‘Desperate’ DeSantis Accused of Using Front Group to Claim Trump is ‘Trans Trailblazer’

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by Jack Montgomery

A front group being linked to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s presidential campaign is being charged with a “desperate” dirty tricks attempt to portray former President Donald Trump as a “transgender trailblazer,” with leaflets “thanking” him for having “allowed a biological male to compete in the Miss Universe competition in Canada” over a decade ago appearing in Iowa mailboxes.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” wrote Iowa blogger Laura Belin, who first reported the delivery of the gay leaflets on Saturday. It is unclear how many homes the leaflets have been delivered to, but the imprint reads ‘Paid for by Advancing Our Values’ – a front group registered on June 27th, 2023.

The DeSantis camp recently released a gay attack ad against former President Trump, but used an anonymous Twitter account to release it. DeSantis himself then had to run to the Fox Corp-owned Outkick website to explain the now-deleted meme.

The “dirty tricks” campaign is straight out of the playbook of DeSantis campaign chief Jeff Roe – whose firm is under investigation for campaign fraud in Nevada. Roe championed Senator Ted Cruz’s own dirty tricks campaign in Iowa in 2016, which won him the state primary but ended up hurting him in the long run.

“From the false alert the campaign sent out that Ben Carson was suspending his campaign as the Iowa caucuses began to the voter-violation mailer that the Iowa secretary of state condemned to a Photoshop-altered image of Marco Rubio and Barack Obama, they have pointed to Roe’s hidden hand in supposedly guiding Cruz into the gutter.”

POLITICO, February 2016

The DeSantis War Room previously attempted to tie Trump to the LGBT lobby by sharing a now-deleted video of him saying he would “do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens” and claiming it as evidence he supports Pride Month. The context of Trump’s comments, issued in response to the murder of 49 people at an Orlando gay club by a Muslim terrorist, was not mentioned

‘The Campaign Trail’.

Raheem Kassam, editor-in-chief of The National Pulse, analyzed the tactics – which DeSantis himself endorsed as “fair game” – on episode two of The Campaign Trail podcast released this weekend.

“[DeSantis is] taking an incident from, what, 12, 13 years ago, something to do with the Miss America pageant… and saying, ‘OK, well we need to hold Donald Trump accountable to that 2011 or 2012 standard… “On the other hand, the DeSantis team will tell you ‘Yes, DeSantis did listen to Fauci… and he did try to ban interstate travel into Florida, and he did mask up, and he did kill that old veteran that he put on television to have the vaccine… but then he course-corrected, so it’s fine, so we don’t need to deal with that’ – and that was only a couple of years ago.”

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Ric Grenell is proof that President Trump is blind to such things as color, sexual preference, age, etc.
Man is a genius, married to another genius.


As we trudged through rounds of chemo, we also realized that while doctors apply their tremendous expertise during treatment, the very nature of cancer protocols, particularly side-effect management, is inevitably trial and error because everyone is different. Consequently, throughout treatment, doctors ask questions and patients do their best to remember how they felt. And when they felt it? And did it change the next day? Or was it the next? It is hard to remember the specifics of a skin rash or point to the exact moment of discomfort. One day up, the next day down – randomly it seemed.

Then something clicked for me. My career was in collecting and analyzing data. I’m a “numbers guy.” So I decided to create my own system to gather more personalized data – about Ric’s diet, hydration, exercise, social interaction, mental engagement – all by hand and anything that might make a difference to Ric’s therapy. Ric would tell you he found my daily surveys initially annoying (“What was the point?” he complained.)  I wasn’t sure. Then we noticed something the doctor hadn’t yet noticed. Ric was having an unexpected side effect. We came armed to our next appointment with my chart of patterns and notebook of analytics. But because of what we were tracking I was able to pinpoint a very specific effect. As a result, the doctor switched Ric’s medication, and almost immediately his symptom was relieved. Our tracking made a difference. And we realized we had options! We now had an advantage in this fight. We knew with greater accuracy what Ric experienced and when. We now had individualized information. And our doctor began to have actionable and personalized insights. Protocols were shifted; Ric began to more easily navigate the waves of treatment. There was less trial and error. He felt more like a human and less like a victim.

At the encouragement of his doctor, we created the FREE chemoWave app to give the same opportunity to millions of other people impacted by cancer. A virtual advocate that goes far beyond the simple analysis system I did for Ric, the app will help you be a better partner with your care team – whether doctors, nurses, family or friends. 

I think it’s great that Donald Trump isn’t prejudiced.
Unlike those racist and sexist dems.