endless lies to try and cover up the disastrous failures.
Again, why is he always such a frightened little chickenshit twat when face to face with Trump? Maybe he’s afraid Trump will whip is drooping ass for lying so much.
“America needs a President, not a dictator.”
Listen to that crowd, folks.
Does that mean Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is resigning? Did all 100 people cheer or do they have a laugh track?
Obviously you didn’t watch the video:
Did Biden’s Dentures Come Loose? Biden Starts Shouting Out of Nowhere at Michigan Rally (VIDEO)
“I know how to tell the truth! (I just refuse to) I know right from wrong! (But wrong makes me more money)”
Did Obama make Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden have all his teeth pulled? Maybe Big Mike complained they hurt.
Why is it that everything he says HAS to be totally infused with lies? Why can ne NEVER tell the truth?
How long before auto workers figure out Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden wants to destroy about 80% of their jobs? His CAFE standards mandate cars that can’t be built or those so small and dangerous no one will want them. Building electric car, which far fewer will be required, will also require far fewer workers, from the assembly line all the way down to the supply chain. The only way people support this pedophile is by assuming he is lying.
Again he says “I’m not going anywhere” meaning, even if he loses, he doesn’t intend on leaving the White House. Democrats are the threat of dictatorship and it will take Trump to chase the parasites out of DC.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer will not attend Biden’s Michigan appearance on Friday. Sen. Gary Peters, a steadfast Biden supporter, and Rep. Elissa Slotkin, who is vying for Michigan’s open Senate seat, will also be absent. United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain is traveling for a conference and won’t attend either.
Well, that’s a bad look.
You mean like this one? Remember lefties say crowd size does not matter when it comes to voter turnout.
Trump? Nobody has seen or heard Trump for days.
When your opponent is self destructing, get out of the way and let it happen.
He is just letting Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, the moron, destroy himself and that’s exactly what he’s doing.
WATCH: Biden Lies to Michigan Voters, Claims He Was “Involved in the Civil Rights Movement” in Delaware Where He Worked to “Desegregate the Restaurants and Streets of Our City”
Nobody anywhere ever expects Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden to tell the truth.
Biden immigration policies bring 20,000 Haitians to a small Ohio town.
BREAKING: The Mayor of Springfield, Ohio, a town with a population of 58,082 just announced that his city has been conquered by over 20,000 Haitian illegals that the Biden regime brought in
“We do not have the capacity to sustain that, it’s taxing our infrastructure, it’s taxing public safety, it’s taxing our schools, it’s taxing healthcare, and taxing our housing.”
This is exactly what we mean when we say, they are replacing citizens in real time. I don’t just believe we need to vote these people out, I believe we need to charge them with treason for enabling the invasion of the United States
“But… but… but… Project 2025!”
Biden shoved Project 2025 up Trump’s bung hole. There’s growing danger that voters are actually going to read the damn thing.
Trump’s MAGA tools sabotaged the bipartisan border bill.
You mean the one that did nothing but make 5,000 illegal immigrants a day permanent law and did nothing to secure the border, only provide for processing and releasing more illegal immigrants faster? THAT one?
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has told lie after lie. Why is Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden Mr. Tough Guy at the scripted rallies but cowers like a scared little bitch when face to face with Trump? Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden ain’t shredding anyone or anything but his own shitty diapers.
Did someone say unhinged?
Actually, he did bring peace. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden gets wars started and destroys peace agreements.