Dem’s scramble to save face on President Obama’s jobs bill

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Democratic leaders in the Senate are scrambling to avoid defections on President Obama’s jobs package, which appears headed for defeat on Tuesday.

A lack of Democratic unity on the president’s bill would be embarrassing for the White House, which has been scolding House Republicans for refusing to vote on the measure.

Obama has been touring the country, aiming to put pressure on the GOP to act. But Senate Democrats have indicated they are feeling some heat. Last week, Democratic leaders revised Obama’s bill, scrapping his proposed offsets. Instead of raising taxes on families making more than $250,000 annually, Senate Democrats lifted that figure to $1 million.

Despite the changes, the legislation still does not enjoy the support of all 53 senators who caucus with the Democrats. A handful of Democrats are undecided or leaning no on the bill.

Democrats who will vote no or are leaning no include Sens. Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Jon Tester (Mont.) and Ben Nelson (Neb.), who all hail from red states and are up for reelection next year.

Republican and Democratic analysts say it will be politically difficult for Obama to blame the GOP for blocking the bill if more than a few conservative Democrats break ranks.

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Obama proposed paying for half of the jobs bill with reductions in war spending due to the drawdown in military operations: a funding stream lawmakers ultimately eschewed for accounting purposes during the debt-ceiling debate.

Ya think?
(How many times can Obama count those same ”savings” toward his various plans?)

How about we don’t go to the moon and set up a colony?

How about we stop testing men for prostate cancer?
Tens of millions of dollars!
Obama’s medical rationing board just proposed this.
The cost is over 100,000 men’s lives YEARLY.

But I’m sure there are other things we can decide not to do to ”save” us lots of money.