by Twitchy
Don’t mind John Harwood, he’s just asking questions because he thinks it’s odd Trump’s ear wasn’t completely taken off his head when the gunman shot at him. He’s passive aggressively implying it’s not THAT bad because you know, glass hit him.
Not a bullet.
Except we all know that’s BS and that Harwood is a hateful hack from Hell who would say and do anything to help the Democrats, even if that includes saying horrible things about a Republican president who was almost assassinated.
Look at this hot mess:
how often have AR-15 bullets "pierced" part of someone's body, "ripping through the skin," while leaving the body part intact and without serious injury?
on the other hand it's easy to imagine a shard of shattered glass causing the bleeding Trump suffered
no briefing is odd
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) July 18, 2024
What’s odd, John? What is there to brief, exactly? They don’t supposedly know the motive yet, Trump has said his ear was grazed by a bullet but he’s ok … what more is there? There isn’t some giant conspiracy.
Perhaps Harwood should stop projecting what Democrats do onto Republicans.
not saying it couldn't happen. i genuinely don't know. not familiar with ballistics at all.
a briefing from doctors who treated Trump ought to be able to clarify pretty easily
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) July 18, 2024
And now the backpedal because people told him what a douche-canoe he really is for implying such a thing.
to be clear, there's zero doubt that Trump was wounded in an assassination attempt
but more facts about what happened would serve the public interest
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) July 18, 2024
Because you know, saying Trump was shot helps him just a little too much.
Damn, these people are just horrible human beings.
Pretty sure absolute lunatics would take one look at Harwood’s thread and say, ‘Damn, now THAT GUY is an absolute lunatic.’
Standard 223 or 5.56 rounds are almost always completely jacketed rounds. They're not meant to expand, or fragment on the corner of an ear. And they don't explode.
The question "how often" is silly. It presupposes that a graze on an ear is commonplace.
— Toxic Something Podcast – w/ Keith Burgin (@KeithBurgin) July 18, 2024
Really, who among us hasn’t had their ear grazed by a bullet?
Lol, do you think 556/223 ammo (type used most often in ARs) detonates on impact??
The wound we saw on Trump is exactly what'd you see from a grazing shot. It's painfully obvious many of you know nothing about guns & ammo.
— (@georg3) July 18, 2024
But orange man BAD.
Bright is not an adjective to describe you,
— Sandy 〽️ (@RightGlockMom) July 18, 2024
Not even a little bit.
Debunked. Move on John.
— Jon Gault (@swatter911) July 18, 2024
When you’ve lost Snopes?
Yeah … it’s time to move on.
Mikey can you back up your conspiracy theory?
The photo clearly shows zero damage to the teleprompter, his head was not turned facing the podium, no glass or wood flying caused the injury.
Mikey , mike , mick?
The crazy-ass conspiracy theories you people espouse never have facts to back them up. There’s no reason for me to be held to a higher standard than, say, TrumpWon, who is a conspiracy theorist extraordinaire.
Trump/Russia collusion takes the crown for conspiracies.
“TrumpWon, who is a conspiracy theorist extraordinaire.”
Damn I thought I was top of the list, now my feelings are hurt, I really have to try harder.
You’ll always be #1 with me, Kitt. Mikey’s vote doesn’t count.
You must have something to back up your theory or is it CNN or MSLSD theory you parrot like an idiot?
Again: you people need nothing to back up your nutso conspiracy theories, so it is only fair that I need nothing.
I don’t have cable, so I don’t get to see any of the channels you’re always accusing me of watching.
I dont have cable, ok which conspiracy theory do you want backed up?
Michael, like greg, never has anything other than some emotional pitch that is not sustainable.
Again, such as, what? What “conspiracy theory” has been presented with no substantiation?
Like… what?
Dumbasses. Absolute dumbasses. First, if a bullet hit a teleprompter, wouldn’t someone have taken a picture of it? Wouldn’t that be a cool picture? Second, Trump’s life was actually saved because he had turned his head to the right to address the illegal immigration data shown on the monitor. If a bullet had hit a teleprompter and a shard of glass wounded Trump, it would be on his LEFT side, the side facing the teleprompter. Like Cheatle, these ignorant asses don’t seem to even think through their lies, they just throw them out by the bushel-load and hope someone eats them up.
Michael Steele was expressing the same doubts, citing getting hit by a “high-caliber” bullet. First, a .223 is not “high-caliber”. Second, any bullet that hits the ear, hand, foot or the fleshy part of the body, is going to just pass through. The ear, especially, barely slowed the bullet down.
Dumbasses. It’s like the laws of physics take a back seat when they need to lie.
Harwood’s been dropped on his head too many times his mind is going
Uber-lefties keep repeating this lie in hopes a few others will swallow it.
X added Community Notes after Elon Musk took the reins.
The Community Note on John Leguizamo’s tweet reads,
“Photo from 2022.”
Should have added, “Dumbass.”