Thomas Lifson:
Wow, it’s finally happening. Democrats are catching on and turning on President Obama, at the moment off-the-record, but that won’t last for long if another midterm “shellacking” takes place in early November. Daniel Halper reports in The Weekly Standard.
CNN’s John King reports that Democrats are privately calling President Obama “detached,” “flat footed,” and “incompetent.”
If King is hearing about it, then it isn’t completely private. Maybe “off the record” and “not for attribution,” but not private when a journalist gets wind of it.
“Forget for a moment that Republican outrage,” said King on his CNN show this morning. “More and more Democrats in key 2014 races are calling for the president to get a spine, they say, and fire his Veterans Affairs secretary. And what more and more Democrats are saying privately is scathing, calling the president and his team detached, flat footed, even incompetent.
“Maggie Haberman,” said King turning to a panelist, “that’s what strikes me, what democrats are saying privately in the wakes of the problems, they see a president who doesn’t want to take command, doesn’t want to act fast. Raising the competence question. Some Democrats, who believe in government, [are saying] this White House doesn’t appear to have its hand on the lever.”
This is going to get very tricky for Democrats, since their black voter base, which accounts for roughly a quarter of their national vote, remains loyal to Obama. They m ay well see Democrats as stabbing the First Black President in the back if they criticize him too loudly. But with Obama dragging down the party with the rest of the electorate, failure to distance themselves also has a great cost.
This is really interesting news.
Too bad not many Dems will go on record about the incompetence of Obama.
They need to.
Demonstrating once again the inherent lack of integrity of the left….they are willing to admit IN PRIVATE that Obama is incompetent, but only because his performance is so bad he is dragging down the leftist movement….not because of the damage he is doing to the country.
I guess it is becoming apparent that if ONE scandal is shown to be as bad as it is appears, the OTHERS may be as well.
Once again, it is those who serve in uniform defending our liberties and freedoms… this time by dying on waiting lists and exposing, finally, the corruption of this administration. God bless their sacrifice and let us pray it is not in vain.