Jim Hoft:
In a last ditch effort to take down Republican Alabama Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore, the mainstream media wheeled out discredited Gloria Allred accuser Beverly Young Nelson.
Big mistake. Nelson admitted on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” that she added “notes,” to what she claims is Moore’s signature inside her yearbook.
GMA : “Nelson says she did make notes to [Moore’s] inscription, but the message was all Roy Moore.”
ABC HOST: “Beverly, he did sign your yearbook.”
NELSON: “He did sign it.”
ABC HOST: “And you made some notes underneath?”
NELSON: “Yes.”
Beverly Young Nelson, one of the women accusing GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual misconduct, tells @GMA it “sickens” her to think what might happen if Moore is elected. https://t.co/wuEGWr0kng pic.twitter.com/lcp5OY4x3A
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) December 8, 2017
Shortly after The Gateway Pundit published the story at hand, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted it out to his millions of followers.
“I wonder if Allred told her to do that?,” asked Trump Jr.
I wonder if Allred told her to do that? WE CALLED IT! Gloria Allred Accuser **ADMITS** She Tampered With Roy Moore's Yearbook 'Signature' (VIDEO) https://t.co/pxNhPT90zN
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) December 8, 2017
Trump Jr. then expertly trolled Allred over her accuser admitting Moore’s signature was forged.
“I wonder if Gloria Allred got a conflict waiver before being so helpful to the other side of her case???”
I wonder if Gloria Allred got a conflict waiver before being so helpful to the other side of her case???
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) December 8, 2017
No question Trump Jr. won the internet today with that one!
As The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft reported, there are growing calls that Gloria Allred and Beverly Nelson should be charged with fraud.
And in case you missed it… The Gateway Pundit has previously posted on the several discrepancies with Beverly Nelson’s press conference.
Following The Gateway Pundit’s viral story on Judge Roy Moore’s alleged signature inside accuser Beverly Young Nelson’s yearbook, more evidence suggested it was a forgery.
Right here in my house I have both blue pens and black pens. Not only that, I know of several retail outlets that sell both colors (others too, if anyone is interested).
So, I gotta wonder, how hard would have been for these two idiots to simply get another black pen and do their forging? It might have taken more than a couple of days to shoot holes in their scam if they had.
Of course, their audience is known and recognized as not being very smart, easily duped when fed the kind of garbage they are so hungry to consumed, so why bother just opening a drawer and getting a matching color pen?
Its all begning to unravel for the Demac-Rats and now watch the jackass fall 200 feet up like wiley coyote falling to the ground that whistling sould then the crash and the tiny little puff of smoke
So, Dems who quit over acknowledged accusations, thinking this would set a precedent for Reps to quit over mere allegations, are left out in the cold.
Now, will Al Franken really resign after he announced he would announce his resignation…..later?
Yep. The GOP can claim their turkey on December 12th. I’m sure the bird in question is going to turn out to be a prize they can be proud of—though they might want to follow their cooking directions very carefully. There’s a odd smell around it.
@Greg: Yep we will gobble gobble gobble up that seat and faithful vote.
@Greg: That’s the stench of false, lying accusations in your nostrils.
@Nanny G: Al didn’t seem to enjoy his role in the play, did he?
@Bill… Deplorable Me: If you recall, the pictures of the yearbook were always shown in black and white, not color. They were not intelligent enough to think that perhaps someone would publish it in color.
Both should go down for fraud.
@enchanted: Allred needs her law license filed in the same place where those of the Clinton’s and Obama’s are.
@Bill… Deplorable Me:
Don’t blue ink manufacturers change blue ink composition every ten years? It would be interesting to see how old the ink is if possible
@kitt, #5:
He’s Trump’s kind of judge. His very own Roland Freisler. Maybe a U.S. Supreme Court seat is what he needs. He could do more damage there.
@Greg: Moore is too old for the supreme Court, we want a much younger Judge so we can influence the court for a looong time. There are a few younger originalists that would drive the libs over the edge much better.