Does The FBI Now Self Identify As A Secret Police?

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by Mark Wauck

Tucker Carlson has done a remarkable interview with the lawyer, Tristan Levitt, for an FBI whistleblower. Basically, what happened is that this FBI agent was present on J6 in the vicinity of the Capitol—never went in, never engaged in violence, self reported having been in the vicinity. For that he had his security clearance yanked—and he wasn’t the only one. It appears now that the FBI subsequently went on an internal witchhunt for people who supported the former POTUS, Donald Trump, who supported the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution, and who had displayed “hesitancy” with regard to being injected with experimental gene therapy medications, i.e., the Covid “vaccines”. Huh? you ask? That’s right. That wasn’t put into black and white in the letters of suspension/revocation issued to the employees involved, but internal docs have shown that those issues were definitely part of the inquiry. They were looking for anyone not in lockstep with the New Woke Order.

The latest comes from an FBI whistleblower, and the documents that he’s handed over to John Solomon of Just The News suggest that the FBI now has an internal political litmus test. In his case, in order to get a security clearance after 12 years working for the agency, the FBI checked whether he supported the vax regime, Donald Trump, the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, and after it was determined that he supported all of these things—which at least half the country does support—he was denied his security clearance. Again, this comes from documents newly unearthed that confirmed the FBI checked his loyalty before allowing him a security clearance and when denied that he was suspended indefinitely without pay.

As Tucker and the lawyer explain, if you lose your security clearance you’re unemployable not only at the FBI but also for any other agency of the federal government that requires such a clearance. You won’t get a redo or re-examination. You’re unemployable. My guess is that this type of witch hunt has been going on in many areas of the federal government, to weed out normals.

Of course, the way this works in the FBI and most agencies is not through what you could call the professional employees, the people who do the actual work of the agencies—investigators and such. It comes through the top management, especially appointees who have to be confirmed, through the legal departments that are populated with progs, and through the HR departments.

This is a fifteen minute video and worth every second, from my standpoint. This is how America gets transformed—while our leadfooted courts are too slow to catch up the reality on the ground is transformed. It’s all about transitioning now.

Watch here

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So, he wasn’t trustworthy because he believed in and supported freedom. Yeah, I guess that pretty much says it all.

obama began this winnowing out of the left’s political opponents when he fired for forced the retirement of over 80 military high officers.
Some called his actions a “putch.”
Look it up.
PUTCH: A sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force.
The putch continues.

For sure since GRUPPENFURER MUELLEr was promoted1

For the young uns that be 9/4/01
23 years ago!


Herr Mueller was a bad jarhead!