Scared Monkeys:
And I thought the NFL Carolina Panthers played on natural grass … Hope and Change has become “Smoke & Mirrors”.
Get ready Charlotte, NC … the DNC Convention is about to astroturf you. The DNC is going to bus in college students and blacks in order to fill up the 74,000 seat Bank of America Stadium and not embarrassPresident Barack Obama and the Democrats with empty seats. In 2012 Obama is speaking at campaign stops to much smaller crowds. The enthusiasm is not there and neither are the motivated Democrats. However, like any good “smoke and mirrors” Democrat facade, The DNC and Team Obama will give away tickets for free, hell they may pay people to attend the speech.
College students from across North Carolina will arrive in Charlotte by the busload. Same with members of predominantly black churches in neighboring South Carolina.
Their goal: help fill a 74,000-seat outdoor stadium to capacity when President Obama accepts the Democratic nomination Thursday night.
Anything short of a full house on the final night of the Democratic Party’s national convention will be instant fodder for Republicans eager to use empty seats as symbols of waning voter enthusiasm for Obama.
The Carbon Footprint!
At 100 people per bus 75,000 = 750 bus loads.
So. . . think anyone will be able to get on the bus, let alone in the door. . . without showing a photo ID?????
They should use cardboard cut outs and sound effects. How about dummies? So apt!
I am sure they will have the cameras set to only cover the areas they want covered, after all they have hollywood, the land of make believe, to help them make a mountain out of a mole hill.
There is another option.
@another vet:
I bet that’s the route they take.
Why chance it with such a big stadium when you can make it look like you’ve got too many people for the arena?
Gonna need some Doctors to fill script’s for all those folks sick or delinquent.
@Nan G: They’ll use the weather as the excuse. Something that they would have thought about when they made the initial decision to have it there.