Nancy Pelosi presided over the vote, which was 232 in favor, 196 against.
Two Democrats, Reps. Collin C. Peterson of Minnesota and Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey, voted “no.” Van Drew has said that while Trump’s behavior has been “distasteful” and makes him “feel uncomfortable,” he doesn’t believe the president has committed any impeachable offenses.
Independent Michigan Rep. Justin Amash, who left the Republican Party because of what he said was the GOP’s unwillingness to acknowledge that Trump has committed impeachable offenses, voted with Democrats in favor of the resolution.
…House Republicans, to different degrees, have objected to the process run by their Democratic counterparts.
Some, like Tom Cole of Oklahoma, the top Republican on the Rules Committee, want Trump to be allowed to have counsel representing him before the Intelligence Committee. Democrats, though, object to that request saying that the panel is gathering facts and that the president will be represented once the probe reaches the Judiciary Committee, which has jurisdiction over articles of impeachment.
One of the most absurdly unfair parts of these “rules” is that only Democrats can call witnesses. Republicans can call them — with Democrats’ permission.
And Republicans can only ask questions that Democrats allow.
Ahead of the vote, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana ripped into the resolution. “It gives veto authority by the chair to literally reject any witness that is brought forward by the minority,”
Scalise said, standing next to a sign held by a staffer that said “37 days of Soviet-Style impeachment proceedings.” “This is Soviet-Style rules. Maybe in the Soviet Union you do things like this where only you make the rules, where you reject the ability for the person you’re accusing to even be in the room, to question what’s going on.”
The “rules” make Adam Schiff — nonpartisan, fair-minded, not-at-all crank conspiracy theorist Adam Schiff — a bizarre level of control over the kangaroo court.
The measure grants House Intelligence Chairman Adam B. Schiff significant influence over the inquiry, allowing California Democrat lengthy periods of uninterrupted questioning of witnesses in future public hearings, the ability to release transcripts of private hearings and depositions and the power to block Republicans from calling witnesses.
And he went back into his preferred mode of issuing a stream of ridiculous lies.
“I do not take any pleasure in the events that have made this process necessary,” Schiff said. “The task before us is a solemn one. How each member of this chamber approaches the vote this morning and the days and weeks ahead may be the most important service as members of Congress we will ever pay to the country and constitution that we all love and have pledged to defend.”
This thread by Phil Kerpen notes that the Democrats have brought up impeachment measures four times before.
He also summarizes the Democrats’ speeches, like this one:
Democrats are playing their own little game making sure the outcome matches their predetermined conclusion. They’ve given up any pretense of a fair hearing or being ready to accept an outcome their have not already targeted to reach.
They want to, first, even the score. Republicans got one of their, they want to get a Republican. Like Clinton, they want Trump to suffer the indignity, embarrassment and shame of impeachment. If they ever thought for a second they actually had an impeachable offense, they would not have rejected ALL the Republican amendments, would not have rejected all pretenses of openness and fairness and would be bending over backwards to make their actions to be above any possible reproach. Obviously, they don’t care about any of that.
If they are going to convince the Republican majority in the Senate to respect their outcome and have a trial, if they actually wanted to convince any doubting minds with evidence, they would not be taking this arrogant, impudent approach. No one not convinced of Trump’s guilt right now will be convinced they carried out a fair process and found actual prof of guilt. Like the Mueller investigation, their findings will be totally tainted and worthless; if, like the Mueller report, they can ultimately confess they weren’t able to find anything, they will merely pivot to yet another approach.
They can’t back off from this; failure will mean political disaster.
Personally, I think they have let this get totally out of control; they’ve let this farce take control of THEM. One after another, they’ve promised their ignorant, immature, sore loser base Trump’s head on a pike (in one way or another) and each and every time, they’ve failed but they ignore the reason for failure (they are lying) and promise the next method of victory. Their failure and refusal to accept failure has led to them allowing the process (and idiots like AOC and Schiff) to take control.
Pelosi has lost all control and it will be the downfall of her entire party. While I respect the two party system and see it as necessary, I can’t say I won’t enjoy seeing them destroy themselves with their own corruption.
There’s nothing absurd about it. Unrestrained by such conditions, Trump tools would immediately turn the House process into a political clown circus. The public has a right to hear a coherent, sequential presentation of the testimony and evidence without diversions, digressions, or injected nonsensical conspiracy theory. If you want that, you’ll have to wait for the Senate phase, where the Constitution directs an impeachment case to be argued and decided.
@Deplorable Me:
All through the 2016 campaign season, Democrats promised their base that a business man from Queens, who had never ran for so much as school board trustee or city council, would never be President. Donna Brazil (now a contributor on FOX) and the DNC made sure that Bernie Sanders would not be the Democrat candidate because he was a risk and Clinton was a shoe-in to the Oval Office.
But the American voter made liars out of them, and now the Dems want nothing more than revenge against those voters by impeaching Donald Trump. Remember all the blathering by the left wing media such as CNN about a “Constitutional crisis?” We have it now.
Today, Eliot Engle (D-NY) stated (without reservation) that his priority was our foreign partners and our diplomats. It makes you wonder whose payroll Engle is on, especially considering his changing a bill that would stop money going to Hamas:
“The New York Post claimed this week that Engel (D-NY), the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, agreed to change the bill after heavy pressure from Qatar and the Palestinian Authority (PA).
The Post quoted “a personal acquaintance of Engel’s” as saying, “Eliot told me directly that he was getting a lot of pressure from the Qataris” about the bill. At the same time, Engel or his representatives held seven meetings this past spring with lobbyists for the PA, apparently to discuss the bill.
The Qataris didn’t like the fact that the bill mentioned Qatar’s massive financial support for Hamas. The PA didn’t like the fact that it would have penalized regimes—like the PA—that assist Hamas in various ways.
So the bill, which was authored by Rep. Brian Mast (R-Florida), was changed. The language about Qatar was removed, and loopholes were added so that aid to Hamas which is considered “humanitarian” would not be blocked.”
So you got that, New Yorkers? Engle cares more about foreign “partners” and diplomats than he does you, your rights or even the Constitution. That all comes secondary to Engle’s “priorities.”
Really, Comrade Greggie? Shall we compare today’s resolution to the HRs from both Nixon and Clinton?
Please show us how today’s resolution follows protocol. Can’t wait until you give that stupid answer.
@retire05, #4:
Go ahead. Compare away. Maybe republicans will all walk out of the House proceedings in a clown parade. Or maybe they’ll suddenly remember they’re supposed to be Americans first, republicans second, and Trump loyalists only after the first two conditions are met.
You’re actually full of it. The vote on an impeachment resolution comes at the end of the House process, not at the beginning.
Well, no… not in the police state. You don’t want the opposition letting the truth get out. That would negate the Democrats’ entire purpose.
And Democrats left no doubt that they will do everything they can to prevent anything like that from ever happening.
Injected nonsensical conspiracy theory? like Trump colluded with Russia? like that injected nonsensical conspiracy theory? One it took over 20 million US tax dollars to come up empty on? Like your injected nonsensical conspiracy theory that the entire middle east foreign policy hinges on a hotel not owned by Trump? The injected nonsensical conspiracy theory that Hunter was hired by in Ukraine for his own merits and skills?
The injected nonsensical conspiracy theory that an investigation into Biden would cause a National security issue? Did you have to put on an orange wig and rubber nose to take that from Mother Jones or Vox? Or did you get it from Madcow?
That’s exactly what some republicans would do during the House impeachment inquiry. It’s exactly how they’ve dealt with the issues regarding Trump thus far. The House impeachment process is the point where it stops. They will focus only on the issues and the evidence. Trump supporters will try to change the subject and discredit witnesses, evidence, and the constitutional process itself.
@Greg: What evidence? so far there has been opinion and gossip.
We read the transcript your witch hunters have nothing. S much nothing Schiff couldnt read the actual transcript he had to parody it. Now he parodies an investigation.
Of course, you don’t want to compare the procedures and HRs from the Nixon and Clinton impeachment process because then you would have to show just what a Schitt show the Democrats are now putting on. What a weasel coward you are, Comrade Greggie.
Procedures be damned, says Nancy Pelosi. Constitution be damned, says her henchman, Adam Schitt-for-brains.
You on the left have been bellowing about a Constitutional crisis for three years. Now you have one, created by the party of the KKK and its latest hate group, AntiFa. Americans are not going to stand by and let you, and your ilk, destroy this nation, Comrade Greggie. Retribution is on its way, and you ain’t gonna like it.
@retire05, #10:
So why don’t you enlighten us, rather than just flapping your gums claiming some undisclosed procedural rule is being flagrantly broken? Because I think you’re just shoveling horse manure.
The vote just taken wasn’t even required. It was only done because Trumpistas kept insisting nothing had been done to formally set out House protocol with respect to the impeachment investigation. So, they got their vote, and they immediately moved right on to yammering about something else.
They demand transparency. They’re going to get it. The public is going to see and hear things Trump would much rather be keep out of sight. The entire battle democrats have been waging with the Trump administration is about things Trump is trying to keep hidden, even if doing so requires ignoring subpoenas, breaking laws, and slander and retaliation against anyone who dares to speak.
Yeah. Reread that last sentence. Has Trump put a bounty on the whistleblower’s head yet?
Republicans have had access to every House committee meeting conducted with respect to the impeachment investigation. They’ve got people who are minority members of every involved committee. They no longer run the show, however, as they did when they were spending God knows how many taxpayer dollars investigating and reinvestigating Benghazi, the IRS, Clinton’s emails, etc. This time somebody else is, and there’s actually something very serious to be investigated.
Doubtful. Very doubtful. Schitt wouldn’t have it in his rules HIS authority whether or not to release testimony; that’s what he’s been doing, trying to hid that which damages his lies and leaking whatever he can find to prop up the lies. Why are the Democrats so completely afraid of the light of day being shown on their coup? Why do Democrats rely completely on lies and corruption? Why can’t Pelosi do anything that is on the up and up?
Um… it’s your Hillary that has people killed, not Trump.
Just remember all but two demokrats voted for this Stalinist garbage. There are no moderates in the Party, at least in the House, period. Gabbard’s credibility as trying to present herself as a level headed moderate is shot. She is now outed as a supporter of the coup trying to overturn a presidential election. Remember that the next time she takes a swipe at Hillary. We now know it’s all show. If Hillary were to toss her hat in the ring and win, Tulsi will be there on all fours kissing her ass for a cabinet position.
You come on this site presenting yourself as a Constitutional scholar/expert on the law and a psychologist. I offered you the chance to show off your political acumen. Instead, you refuse, accusing me of what you are guilty of (flapping your gums).
The only manure here is your posts.
And the Democrats failed even that simple task.
What the hell are you talking about? Do you not realize the Democrats have crossed the Rubicon and that is a bridge too far for the American voter? It will be the voters, not Trump, who will demand retribution against the Democrats.
The non-whistleblower is a leaker, not a whistleblower. Perhaps Trump should treat him like Obama treated the Fast and Furious whistleblower, fire him. He is now known, and he has no right to anonymity to begin with. He only is guaranteed against retribution by his superior officers, although Obama didn’t care and fired a whistleblower anyway.
@retire05: The non-whistleblower is a spy the call was classified he spoke to others about it, espionage. The spy most likely has been dealing with Schiff long term. Schiff is guilty of espionage and sedition, the Democrat house, spare 2, is abetting him.
If your party had real issues and evidence, it wouldn’t side-step constitutional process.
Republicans are the only ones following due process. Dems are staging a coup.
Hope your boss is sure, Goebbels..
@Nathan Blue, #16:
How is the House not following the constitutional process? Specifically what “due process” impeachment protocol or rules are you referring to?
Nobody ever answers those questions, because the accusation is total bullshit.
Here you will find a summary of impeachment Procedure, as outlined in Wikipedia. Of course Trump followers will typically attack Wikipedia as a source of information and totally ignore all of the footnotes therein which provide external references on each point, so I invite you to provide a link to any other source summarizing the procedure that you think is better. I won’t hold my breath while waiting for you to do so.
I notice retire05 wasn’t up to the challenge, which prompted a barrage of personal insults and a possible change of socks. Please try to do better.
@Greg:The Inquisition provides no representation for the accused. Sixth Amendment. It doesnt even name a crime that was committed. The dems parade people they call witnesses that are not, witnesses that simply have an opinion about policy that differs from the administration.
Schiff has lied repeatedly about contacts with who he calls a whistleblower, we call a spy. Allows only questions he likes. secret except what he deems to be released.
If he wishes to run this like a grand jury then not 1 word should be released by law.
If a grand jury decides that there is not enough evidence, then the State certainly can’t prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty. Releasing the grand jury testimony to the public would only serve to harm the accused’s reputation and good name, in essence a way to punish the accused without the State having to prove anything.
All they are doing is a dog and pony show and it is beyond tiresome. Now they want grand jury info from Muellers investigation so they can leak accusations without trial.
@kitt, #18:
Trump and his elected and media supporters can and do say anything they want, factual or not, to push his agenda and protect him from his critics. His every message is dutifully picked up, echoed, and reinforced by right wing media outlets that reach every corner of America. He’s using his personal wealth and misusing his power of office to obstruct investigations and suppress information. That very thing is actually what this one particular issue is about—withholding taxpayer-funded military aid allocated for purposes related to foreign policy and national security in an effort to persuade a foreign government to serve his domestic political ends; basically, If you want our help to defend yourself from Putin’s armed incursions into your territory, I want a favor: I want you to help me take down my likely 2020 presidential opponent. Even this, as obvious as it is, gets a pass from his followers. They obediently disbelieve on command, and rabidly attack the investigation, the investigators, and the witnesses.
No representation? He’s got lawyers and legal advisers up the kazoo, both personal and paid for by the taxpayers. He’s got the Attorney General in his corner, who assisted in handling one investigation and has provided supportive legal “opinions” that he could defy congressional oversight and investigative powers. He’s got obedient and like-minded flunkies in assorted federal departments, which he has utilized as needed—a Treasury director who ordered his tax returns withheld from lawful congressional review, for example. He’s got a neutered GOP with only its tail between its legs, and political donors who have forked over $380 million in hard money for 2020 already this year, with who-knows-how-much soft money at their disposal. Pro-Trump committees have already spent $531 million promoting Trump and targeting various democrats.
So… Poor, defenseless, unrepresented Donald? I don’t think so. He’s immune to criminal prosecution, claims he’s immune to criminal investigation, and is working on immunity from constitutional impeachment. Not to mention a second term, to see just how far he can take all this before something—namely, our constitutional republic consisting of three coequal branches—finally breaks. I can remember no time in my life when America has been in greater danger from an internal threat, and half the country can’t even see it. They’ve been convinced the reaction to the threat is the danger. It’s like they’ve been hypnotically suggested by an authority figure into submission; like they want a will outside of themselves to take charge, to make things right, to relieve them of the responsibility of independent thought. This they deny, while their thoughts and responses are astonishingly synchronized.
If impeachment gets to the Senate, there will be ample opportunity for Trump and his defenders to contest and present evidence. At this stage, it’s only a House investigation, and that has been an uphill battle all the way. The strategy is apparently to overcome a constitutional process by neutralizing it via public opinion.
This is very dangerous, with bat-shit crazy lunatics like Louis Gohmert babbling about civil war if Trump is successfully impeached. Putin must have a hard time suppressing his glee at U.S. elected officials who talk treason when confronted by rational constitutional processes. He wins if Trump rises, and he wins if Trump falls.
@Greg: Wow, your handlers gave you a lot of words this time.
If this was at all legitimate, there would be no rules restricting what Republicans can do. They would have all the same rights as Democrats. Also, due to his shady nature and actions, Schiff would recuse himself and make himself available as a witness.
NOTHING about this is legitimate.
@Greg: This isn’t going anywhere, and is more proof the Dems know they’ve already lost the 2020 election.
Just cutting their own throats, as a majority of Americans are happy with Trump and believe the impeachment to be the political stunt that it is.
*Getting back to spending that extra money I’m making in the Trump economy, in a safer world with less people getting killed and racism all but dead.*
But your boss Soros is losing unless Trump is ousted, so that’s why your party is breaking the constitution to perform a coup.
Democrat control will not be accepted as legit, and we WILL be in the streets to take the country back from you tyrants.
Good luck.
Comrade Greggie Goebbels says:
Let’s look at the nexus of his comment, shall we?
I said to him in post #4:
To which he replied:
I asked him to compare yesterday’s House Resolution to previous HRs involving the impeachment process. He told me to do it. So I responded in post #10:
His post #11:
My response:
I asked Comrade Greggie Goebbels to show the differences, or similarities if there, in the Nixon/Clinton impeachment processs. Like all liberals, Comrade Greggie is a liar and a coward. He knows that the Dems are thumbing their noses at policy, procedure and protocol not to mention our Constitution. I gave him an opportunity to show what he (claims) to know but he refuses to compare the three impeachment processes because if he did, he would have to show the blatant, and total, bastardization of the process by the Democrats yesterday.
Comrade Greggie is simply a parrot of what ever left wing propaganda he absorbs. I do agree he is probably paid to be here as no one can be as stupid as he seems to be and want to expose that stupidity on a daily basis without a reason. Remember, the Obama campaign paid pajama wearing, basement dwelling losers to infiltrate blogs and pimp the Obama mantra. That is when Comrade Greggie showed up here. Perhaps he is now being paid by a Soros funded group that still spews the Communist propaganda.
Comrade Greggie should be a prime example of just how deceitful the left is. He fabricates, twists facts and flat out lies. And no matter how he is proven wrong, he comes back later with more fabrications, twisted facts and lies. And I would hope that any left leaning person who stumbles on FA would realize that the people who represent them are the most dishonest people this nation has ever seen and shun them.
The very first thing Republicans should do is call Schiff to testify. If he refuses or if he refuses to answer a single question, then the White House should deem the entire process biased, prejudiced, illegal and unconstitutional and not cooperate in the slightest degree.
@Greg: #19 you are seriously retarded Have trumps attorneys been given the opportunity to cross examine? Freely call witnesses, been given everything as to prepare a defense? Rational constitutional processes how would you know with your banana republic education. Just look what getting that education has done to your PR. They look like a petri dish for dumbing down the public. If the Mayor of San Juan gets the governorship the experiment will be a total success. Is she promising them new tarps?
GOP Legislators: The Dems rules on impeachment are wrong.
Dem Legislators: They’re the same rules you made for Bill Clinton
GOP Legislators: Well, they’re wrong, fake, just not right.
Dem Legislators: Okay, what do you want?
GOP Legislators: We want a floor vote. We want open hearings. We want protections for the president.
Dem Legislators: Okay, we’ll do a floor vote. And we’ll do open hearings and protections for the president.
GOP Legislators: Hell No!!!!!! There’s just no working with you guys!
@Ronald J. Ward: You suck up every lie the boob tube feeds you
Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) claimed that the House’s power over impeachment was unlimited. “[W]e have the power to get the information that we want in the manner in which we want to get it,” he declared.
Democrats said that concerns about the president’s due process rights did not apply during impeachment, which they likened to the “grand jury” process in a criminal investigation.
Except we dont need to follow all the rules of a grand jury just the ones we like.
The second-ranking member of the committee is Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL), a former federal judge who holds the distinction of being one of only eight people in the history of the U.S. ever impeached and removed from office.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” —- Marcus Tullius Cicero
@retire05: McCarthy was right there was an infestation then, now its an established colony and “normalized”.
Personal dilema.. kitchen collection outlet store is going out of business and I cant think of anything I “need” been brain storming all day and have come up empty. 30% off the lowest price marked arrrggg
Like Schitt, some Democrats can’t hear what they need to hear to keep their ignorant hate stoked unless they make the conversation up themselves. The true mark of a total idiot.
No, they have not. And why the hell should they expect to see evidence, testimony, and be allowed to cross examine witnesses?
Even under criminal law investigations—which this is not, since the DoJ has pronounced a president to be immune from prosecution regardless of the laws he might break—there is NO requirement that a suspect’s attorneys be given free access to evidence, testimony, and witnesses during the investigative phase. That access only comes if a case goes to trial.
People seem to buy any sort of nonsense Trump’s defenders throw out. This is a congressional investigation into a president to determine if there are grounds for putting articles of impeachment to a vote in the House, not a Perry Mason rerun.
@retire05, #23:
The less you have to say, the more words you seem to take to say it. Specifically what impeachment protocols or rules have House democrats flagrantly violated?
My answer is none whatsoever. If you can’t cite something—anything at all—demonstrating or even suggesting otherwise, stop wasting everyone’s time and accept the fact that criticism of the process Trump tools are throwing out is total horseshit.
What we have here is an entirely constitutional investigation undertaken in protection of the form of government the Founding Fathers created, and one that circumstances have never made more necessary.
If all of the means Trump is using to protect himself are allowed to set precedents—which they will, if successful—our democratic republic of three coequal branches will be dead everywhere but on paper, and we will be subject to the authoritarian rule of a Chief Executive who is immune to criminal prosecution, immune to criminal investigation, and no longer subject to removal by Congress. Such a leader would also have unlimited special interest money at his disposal, since influence would essentially be for sale, and would be free to use all powers of office to further his political ends and personal fortune. That’s staring you right in the face, but you don’t seem to see it. You seem to think it’s about one president and one election.
@retire05: It’s almost as if he was describing present day demokrats.
@Deplorable Me, #20:
Trump is behaving as if there weren’t. That’s why an impeachment investigation is underway. Only his power of office and presidential immunity—now deemed to make him immune from prosecution for breaking any law—are holding back an avalanche investigations and charges.
His only remaining threat is one house of Congress. That’s the only thing left that can touch him. If he defeats that, he will not only be untouchable by the law, but also above constitutional checks and balances.
You’re arguing that the impeachment investigation is illegitimate. Consider what that means, in the above context.
Recommended reading for Louis Gohmert: If Trump’s Rage Brings ‘Civil War,’ Where Will the Military Stand?
Well, because that’s how finding the truth works. No surprise you think doing everything with a totally one-sided bias is just fine.
The ability of both sides to equally call witnesses, ask questions and see evidence. The goal is not to impeach the President; the goal is to reveal the facts. Democrats, however, are fixated on impeachment and, thus, desire to bury the facts.
Trump is behaving like a President. Trump is behaving like a leader. Trump is achieving great successes. THAT is why the impeachment farce is underway. Collusion failed. Obstruction failed. Emoluments failed. Quid pro quo has failed. Now, it’s just what is THOUGHT happened that is the crime. This too will fail.
@Deplorable Me, #36:
Not when the subject of the investigation will do everything in his power to obstruct or derail the entire investigative process, and has enormous power at his disposal.
There is no such investigative protocol. I keep asking people to tell me where those rules are. They don’t, because such rules don’t exist. This is an investigation, not a trial. There are no rules allowing a suspect to participate in an investigation and challenge its every step. A trial only comes if there are formal charges made. Then you have all of those rights.
Maybe like the president of some banana republic. Not like a U.S. president, who has taken an oath to uphold the laws of the land, not to violate them. Proper U.S. presidential behavior doesn’t involve promoting internal divisions, defining the press as the enemy of the people, and using your powers of office to attack your political enemies.
You had your opportunity to compare this farce of an impeachment by the Democrats who are not following standard policy, .procedures and protocol. You obfuscated by demanding I do your work for you.
I can tell you for fact that at no time during any previous impeachment process has the Chair of any committee had full authority to prevent the opposing Party from issuing subpoenas, calling witnesses, curtailing the ability of the opposing Party from questioning witnesses or requiring the opposing Party to lick the boots of the Chair to get permission to do any of those things. Nor has any House committee had any part of impeachment procedures other than the Judiciary Committee.
But alas, you are too frikking stupid to understand that.
You are a fraud. You can only parrot what you are told. You have no clue about the rules of impeachment, the meaning of a Constitution you abhor, or anything else.
You are a liar. And a Communist who is here simply to continue with your propaganda. If this were my website, you would have been gone a long time ago. Poof. Not even a bad memory in the minds of honest people. Instead, you would be writing your bullshit for Pravda.
But then, maybe your employer IS Pravda.
BTW, when James Carville, Clinton henchman, was asked what crime President Trump has committed, he could not answer. I can only imagine what Carville would say if it was revealed that President Trump was pimping out the Lincoln bedroom as a reward for his big donors like Clinton did.
@retire05, #38:
There has been absolutely no violation by House democrats of impeachment protocol or rules. You cannot cite any such rules or protocol that have been violated because THERE AREN’T ANY.
Deal with it. There has been no violation of any House rules or protocol. Trump tools would prefer a tag-team clown match to a focused investigation of Donald Trump. They’ve been deprived of that. How terribly unfair and sad. They’ll have their chance if this goes to the Senate.
Uh huh. What rules or protocol have been violated? It’s a simple question, and I’ve got a simple and factual answer: NONE. And you cannot demonstrate otherwise. So you vent. Maybe you should get a Twitter account. That would at least reduce the pointless verbosity. They do let you post pictures there, which they say are worth a thousand words.
Trump hasn’t obstructed a damned thing. You crybabies have investigated false pretext after false pretext and Trump has cooperated fully. It has grown tiresome. Democrats are incapable of governing, only disrupting.
That is justice and fairness. What Democrats are practicing is police state investigation style.
It is your fascist Democrats that belong in the banana republic. They’ve discarded all sense of Constitutionality.
Like I said, Republicans should subpoena Schiff. If he won’t agree to be questioned, the Republicans and White House should declare the entire process null and void.
How about our judicial tenet that you have a right to confront your accuser? And don’t give us your bullshit line about how the President will have that in the Senate.
If Schitt-for-brains was honest, he would allow the President’s legal counsel to attend these basement hearings to ask questions of the witnesses.
When a Republican asked the Manchurian Candidate, Lt.C. Vindman who were the two people he talked to about the phone call, Shifty Schitt said “No, no, no, the witness is not to answer that question.”
Shifty Schitt is a disgrace to the Congress.
Go back to Pravda, Comrade Greggie. Try the Moscow office.
@retire05, #41:
He will have that right in the Senate. It isn’t a line, it’s a fact.
Not only is Schiff honest, he isn’t stupid. Trump will have to rely on republican congressmen who relay all relevant information from the hearings to the White House. He can direct any questions he has to his Magic 8 Ball.
That doesn’t deserve a response. You’re trashing a decorated war veteran and active duty officer who has put his career on the line to defend the Constitution, in defense of a lying draft dodger who has pissed on honorable veterans. John McCain comes to mind.
Get back to me when Schitt-for-brains admits he had campaign fund raising events provided to him by a Ukrainian-American (naturalized) arms dealer. Get back to me when Schitt-for-brains releases the information about his staff (two former co-workers with Leaker #1) coordinating with Leaker #1. Get back to me when he allows Republicans on his committee to ask questions and lets the witness answer.
The fact that you, a Communist, supports Vindman and McCain is all anyone needs to know.
So, your predetermined outcome is impeachment? If fair and equal rights were provided to both sides, it probably wouldn’t GO to the Senate. That’s what Schitt’s rules are for: to ASSURE it goes to the Senate.
He is demonstrably dishonest and totally stupid if he thinks Republicans in the Senate are going to accept the outcome of his totally rigged kangaroo court.
Consider this scenario: Trump wins in 2020, Republicans retain the Senate and they retake the House. There are NUMEROUS outstanding investigations and NUMEROUS pending investigations to come. Are you actually willing to submit to the same rules Schitt has imposed here on investigations into Democrats involved with foreign governments to control election outcomes, FISA violations, CIA involvement in domestic affairs, immigration fraud, etc, etc, etc? Is it going to be OK with you for Republicans to totally control who gets called as witnesses, what questions get asked, all information suppressed and only what Republicans want to be released getting released? You better, because when it happens, I am going to rub it in your hypocritical face every damned day.