What a difference a couple years makes. Good catch, @BiasedGirl. cc: @notaxation #NuclearOption pic.twitter.com/qEmjDWJsV4
— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) April 6, 2017
David Freddoso:
There is obviously no standard for honesty when it comes to political party fundraising emails, but this one I got from DNC Chairman Tom Perez today — on Republicans using the so-called “nuclear option” to push through Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court nomination — really makes me laugh.
Senate Republicans just went nuclear. And the American people are their collateral damage.
When the Senate gaveled in this morning, Neil Gorsuch did not have the 60 votes needed to be confirmed to the Supreme Court. But rather than changing the candidate and finding someone worthy to sit on the Court — someone who isn’t indebted to corporations or billionaire backers, someone who believes in protecting the rights of workers, women, and LGBT people — they decided to invoke the “nuclear option” and confirm him to a lifetime appointment on a 51-vote Republican majority.
If you’re asking yourself “can they really do that?” — the answer is yes, they can and they just did.
Frankly, I’ve had enough of Republicans abusing the power of their majority — so let’s throw them out.
So now the nuclear option is an abuse of power.
Obviously, this kind of ridiculous rhetoric is par for the course in Washington and nothing remarkable, especially in a fundraising email. But the galling thing is not that Democrats created the nuclear precedent in 2013 when they used it to ram through other executive branch and lower-court nominees. No, no, that’s ancient history.
What’s galling is that just a few months ago, on Oct. 28, 2016, the Democrats’ nominee for the vice presidency promised to do exactly what the Republicans just did. Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., said that when he became Vice President and Democrats retook the Senate in the election that was just a few days away, Democrats would use the nuclear option to ram through Hillary Clinton’s Supreme Court nominee.
New gavel tomorrow
No other president in the over 240 year history of america bbused power more then Barack Obama
Leave it to the Democrats to try to double-talk their way out of the mess they have gotten themselves in due their complete ineptitude….the problem is not with the Right, it’s that you can fool the Left ALL the time that due to their insufferable condescension, they never realize they walked outta the house with no clothes….
The Democrats are lying through their teeth about every aspect of this.
This filibuster business is very simple: All that is happening today is that the Senate is being returned to the rules that lasted for 100 years prior to 2003.
The judicial filibuster was invented by the Democrats in 2003. To give them the advantage.
The point is there was no filibuster anywhere… It’s not even mentioned in the Constitution. It’s a Senate rule. The Senate can make whatever rules it wants.
The Republicans didn’t do anything but stand aside while the Democrats changed the rules. So all that’s happening is that Democrat rules that created filibustering judicial nominees are now being removed.
The Senate is being returned to normal. That’s all that’s happening. There is no great earthquake happening here. The Senate is not being forever undermined and changed. But that is the media’s story, and so the Democrats are going along with it.
Democrats don’t like playing by their own rules. They promoted on numerous occasions disallowing a lame-duck President in the last year of his term the opportunity to nominate a Supreme Court Justice.
Kaine was not the only person salivating at the opportunity to nuke Republicans if they dared object to more garbage nominations like Kagan and Sotomayor.
These Democrats are so transparently infantile I cannot imagine how any thinking person can support them for a minute. All they want is power and all they want to do is disrupt.
And the demac-RATS can always count on the liberal lap-dog media to cover their crimes and acts of treason against america and americans as well
@Bill… Deplorable Me:
Code word: ‘thinking’
Liberalism does not want to admit that the Court has become its last reliable instrument for achieving its political objectives. So liberals have created a great philosophical superstructure to justify their freewheeling, freestyle constitutional interpretation. They present themselves as defenders of a “living Constitution,” under which the role of the Court is to reflect the evolving norms of society. With its finger on the pulse of the people, the Court turns contemporary culture into constitutional law.
But this is nonsense. In a democracy, sic, what better embodiment of evolving norms can there be than elected representatives? By what logic are the norms of a vast and variegated people better reflected in nine appointed lawyers produced by exactly three law schools?