Donald Trump Confirms James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis as Secretary of Defense

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Alex Swoyer:

President-elect Donald Trump confirmed earlier reports that he has tapped retired Marine Gen. James Mattis as his secretary of defense during his “Thank You Tour” event in Cincinnati, Ohio on Thursday night.

“We aren’t announcing it until Monday, so don’t tell anybody,” the President-elect joked with the crowd. “Mad Dog. He’s great.”

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Duty, Honor, Country!
What the democratic Party has done to this Country since Woodrow Wilson (Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918, suppressing anti-draft activists).
It has been since Woodrow, the character of the Candidate is always the most important issue. Actually, since the Founding of Our gov, character was the only reason to be elected. Then Woodrow with his Brown shirts, Hollywood, MSM etc.
The Commies until now, have been winning.
General, Sir, God Bless, may he guide you in your decisions. Semper Fidelis,
I know ‘he’ wasn’t elected, He was, lets hope the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree of Character.