I have been seeing many quotes all over and it was clear he was openly racist against whites.
The fact that obama followed him AND wright tells me obama is a racist himself. Now maybe it’s to a lesser degree than those two, but racist nonetheless.
Nan G
12 years ago
Bell and his co-horts were the ones who ran with the idea that THEY can’t be ”racist” because they don’t have any power.
Well, they do have power.
And they are STILL the racists they were when they came up with that false idea.
When is racism going to become colorblind as a crime?
Anyone can be racist.
Anyone who commits a crime based on race hatred ought to be prosecuted for it….no matter what color they personally are.
Bell got a pass.
He’s dead now.
His ideas should die with him since they were morally bankrupt ideas.
Comm0n Sense
12 years ago
This guy is as much a racist as 0-bama. Likely why they got along so well. Hey bro, it’s those crackers fault!! If Bush would have been Black Democrats would have had more issues trying to blame him for everything.
I believe that Bell was actually quoting a black woman and I don’t think the quote is directly attributable to Bell.
12 years ago
Wow! This should seriously stay afloat for awhile…this really puts a lot into perspective…. seeing how this can really debunk the Sharpton’s and the Jessies of the world spewing their “Only White People can be Racist” Crap…..in order to push their own agenda…. all the while keeping their brothers and sisters wards of the Government… Wow!…. their “card” seems to have just been played –
This surely is a “huge” debunk for the liberal ‘Mantra’ of spewing the ‘racist’ rant when they don’t like the debate or others [ Conservatives ] don’t agree with them.
The truth always comes to the forefront sooner or later…..there is racism in many venues and blacks [especially those that should know better] are not excluded from that venue….
When will people learn it is the “Character” of the person, not the ‘Color’.
I have been seeing many quotes all over and it was clear he was openly racist against whites.
The fact that obama followed him AND wright tells me obama is a racist himself. Now maybe it’s to a lesser degree than those two, but racist nonetheless.
Bell and his co-horts were the ones who ran with the idea that THEY can’t be ”racist” because they don’t have any power.
Well, they do have power.
And they are STILL the racists they were when they came up with that false idea.
When is racism going to become colorblind as a crime?
Anyone can be racist.
Anyone who commits a crime based on race hatred ought to be prosecuted for it….no matter what color they personally are.
Bell got a pass.
He’s dead now.
His ideas should die with him since they were morally bankrupt ideas.
This guy is as much a racist as 0-bama. Likely why they got along so well. Hey bro, it’s those crackers fault!! If Bush would have been Black Democrats would have had more issues trying to blame him for everything.
I believe that Bell was actually quoting a black woman and I don’t think the quote is directly attributable to Bell.
Wow! This should seriously stay afloat for awhile…this really puts a lot into perspective…. seeing how this can really debunk the Sharpton’s and the Jessies of the world spewing their “Only White People can be Racist” Crap…..in order to push their own agenda…. all the while keeping their brothers and sisters wards of the Government… Wow!…. their “card” seems to have just been played –
This surely is a “huge” debunk for the liberal ‘Mantra’ of spewing the ‘racist’ rant when they don’t like the debate or others [ Conservatives ] don’t agree with them.
The truth always comes to the forefront sooner or later…..there is racism in many venues and blacks [especially those that should know better] are not excluded from that venue….
When will people learn it is the “Character” of the person, not the ‘Color’.
Pesky facts with comments…