The far-left Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, said this morning there were no wire taps at Trump Tower. The far-right Director of Non-Intelligence, Mark Levin, outlines all the media reports claiming there were wire taps at Trump Tower.
So were there wire taps, and surveillance at Trump Tower or not?
Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey scratches the clay from his cleats, rares back, and hurls an atomic fastball right down the middle. Saying: Trump was “right” that there was surveillance on Trump Tower for intelligence purposes. WATCH:
“This is the difference between being correct and right. The president was not correct in saying President Obama ordered a tap on a server in Trump Tower. However, I think he’s right in that there was surveillance and that it was conducted at the behest of the attorney general – at the Justice Department through the FISA court.”
Here’s what’s going on, that almost everyone seems to be missing.
President Trump cannot publicly disclose anything relating to his first hand knowledge of national security issues, specifically intelligence gathering, without opening himself up to accusations of the mishandling of classified information…. which naturally his opposition would use to: #1) drive a media narrative, #2) demand an investigation of him as a leaker of classified intel, and #3) ultimately lead to pearl-clutching calls for impeachment etc.
President Trump cannot publicly discuss anything related to his knowledge of classified information or intelligence. His opposition (Dems and Media) know this, and therefore use his inability to discuss these matters as a tool to shape their chosen narratives.
The Alinsky accuser can run to the microphones, but the accused has a constitutional gag order. See how that works?
Absent of the President’s ability to discuss or defend himself, he enters into the media matrix at a disadvantage. The media can claim anything, and President Trump cannot provide evidence to refute their claims without compromising his position. The media knows this. The media use this dynamic to their advantage.
The President cannot publicly discuss anything provided to him from the intelligence community. However, President Trump CAN publicly discuss, or draw attention to, media reports which contain stories about leaks as derived from classified intelligence leaks.
Demactraic dirty dealings just look for them to be hiding a ace up their sleeve
As with Clinton, when she was accused of mishandling classified, but could not demonstrate otherwise because the documents in question had been retroactively classified?
“sundance” can feel free to shove the Alinsky bullshit somewhere where the sun never shines. As observed before, some apparently can’t deal with a dose of their own modus operandi—which they’ve been dishing out incessantly for the past 8 years.
In the case of Trump’s accusation that Obama ordered him wiretapped, the distinction between correct and right is a ridiculous effort at diversion. What Trump said was the opposite of both. What he said is NOT TRUE, plain and simple.
@Greg: You still are ignorant of classification of information, or maybe you are so indoctrinated you can never see!
All they have to do is activate the speaker on a cell phone or computer and listen in.
Do you think they are having meetings over the damn phone? Check that bust of MLK for a bug lol.
No wire taps may be true no spying, not so much.