Billy Hallowell @ The Blaze:
There are some troubling allegations surfacing surrounding MSNBC’s Republican National Convention coverage on Tuesday night.
Numerous conservative outlets are reporting that the network either cut away from or simply axed out speeches and addresses by many of the minority speakers and politicians in attendance (earlier this week, TheBlaze also reported extensively about race and the RNC). As a result, some journalists and commentators are wondering if the race-based coverage was intentional.
Last night, Red Alert Politics’ Francesca Chambers first reported about the wide array of minority voices who were purportedly axed from the left-leaning network’s coverage. According to Chambers, when Tea Party candidate Ted Cruz, a Hispanic Republican, began his speech, MSNBC cut away from it.
Also, when Vela Fortuno, wife of Puerto Rican Gov. Luis Fortuno spoke, Chambers claims that Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews simply spoke over and ignored her address.
As for former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis, an Alabama politician who served from 2003 to 2011, he, too, allegedly wasn’t covered by the network. Davis has gained press in recent days over his shocking switch to the Republican Party. MSNBC was said to be on a commercial break during the African American’s speech.
Others who were missing from the media outlet’s coverage, critics claim, were Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, who is Mexican, and Mia Love, a black Republican from Utah who is running for Congress. Chambers gave MSNBC some credit for including South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, an Indian American, but she wrote that the politician “is not conventionally considered a minority.”’s Katie Pavlich weighed in on the reasoning behind the potential omission of minority figures, writing, “MSNBC doesn’t have the evidence to back up their claims that the GOP is racist, so what do they do? They manufacture it based on lies and false coverage.”
Does a bear poop in the woods? Wasn’t this the same media outlet that cropped a picture of a black man at a Tea Party gathering carrying an ar-15 (thus hiding his race) just to make the claim of GOP whiteness/racism?
I was PO’ed that even Fox’s commentators kept blathering on about minor points, so we couldn’t hear some of the speakers. Ann Romney’s introduction by Luce Vela Fortuno was almost totally lost due to the news commentator’s lip flapping.
C-SPAN had gavel to gavel coverage with no interruptions at all.
Of everyone I have heard from, most people were pleased only at C-SPAN’s coverage.
Even Fox News had the classlessness to talk over the Star Spangled Banner and Pledge.
They even had to raise their voices to do it!
I watch that network very little…sometimes I tune in out of curiosity…and after a few minutes get a chill. It’s like watching Stalinist propaganda had the USSR taken us over. Martin Barsharr (sp?) and Lawrence O’Donnel (sp?) seem like Ministry of Truth characters straight off Winston Smith’s television, circa 1984.
Of course they did.
That is the narrative.
No minorities in the Republican party.
And MSNBC is devoted to the party line.
So do not expect full coverage.
It does not fit the narrative.
Otherwise Axelrod will shut them down!
MSNBC also seem to have somehow missed covering appearances by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.