So, the president may have been cavorting with Playboy playmates and porn stars a decade or so ago and…and what? Oh, right, we’re supposed to care.
We don’t care. We can’t.
And you can almost see the liberals drooling. You can see their Fredocon gimp bros’ nodding their vinyl-encased heads.
Yes, yes, this is finally it! This time we’ll strip Donald Trump’s supporters from him because he failed to meet the standards we think our opponents should adhere to! This time it will work!
Nah. We just don’t care.
I don’t mean that we are simply unconcerned about Donald Trump’s past hobbies. I mean that our depth and breadth of not caring is so deep and wide as to create a critical mass of not giving a damn of such intensity that it is brighter than a million suns.
We just don’t care what Trump did with his pneumatic bimbos – to the extent anyone even believes them. His critics don’t really seem to. They never gave a damn about this stuff until a Republican allegedly did something. Or until one did nothing – they were outraged about Mitt Romney too.
Perhaps we fail to meet the moral standards of people who already call us racist, sexist, greedy, stupid, and all sorts of other stuff. You heard what Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit said about us. Hell, we are murdering children by sticking up for the Constitution, remember? But gee, it seems that this time we have really disappointed them. This time it’s totally serious. We’ve really done it now. Now our enemies are going to think really, really badly of us.
We talk a lot about the New Rules, and how the liberals and their lackeys are going to hate them. Well, they certainly do hate them. No, not because they have something against kinky side action. There’s no need to remind these hypocrites of their affinity for Bill Clinton, he of the human humidor and the Oval Office bad aim. Oh, and don’t forget the Lion of the Senate, Teddy “Vroom Vroom Splash Splash” Kennedy, the chef who liked to whip up the occasional waitress sandwich after getting staggeringly hammered. I once saw him stumbling out of the senators’ elevator when I interned on Capitol Hill – he smelled like a distillery and his nose was redder than Rudolph’s. So when liberals start telling us we should freak out and abandon a Republican who’s laying down the smack on Obama’s legacy because he used to indulge in his own reindeer games, well, that’s just not happening.
See, the New Rules say it doesn’t matter, so it doesn’t matter for anyone.
I remember when we used to talk about character counting, but you know what? Our opponents mocked us for being uptight and uncool – remember all the talk about how sophisticated European leaders all had mistresses? Oh, us repressed hayseeds and our sanctity of marriage nonsense! Well, moral purity came up for a vote and we were outvoted by the very same people who want me to rev up some oh-so convenient caring.
Well, no go-backsies now that those Old Rules would be useful again. You liberals made the New Rules, and by doing so you deprived yourselves of being able to leverage human frailty to weaponize our morality and score a victory based on collateral antics where you can’t win on substance.
Gosh, if you had held Cohiba Clinton and Tanqueray Teddy to a standard you might have had a shot. But you didn’t. And your ridiculous expectation that we’re going to all channel John Lithgow in Footloose is really pretty funny.
My favorite part is when you libs start with the Jesusplaining to me. I have to say, the best social media is the social media where I’m bombarded with demands that I conform to their version of Christianity where just a few tweets before they were explaining how we’re stupid about having our “invisible sky friend.” I gotta break it to ya – there are no series of theological contortions that result in us having to allow the election of a monster like Hillary. But hey, you keep trying. Eventually, if you nag us enough, we’ll totally take your advice about how to live our religious values.
You know guilt almost made me organize a rolling dumpster for all of us to chuck our guns and ammo in and give it to the Dems, but then I remember them arming terrorists and drug cartels.
Obama’s many crimes against America and its citizens and all we here from Mad Madam Maxine(Waters) is IMPEACH TRUMP when he has not commited a impeachible act but Obama on the other hand commited many impeachible offenses
First they have to prove their case and a line of “victims” that have to be paid for their feelings to be hurt enough to speak up is not something I find convincing. Next, if true, well, I’m disappointed and don’t approve but he is President now and doing a GREAT job.
You can tell the seriousness the Democrats apply to this by how they already foresee Trump’s impeachment because 20 years ago he scored better than Clinton ever did.
I bet liberals would be more approving if Trump talked about his underwear and played a reed instrument. Such despicable hypocrites… NO ONE takes them seriously anymore.
So, I guess you must have stopped caring about Monica Lewinsky—who, by the way, wasn’t a porn star or the recipient of hush money.
Stormy Daniels’ attorney claims she was physically threatened
The next big episode of this tawdry little reality television drama is scheduled for March 25—assuming Boris Badenov and Natasha don’t get to her first. If all this ever becomes a miniseries, it really should be presented as a cartoon.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: The affair was 10 years ago while married—JR.’S wife has filed–Melania would probably like to.
AND— You’re “disappointed and don’t approve.”–whatdya think Melania is? Has anybody seen her lately?–she won’t even hold his hand.
Wasn’t long ago media said Rex would be fired and DT chimed “Fake News”–seems The Donald is the biggest purveyor of fake news.
Never did care about Monica. The concern was with perjury; lying to a Grand Jury. That was just “sex”, remember? So, therefore YOU don’t care about Stormy.
You and “other” pitiful, whiny, crybaby, sore loser liberals who see no future for your corrupt, decadent party unless they start running Republicans for office are getting laborious with your constant clinging to tenuous straws. As long as Trump’s positive achievement keeps piling up, he will remain President and he will win in 2020.
@Rich Wheeler: Could have been something Rex did or didn’t do that happened after that.
Doesnt matter what is happening in the Trump marriage may be a reason she chose to have an only child,
@kitt: “did or didn’t do.” like calling Trump a moron?
Trump says he “made stuff up” while conferring with Trudeau–no surprise there–does it regularly with the American people.
You gotta agree he’s a real piece a work.
Great video–probably right on.
@Rich Wheeler: Name an honest politician, seems Trump has enough kept promises…he will do.
@kitt: Well certainly not DT or HRC. Thought Jim Webb to be honest’
Think we’re gonna see more and more young Vets like Lamb called on by Dems to step up and challenge Trump and his followers.
Semper Fi
@Rich Wheeler: This Webb did he have history in office?
@kitt: Webb was a Dem. Senator from Va. beat George Allen Jr
Sec of Navy under RR
Navy Cross recipient as Marine in V.N.
Why do these Fox commentators like Gorka and Steyn have these affected accents? strange characters–I miss O’REILLY
@Rich Wheeler: I dropped cable and the BS propaganda commentary channels everyone of them, I dont watch network TV
I catch the local news a couple of times a week. I watch international news except BBC also full retard propaganda. If you are watching fox catch Levin on Sunday evenings.
Dont you grow weary of them telling you how to think? 24/7
I wish there was a line on the nerve agent attack they are trying to pin on Putin. May removed Russians just like Obama before any evidence was gathered.
We all have to believe just because she said so?
@kitt:KGB Putin in it to his eyeballs–it’s obvious–I understand why DT loves the strong authoritarian Putin–two of a kind.
Scoop—Putin ain’t our friend and he’s playing us and DT.
He should be called out personally by POTUS for his deeds.
Like Trump he’s a nationalist and I think DT respects and admires him for it.
BTW Webb would have won the TRADITIONAL DEM white union and white working poor vote in the Rust Belt and beaten DT in Mich Wisc Ohio and North Carolina–probably Pa-and been elected POTUS
@Rich Wheeler: The soviet union invented this nerve agent 1 drop a kill shot…nobody died, no sample sent to Russia. Motive?
The soviet union is dead, Russia has more privacy than we do. Its simply a rival country no more we have never been at war with Russia we have been allies.
The DNC was cannibalized by Obama then bought lock stock and barrel, robbed Bernie donations for her own use harpie Hillary, there was no one going to take her precious. Now the media is stirring up hate and using loyal democrats like they used the students. As the Media is all for Hillary its basically Hillary is using all dems for her revenge. There is no reason to polarize Americans against each other. Are you an American or do you want a one world government?
@kitt: many have died in Britain–killed by Soviets–they haven’t been our allies since WWII—they’ve opposed us around the world—and they hacked into our election.
Scoop—Like W HRC is gone and has no voice in today’s Dem Party—you will see new leadership. It’s possible Webb will run again.
Am I an American?–I’m a Marine –Where was DT while I fought in V.N.? He’s a loud mouth phony and the majority of the country knows it.-he’s not gonna get a pass.
@Rich Wheeler: Where did they hack the election? Where were votes changed by the Russians? Can you link to that proof?
Many Brittish killed by the Soviets there are no more Soviets, where is the Soviet Union it no longer exists, it was killed by Reagan in the 80s for goodness gracious WAKE UP they have you convinced there are Ruskies under your bed. THEY ARE WAR MONGERS! Oh no they are not going to get their little war with N. Korea at least not yet.
I say if Putin wanted that piss ant in England dead he would be pushing Daisies whatever he was exposed to may have been taken from the facility that holds such agents 12 miles from where he was yes only 12 miles. Proof demand proof from these LIARS. The OWO doesnt want us to rebuild our military they want the assests destroyed as quickly as produced makes big bucks for them. They cause wars then arm both sides.
Russia lost 20 million in WW2, we took in Nazis that hated Russia into our intelligence circles Project Muse, and scientists Project paperclip.
I am far from saying they are our buddies, but not enemy either. Expect them to do what ever for their own countrys’ interest, just like we do.
@kitt: Yeah they’re just like us–exactly why DT has an HO for shirtless Putin–two of a kind except Putin’s in shape and popular in his country
EVERYONE including Trump says they hacked–I didn’t say it changed any votes—though they’re facebook postings probably did.
Flynn led the “lock her up” chant–Karma
@Rich Wheeler: Every country should be working for its own citizens, tearing someone down doesn’t make you greater. I told you before I dont care if you hate Trump, hate him all you want, I am waiting for that link to the Russians hacking the election. I say its a lie repeated to the point you believe it, thats called brain washing. What other lies from your cable opinion shows do you repeat? They even have a dead the Soviet Union in your head.
You dont care if the intelligence agencies were weaponized as long as they GET TRUMP, do you care that they bankrupted General Flynn?
Don’t bother asking questions; you get no answers, as shown here. Somehow, such questions are too scary, too intrusive, too complex for an answer. I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of those who throw out bold statements but won’t answer questions about their positions.
@Deplorable Me: I and Rich have some good to and fros, Im just curious if he signed on the dotted line for his country or an open borders free for all invasion redistribute the wealth, wait for your monthly allotment of everything sustainability. Does he know that you dont want to fundamentally change something you love?
Wheres the link, Rich wheres the proof, you call Trump a liar then say he said the election was hacked, thats your proof?
Shouldnt everyone that broke the espionage act be jailed, how bout destroying evidence that was under subpoena do we all get to do that and walk around free?
Do you believe in equal justice under the law? What would happen to you if you were running guns to terrorists through an embassy? Both the Bushs and the Clintons deserve to be locked up for the theft of our donations to Haiti.
Karma Flynn once a registered Democrat , backed Trump 33 years of military service He loved his country over Party unforgivable.
@kitt: I answer both your questions and those of deplorable Bill Burris
You say you choose not to watch the news–other than Levin–or read the newspapers.
Do you watch Trump speak or read his tweets? If you did you would know he’s admitted—-along with all the agency leaders–that the Russians hacked our election.
He has NOT said it affected anyone’s vote.
BTW–You would think my service as a Marine Corps Officer answers your question as to my allegiance to this great country—-which bad foot kept DT from serving with me and Mac?
@Rich Wheeler: Proof of hacking election, I dont care if they say RRs spirit came through a seance there is no proof, do you think everyone is on face book? I never opened an account ever. Our DHS under Obama hacked into some systems yes that happened but wheres the russian dressing? Where was 1 vote changed, they are blowing smoke up yer ass marine. Please link where Trump said our election was HACKED.
I agree they put out stuff on the internet spent less than 500K in ads, to cause division, they gave up cause our Media was doing a better job than they could dream of.
What you are watching isnt news FOX, MSNBC, CNN and BBC propaganda, when was the last time you heard a Why What Where When Who without “editorial comments” Our sources (no names) CNN hiring ex deepstate the fox moved right in the henhouse there,
I cant watch Levins new show NO CABLE HERE. I was done with their crap before the election.
Manafort and Page can go up the river, I think they were plants. They will not be charged with collusion no one will, cause there wasn’t any on Trumps side.
Why vote for fundamental change?
@kitt: You are woefully uninformed—No news?? Indians sending you smoke signals–ask your friend Burriss if DT believes AND HAS SAID Russians hacked the election—votes changed?? why do you continue to bring that up? DT never said it and neither have I.
Russians—are not our friends or allies—Putin a bad actor.You like em-your business
Manafort a plant??—whir of helicopters—“Marine” as in USMC-ALWAYS CAPITALIZED—-Semper Fi
@Rich Wheeler: As if cable opinion editorials are the ONLY source, I ask you dont really answer do you nope hide behind you served which I respect but did you go to battle fighting for the One World order? For Socialism? Do you believe in Justice or just Get Who I believe is a Bad Guy evidence be damned.
Manafort worked with the Podestas in the Ukraine, fired before the election.
And Page…/doj-documents-show-carter-page-helped-fbi-catch-russian-spie…
During the election most of the good advisors were taken by other campaigns these guys went to Trump with resumes
No black helicopters FACTS.
Page hasnt been charged with anything but they used him to obtain the spying warrant
Threads, clues, and it is only my opinion based on certain facts I found a bit fishy.
Dont let the war mongers sacrifice our young peoples blood and everyones tax dollars for their agenda.
I dont think Putin is a white hat far from it, seems his agenda of dividing us is being carried out by Cable network 24/7 propaganda.
I often have to stop and think logically about too good to be true information.