Don’t Buy The Kamala Psy-Op

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Make no mistake: the real Kamala Harris is a deeply unlikable woman with a disastrous record and checkered past, who is even despised by her own staff.

Over the next few months, the media industrial complex will be working on overdrive trying to convince the American public that Kamala Harris is not just a viable candidate but a once-in-a-generation talent whose victory in November is not only possible, but a foregone conclusion.  Don’t buy the hype.

First, the same people who have forced Joe Biden out of the race – and now pooling hundreds of millions of dollars for the cause of Kacklin’ Kamala – are the ones who a little over a month ago scolded anyone who would so dare speaketh the unsayable: that Joe Biden was cognitively incapable of serving as president.  Lest we forget: there is a reason Biden waited this long to drop out of the race.  It was not, as the mainstream media would now say, because he suddenly became afflicted with dementia the night of the debate, prior to which he was “a very bold and vibrant president” as the vice president insisted just a few months ago.

But rather, because nobody in their right mind wanted to replace Biden with Harris, or anyone else, understanding that however bad Biden was, his replacement would likely be even worse.  Polling supported this.  In the months leading up to Biden’s disastrous debate performance, head-to-head polls between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris were, on average, worse than the polling between Trump and Biden.  These figures found support in their approval ratings: Biden remains the least popular president since the advent of modern polling, however, Kamala Harris fares even worse – registering as the most unpopular vice president in history, surpassing Dan Quayle and even the disgraced Dick Cheney by large margins.

For her part, being one of Biden’s closest advisers, Kamala Harris had insider knowledge about Biden’s cognitive impairment, something that won’t bode well with voters.  Behind only his wife and son, Harris likely knew more about how bad Biden’s condition was than anybody on the planet.  Yet all that time she hid these critical details from the public, putting the country at grave risk in the process.  Only once Biden’s cover was finally blown in that debate, and friendly outlets like CNN and the New York Times began turning on the president in droves, did Harris start making moves – resulting in the sequence of events that culminated in Biden’s resignation less than a month later.

Harris’ entire career in national politics is the portrait of a textbook opportunist, someone with little to no real convictions.  She will move to the Left, as she did during the 2020 Democratic Party, playing up her identity politics credentials whenever that proves convenient.  This mirrors an earlier stage in her career, serving as prosecutor and Attorney General of California, where she pivoted to the right and pretended, at least, to be tough on crime to appease law-and-order types and appear more moderate.

But make no mistake: the real Kamala Harris is a deeply unlikable woman with a disastrous record and checkered past, who is even despised by her own staff – as shown by the staggering 92% turnover rate in her office.  Her cutthroat opportunism was on display the moment she entered politics.  It is well-documented that she started her career through an affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, a kingmaker in California politics.  The consummate affirmative action politician, she was handpicked by Joe Biden in the 2020 race, as the George Floyd riots were raving the country, to appeal to black women.  Every political office she ever obtained was through sex (under both definitions) and race, never because of merit – and it shows.

As Biden’s designated “border czar,” Harris has presided over the worst border in American history.  During her tenure, an estimated 10 to 20+ million illegals have flooded the mainland, inundating schools, hotels, hospitals, and mass transit, and bringing with them lethal drugs like fentanyl that have tragically claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans over the last few years.  The mainstream media is keenly aware of how horrendously Harris has managed our southern border, and how that issue remains a top priority for tens of millions of voters.  For this reason, they have scrambled to gaslight and revise Harris’ record. This week Axios incredulously maintained that Harris never served as Biden’s “border czar,” despite reporting, back in 2021, that Harris was “appointed by Biden as border czar.”  Many other mainstream outlets, dutifully playing cleanup for Harris, have followed Axios’ lead – realizing that the border catastrophe remains one of the Biden administration’s most unpopular policies, and Kamala Harris, as border czar, is arguably more closely linked to the issue than anyone not named Joe Biden.

Because there is basically no daylight between Biden’s record and Kamala Harris’ platform, the media will attempt to distract voters with contrived narratives about fundraising and fake polling, which have no basis whatsoever in truth.  For example: the “hundred million dollars” that Harris is said to have spontaneously raised “overnight,” which is supposed to demonstrate a groundswell of grassroots support is hogwash.  They are trying to pass this off as impromptu, when in reality, it was premeditated – planned from the moment Biden “imploded” on that debate stage, if not earlier.

Equally incredulous are some of these “polls” that have come out in recent days, including ones by Reuters and CNN, that indicate Harris is either closing in or outright leads President Trump in a head-to-head matchup.  The purpose of these polls is not to capture reality, but rather, to demoralize and gaslight voters into the belief that Harris, whose approval ratings lag Biden’s, could plausibly beat Trump in the general election.

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It seems the more power she gets, the more abusive of power she becomes. No, it is a TERRIBLE idea to give this slut the power of the Presidency.

Two polls came out today. Emerson, which is not very accurate, has PT up by 2. The puts the slut within cheating distance which is what they are after. Rasmussen, consistently one of the most accurate s pollsters, has PT up 50-43. Well outside the margin of cheating.

It all depends on the battleground states and the electoral votes.

If she is down by 7 points nationally, she is most likely getting her ass kicked in the battleground states and in danger of losing others that aren’t considered battleground states. Replace her now and there will be another uproar. Not only that, but that’ll make three nominees making the DNC look desperate (which they already are). Expect another black swan event.

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Any boss who can intimidate a female staffer into switching from being with her to becoming joe’s Press Sec has got to be bad.
But that’s how KJP went.