Do Obama and Biden Support Child Rape?

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Joel B Pollack @ Breitbart:

Let’s play the game by the same rules as Barack Obama and his mainstream media supporters. Virginia Democrats, including some of President Obama’s close supporters and surrogates, justopposed a new law that imposes automatic life sentences on criminals who rape children under the age of 13. Democrats accounted for all of the votes against the law. Neither the White House nor the Obama campaign has disagreed with the stance of his Virginia supporters. Obama himself has a history of opposing tough sentencing laws. Therefore, according to the same logic the media applies to Obama’s opponents, his silence equals support for child rape.

The Obama campaign is trying to tarnish Mitt Romney, and especially his popular running mate Paul Ryan, by association with Todd Akin’s (retracted) view that a woman cannot become pregnant through “legitimate” rape. The argument goes like this: Ryan and Akin both opposed federal funding for abortion. Ryan and Akin both signed on to an anti-abortion bill that, in its initial draft, allowed for an exemption for “forcible” rapes.

Never mind that the exception merely codified existing interpretation of the Hyde amendment, which bans federal funding for abortion. Never mind that Ryan supported removing the “forcible” language. Never mind that Democrats also backed the bill, including Indiana candidate for U.S. Senate Joe Donnelly. Never mind that the federal crime of rape has been redefined often–including, most recently, by the Obama administration, which expanded the definition of rape to include oral sex, anal sex, and male victims.

No–Ryan wants to redefine rape to add to the suffering of female victims, because he and Mitt Romney hate women. Just ask Sandra Fluke.

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Aisha was 5 when she was married to the ”prophet” Mohammad.
Aisha was 9 when he began having sexual relations with the child who still carried her dolls around with her.
That, to this day, is the ”ideal” pattern for all Muslims under Sharia.
(Egypt is just getting itself under Sharia.)

Now, in the USA, we have many people, gee, most of them with some OTHER morality via different religions, who utterly oppose children having sex, much less governmental allowance for people who have sex with children.

BUT, as a nation, we are, as a concerted effort from atheist groups, picking out all vestiges of our laws and habits that have any relation to these non-Muslim standards of behavior.
Child marriage and boy rape are both common in Islam.

Ironically, for the atheists, they are making the way wide open for Islamic standards to be legitimized in America.
For these atheists, it is sort of like hoping the crocodile eats you last, this atheist/Islamic confluence.
(Except that they don’t see the crocodile.)
Too bad for the atheists that they haven’t studied why the secular movements in Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey and more places, failed miserably. And too bad for them if they think they will be allowed to live IF they insist on remaining unbelievers.

No wonder Obama is silent on this. In November, 2010, there was a gang rape of an 11-year-old Hispanic girl by 18 Black men ranging in ages from 16 to 28. This happened in Cleveland, Texas, and in videos, friends and families of the accused rapists all blamed the victim.
Yep. 18 young “men” gang raped an 11-year-old girl, and it was the girl’s fault. I wonder if any of them looked like Obama’s son?

@Petercat, #2:

Yep. 18 young “men” gang raped an 11-year-old girl, and it was the girl’s fault. I wonder if any of them looked like Obama’s son?

Perhaps some comment regarding the shared historical background of Mitt Romney and Warren Jeffs could be worked in at this point–if, of course, my standards for dishonest discourse were as low as yours seem to be.

“Do Obama and Biden Support Child Rape?”

A less than desirable choice of thread titles, in my opinion. I think this discussion is headed for the bottom of the garbage can. I won’t follow anybody down. If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go wash off the stink.


The little story above about Mohammed and Aisha is probably a myth—just like the stories of Jesus (the only evidence of his existence, outside the scriptures, are a few lines by the historian Josephus—and there’s some doubt about that).

But marriage between young girls (10 to 14 yoa) to older men (30 to 5o yoa) was not uncommon in the late history of the western world—especially among noblemen—and, supposedly, with God’s blessing. And I suppose it occurs frequently in among primitive peoples (and probably still among some Mormon sects).

And as for we atheists opening the door for these cultural—as opposed to religious—customs, you over-estimate our power (we compose only 20% of this population). I only wish we had the power you assign to us—the world would be a much better place.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

The little story above about Mohammed and Aisha is probably a myth

IMHO, the initial story of Mohammaed and Aisha is most likely an 8th or 9th century fabrication in the service of an 8th or 9th century Arabian dynastic claim. It is not unlikely that Mohammed, himself is an 8th of or 9th century fiction.

just like the stories of Jesus (the only evidence of his existence, outside the scriptures, are a few lines by the historian Josephus—and there’s some doubt about that).

That of course misrepresents the evidence. Each Gospel is more or less a separate documentation of 1st Century Jewish oral history. Some of the letters of Paul are almost contemporaneous with the life of Jesus. The Roman historian Suetonius, in his Life of Claudius, mentions Chrestus and Christiani, and explains that that Jews were expelled by emperor Claudius, in 49AD I think because of the disturbances. the Jews were causing arguing about “Chrestus”. The Roman historian Tacitus also mentions Chrestus and Christiani. These Pagan historical references are considered important pieces of evidence in scholarly discussions of the historicity of Jesus.

Several years ago I personally spoke with of the world’s leading experts on Josephus on this very topic, Dr. James Beggs, who told me he believes this reference in Josephus is genuine although he believe it was likely modified in later centuries to present a more positive portrayal of Jesus. than that actually held by Josephus.

Substantially all scholars believe that Josephus’ reference to James the brother (kinsman) of Jesus is entirely genuine.

Moreover, the James Ossuary carrying the Aramaic inscription: Ya’akov bar-Yosef akhui diYeshua (English translation: “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus”) is significant new archeological evidence of Jesus of Nazareth. If the full inscription is genuine, as appears to be the case, Professor Camil Fuchs of Tel Aviv University believes that it it 95% scientifically certain that this is indeed archaeological evidence of the historicity of Jesus..

Lib.1 I assure you as surely as the sun will set in the west this evening the existance of Jesus is not a myth.
As to the direction of this thread and the crap posted by Petercat I’m with Greg and outta here.

@Mike O’Malley:

Mike, and Lib1, I know there is much doubt in the world as to the reality of an historical Mohammad.
But, if you think you’ve seen angry and offended Muslims before over little things like panties on their head, a cartoon, people wanting to buy bacon through their checkstand, you ain’t seen nothing.
Call Mohammad a fiction and the fur REALLY starts flying!
Whether or not Mohammad and therefore Aisha were fictions there are over a billion Muslims today who look upon the ”life of the prophet Mohammad,” as the ideal upon which to measure and copy their own lives.

There’s a new book out called, “Did Muhammad Exist?: An Inquiry into Islam’s Obscure Origins.”
The author has been deluged with death threats.
Years ago a European semanticist and linguist (an expert in Arabic and Aramaic, Hebrew and ancient Greek) wrote about how the ”72 virgins” promised in Paradise were most probably some white raisins.
He had to change his name and flee for his life!

So, myth or not, Mohammad has too many fans, more rabid than any Beatlemaniac, to mess with.