I couldn’t help but take note of this video:
Audience Member: I love you, Barack!
President Obama: I love you back…If you love me, you gotta help me pass this bill!
So, I guess this would be yet another reason not to expect the American Jobs Act to pass through the Congress. After all, there just aren’t enough people that love President Obama anymore!
I’ve said it before, and it bears repeating, given this absurd little clip: Barack Obama is not a popular president. He certainly is not as deeply unpopular as some of his predecessors have been at various points, but he has not been popular for a very long time.
Here’s the RCP average going back to the beginning of his term, with a green line slightly above 50 percent approval, which should be required to call any president “popular.”
He fell below the popularity line in December 2009, some 20 months ago, and has regularly been underneath it ever since. Just two, brief bounces have been the only exceptions – one when the military killed Bin Laden and the other when he signed the tax cut extension (which he tartly compared to a hostage situation).
Don’t all presidents suffer declining popularity? Not all of them, but most of them do. Still, Obama so far has been one of the less popular presidents since World War II. The following chart tracks quarterly presidential job approval for all presidents who came into office upon election.
Clearly, Obama is in the bottom half of presidents ranked by early-term popularity. He’s tied with Ronald Reagan, and only Bill Clinton outstrips him in terms of unpopularity by quarter.
It’s also worth noting that Obama is different than Carter, Clinton, and Reagan in that he is more divisive than those three were up to this point in their terms. His job approval has typically been higher than those three, but so also has his disapproval rating, at least over the last two years. The problem for the president is that the half that thinks he is doing a bad job has consistently been larger than the half that thinks he’s doing a good job. And if you look back up at the RCP approval graph, the disapproval side has been getting bigger as of late.
I’m not making a point here about Obama’s reelection prospects, as Reagan and Clinton both bounced back and won solid victories. Instead, I want to highlight his unpopularity to suggest that the White House has demonstrated a shocking level of political incompetence.
As soon as Barry started campaigning. I knew he was a narcissist. How? I was once married to one. I could tell as long as he, Barry was adored and constantly told how great he was, things would be fine. Once the American people found out what a fraud he is, his mannerisms would get worse and the hatred of anyone that didn’t adore him would be readily seen. Narcissists require adulation 24/7. They have to be told no one is greater or more knowledgable than they. They are not capable of compassion because everything is about them. Once someone recognizes this behavior and tries to distance themselves, it is almost all out war. The narcissist wil do whatever he can to debase, degrade and disparage that person. They don’t care who they hurt, or what they do. Narcissists are also masters at manipulation. They can, as my dearly departed Grandmother used to say bamboozle others into doing their bidding even if it is illegal. Narcissists do not change, they cannot change and don’t want to because it is all about them.
Obama will always be a legend in his own mind! And as long as he has at least one supporter who yells out “I love you!” he will always view himself as the anointed one who is here to save all of us from ourselves, and to lead us all into that Brave New America that exists only is his own mind and the minds of his dwindling followers. oh! And the media of course.
What happened to LBJ in that chart? After all… his marxist programs institutionalized the welfare mentality.
Is this a Rhetorical question?
Gaddafi still thinks “the people” are going bring him back, why not lol
Obama’s constantly surrounded by sycophants, staged crowds, and an adoring press… like Elvis, he’s high on his own false narrative and just hasn’t crashed yet
boyperson for affirmative action and the ultimate rationalization by the community organizer that he is the best, the brightest, the most qualified.@Disenchanted: #1,
. . . Absolutely agreed.
“If you love me, you gotta help me pass this bill!”
This is an ultimate demonstration of narcissism, and yet the MSM Passes on it.
A “Bill” that would impact 330 million people, is All about Him. This guy is seriously sick, and in any other country would be dangerous, . . . just what 2-bit, nut case, dictatorships are made of. Nice job Democrats. Be Proud of your stupidity. Wall Street is eating your lunch with this puppet.
The Narcissist Mental DISORDER, does not allow him to think otherwise….. He CANNOT conceive of the fact he is ever wrong, or not liked, etc etc…
@Reaganite Republican: Gaddafi still thinks “the people” are going bring him back, why not lol
another deluded fool!! LOL! Notice, how it’s always TYRANTS and DICTATORS who think this way??? Hmmmmm
Note Three of four in red at end of 11 quarters won 2nd terms.
That’s it Rich.. just go ahead and RAIN on my parade!! LOL!
Still, Obama’s in a statistical tie with his closest rival for 2012–Romney. Choose your flavor, chocolate or vanilla.
Keep deluding yourself lefties. If the economy is still bad, he won’t get a second turn.
Sorry bout that Hankster. What’s worse EVERY incumbant (except Bush 1 and JFK) over 40% approval after 11 quarters WON re-election. Hope you and family are well. RJW