Did Obama Give Gloria Allred’s Game Away?

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Joel B. Pollak @ Big Journalism:

For several days, reports have circulated that attorney Gloria Allred–who always seems to surface when a Democrat is in trouble–is about to drop an “October surprise” on the Romney campaign.

Speculation has surrounded a story published last week by the left-wing website AlterNet, purporting to tell the story of women who claimed Mitt Romney advised them in the 1980s, in his capacity as a church leader, against having abortions.

There is only one problem: the story is not new, and Breitbart News already discussed several aspects of the tale in January 2012, including the false claim that Romney had been insensitive to women in his congregation. One woman he had counseled against having an abortion, and who carried her baby to term, told Vogue in February she was grateful to Romney for his help, though she later decided to leave the Mormon church.

There is perhaps reason to believe that this is the tactic Allred is preparing to use against Romney–and that she may be doing so in coordination with the Obama campaign.

In a speech on Friday in Virginia, President Barack Obama unveiled a new attack against his rival, accusing him of “Romnesia” (Romney + amnesia) about his past positions. The media treated the word as an innovation.

But the term has a prior–and specific–history.

According to the AlterNet article, which was published last Wednesday, “Romnesia” was the term created by Mormon feminists to describe his inability to recall specific details of his advice on abortion to female congregants. (Questions about Romney’s position on abortion, and his role as a church leader, first arose during his campaign for U.S. Senate in 1994.)

That is Obama’s possible original source–the same story Allred may be mining.

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When Obama’s flack, Sandra Fluke tries to rally the masses of ladies against Romney’s supposed ”war on women,” and only TEN people show up, I think this is a dead issue.

Obama tries to ignite more fire under this issue with Gloria A. and he’s going to experience blow-back the likes of which he has never imagined.

What’s the big deal about telling a friend to avoid an abortion? I’ve done it . She asked and I gave my opinion. Big deal. Romney as a bishop in his church, did well, in my opinion.

Obama wants help from Gloria Allred? That publicity seeking ambulance chasing hound is not anyone that any smart politician gets near. But then we’re talking about Obama, right? Blowback indeed. There may be some women that like her, but everybody who puts his pants on one leg at a time hates her guts.

The Obama campaign is clearly in its death throws when all they have left is name-calling and Gloria Giveshead… sorry, Allred. I don’t get to vote but I will be staying up all night on November 6th to see the current Potus turned to toast, and watch any number of MSM blowhards turn to dust. Don’t you forget to vote.

@Pops #4 – I have a co worker who is anxiously waiting to see Chris Matthews up a flag pole sucking his thumb after the election….lol

I would like to see that too [lol] I just pray Americans make the right voting choice[s] choice this time….

Ms Allred is a poor excuse for a ‘ lawyer’…as far as I can tell she is more about ruining decent people by also using – “useful idiots” for her own gain.


Instead of getting a tingle down his leg, chris matthews is going to be peeing down his leg.

he will think it’s a tingle a negative one