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These are the same armchair generals who criticized the Bush administration at every possible turn. Now that they are in charge, they have shown that they are totally incompetent. It seems like not everyone is impressed with Obama’s Chicago thug tough talk or Kerry’s embellished self portrayal of himself.

Almost everyone who has looked at this speech last night noted that ”the rebels” have been thrown to the wolves.
Obama, Kerry and McCain had all been relying on the ”research” and learned conclusions of a PhD named Elizabeth O’Bagy over at the Institute for the Study of War.
Well, today Elizabeth O’Bagy was fired from there.
Seems she has No PhD.
Well, she has a fake one.
She lied about that so she’d be in a position to claim the rebels were mostly not extremists!

Listen carefully to Kerry at the 2:55 mark. He makes an offer to Assad about Assad turning over all his chemical weapons and then goes on to say Assad would never do it and that it was “impossible” anyway.

What kind of freaking idiot makes an impossible offer to someone?