Dozens Fired After Joining “Day Without Immigrants” Protests

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More than 100 people were suddenly out of work across the country this past week after they participated in Thursday’s “Day Without Immigrants” protest. As numerous restaurants across the country closed their doors in solidarity with the cause, other employers were decidedly less understanding.

Eighteen of those who were fired worked at Bradley Coatings Inc., which had warned employees they would lose their jobs if they didn’t come to work. “Regretfully, and consistent with its prior communication to all its employees, BCI had no choice but to terminate these individuals,” the company said in a statement. “The reason these employees missed work—to engage in peaceful demonstrations—had nothing to do with BCI’s decision to terminate them.” Fired workers said they planned to make up the day on Sunday but the company didn’t budge.

In Lexington, South Carolina, 21 workers were fired from Encore Boat Builders after they took part in the national protest. The company has declined to comment. And in Denver, at least 30 workers were fired from JVS Masonry after they missed work on Thursday. “I have no view on immigration laws or anything going on with that. All I know is I have a business to run,” company owner Jim Serowski said. In Miami, four construction workers were fired—and 17 others subsequently quit in protest—from the Orange and Blue company.

In New York, 25 workers were fired from Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers in Long Island. In Catoosa, Oklahoma, a dozen workers were fired from the I Don’t Care Bar and Grill after they didn’t show up for work. The owner fired at least some of them via a horrific text message: “You and your family are fired. I hope you enjoyed your day off, and you can enjoy many more. Love you.” Restaurant owner Bill McNally justified the move, saying he has “zero tolerance policy” for people who skip work. The restaurant has already taken to Facebook to find new employees.

Some activists are going on social media, calling for a boycott of the companies that fired these workers.

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The “Day Without Immigrants.” was SO successful that I think it should be extended…..

To 365 days without ILLEGAL immigrants.

An estimated 8.3 million undocumented aliens hold jobs in the United States. I’m sure business owners will have no problem replacing them with fully qualified workers happy to provide the same level of services for the same low wages.

@Nanny G: why not blame the employer for hiring them?

Just wait for the whining to begin wait for the sob stories from the little snowflakes WHINE,WHINE,WHINE My kids will starve,WHINE,WHINE,WHINE I’ll lose my home,WHINE,WHINE,WHINE I cant send my kid to U.C. Berkeley WHINE WHINE WHINE I can’t afford to send my kid to soccer practic WHINE WHINE,WHINE I cant hug tree no more WHINE WHINE WHINE. And seee them appearing on some liberal leftosts news show like TODAY or GMA,60 MINUTES,20/20

@Wordsmith: Thanks for the extensive quote from the WaPo.
I noted that these disruptive and failing students are developing political views.
Maybe they should worry more about developing study and learning skills.
All political views do for them (if they are liberal ones) is turn them into cannon fodder, useful idiots for the leftist organizers like Soros and Obama.
In the end they get nothing out of it.
Some blacks are starting to learn this fact.
Some Hispanics, too.
Even some homosexuals.
There is hope.

A day, a week, a month, a year, two years, three years and so no. Without illegal aliens in our country will be a Godsend….

A day without immigrants is an emotional appeal pure and simple. The vast majority of these people are illegal aliens and should be deported according to the Law.

without illegal immigrants who is going to clean the ceo, and senior editors bathroom at WaPo.

A year without whining little liberal snowflakes would also be a godsend

@MOS #8541: The world revolved before we had illegal aliens, it’ll continue to revolve.

Maybe the jobs currently done by illegal aliens can be taken over by people presently receiving Social Security checks and other such socialist handouts.

UNA PALOMA BLANCA I’M JUST A BIRD IN THE SKY,UNA PALOMA BLANCA I’LL DROP SOMETHING A SNOWFLAKES EYE(Guess what it will be)and dont blame me im just a angry shorebird