Democrats spit on the graves of Benghazi victims

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They apparently had something more important to do.

During the second portion of a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing about Benghazi Thursday on Capitol Hill, the majority of Democrats on the Committee left the room and refused to listen to the testimony of Patricia Smith and Charles Woods. Ms. Smith is the mother of Sean Smith, an information management officer killed in the 9/11 Benghazi attack. Charles Woods is the father of Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was also killed.

The far side of the room, shown empty in the photo, belongs to the Democrats. The only Democrats who stayed were Ranking Member Elijah Cummings and Rep. Jackie Speier.


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Democrats spit on the graves of Benghazi victims.

Republicans aren’t seeking the truth about Benghazi. They’re using what’s meant to be an investigative process to further their political ends, and are callously using both the dead and the parents of the dead to do so. In my opinion this is beneath contempt. It’s unfortunate that Elijah Cummings and Rep. Speier didn’t feel they could walk out on these vile bastards. I suspect they would have, had the parents not been present. They’re owed respect, even if those who are exploiting them are not.

Alan Grayson Debunks Conservative Lies During Benghazi Hearing

Perhaps if the Obama-Hillary state department wasn’t stonewalling and hadn’t lied about Benghazi for a week afterwards we wouldn’t be in this situation. What the democrats did in walking out of the hearing was nothing more than deliberate refusal to expose themselves to facts they can’t refute.

And again, This One, quoting the hilariously unself aware CrooksandLiars website as a reputable source for anything, particularly when reporting the sewage coming out of Grayson’s piehole, is utterly laughable.

@Pete, #3:

Specifically what facts would those be? Neither allegations nor distortions become facts by virtue of frequent repetition. What republicans are doing is constantly claiming a need to get the facts, while floating all manner of allegations and speculations. That’s what they’ve been doing since day 1. If they had actually established any damning facts, there wouldn’t be any need for the endless search for them.

Their Benghazi investigations have become nothing more than a vehicle to attack the Obama administration. Some of them are probably quite happy the whole tragedy came about, just as they probably hope the Syrian situation will blow up in Obama’s face. Benghazi was seen by the right with media as a political opportunity before the bodies were even cold.

Greg and One (1 & 2) – Do you think you would be singing a different tune had one of these BRAVE MEN been your father??? brother?? cousin?? best friend?? And would you be singing a different tune if this happened under a Republican Administration…

Oh, wait let me answer for you…YES and YES…you are hypocrites!!

This tragedy, where Americans – A United States Ambassador and these BRAVE MEN were Murdered and our “Government” our “Leader” – “Leader(s)” did not do anything to help them, though they could. These BRAVE MEN’s FAMILIES were LIED to, the American People were lied to, YOU were lied to… over and over and over and once again… It was a video a video a video a VIDEO ….

Remember the Video…the Lies… remember that Greg/One???

I would expect you Greg, to want answers if it were your Loved one who was murdered and your Government is covering it up…..this committee – they “keep” searching because we have a bunch of Liars in this Administration who will not take BLAME they only want to SHIFT BLAME….this time it was “blame it on a Video” yea, yea, that’s the ticket…blame it on a video…how COWARDLY Greg… these Liars should rot somewhere…

Oh, and umm..just recently Greg, when 12 People were murdered in Washington, their bodies were not even cold before the Liberals/Progressives and DemoRATs jumped on the 2nd Amendment Political Band Wagon… And every slimy MSM media outlet jumped on the Political Band Wagon regarding GUNS…boy oh boy is your memory getting very short…so typical really…


Neither allegations nor distortions become facts by virtue of frequent repetition. What republicans are doing is constantly claiming a need to get the facts, while floating all manner of allegations and speculations.

Remind me again, Greggie, how Democrats are not guilty of the very thing you are claiming Republicans are guilty of.

Seems to me I remember a bogus scandal about a non-covert, formerly covert CIA agent, and her promoter husband, in trying to take down the Bush Administration. I remember how Democrats claimed that Karl Rove was going to be “frog-marched” out of the White House in hand cuffs.

It was kinda like all those Democrats that turned on the Iraq war, after they have voted for the Authorization to use military force in Iraq.

You want to talk about bogus scandal? Bring it on, Bubba. Your party’s rife with that kind of history. Except this time, people really died as Obama lied.

This country sends its citizens over seas to do the business of this country. They expect to have the backing of the leaders who sent them or someday, there are no more highly qualified personnel willing to represent their country on foreign soil. Instead of highly qualified people, we get administrative lackeys. Then we get untenable situations like we have in Syria. If there was real support for our ambassador and those who died with him, why did this administration initially lie and continue to lie about the situation? I currently have a loved one serving in the Middle East with supposed protection of the administration. Her life hinges every day on the credibility of this administration and the willingness of this administration to protect her and those who serve with her. Those who do not seek the truth and disrespect the processes of our government give support to our enemies. They also place those who serve our country over seas in potential jeopardy by encouraging terrorist attacks against our representatives in foreign countries. They and you who carry their water are despicable.

Did the democrats leave because they knew it would be hard for them to listen to what the democrats are trying to cover up, or because they have already made up their minds how they want things to go, and aren’t interested in facts? If any of them have any conscience at all, I hope this eats at them until they admit that obama and hillary blew it with Benghazi, and want a proper investigation.

Anybody who votes for the democrats who left, are lost causes, as far as I am concerned. As I have mentioned before, many republican citizens have complained about things their republican politician has done or not done, but it seems that the democratic party is now a regime, where all work for the party, no matter what.


Our government sent those men to Libya, and then left them hanging when push came to shove. One of the things about the military and the FSOs was that they have always been told we leave no one behind. We not only left the Benghazi four behind, we left them with their behinds hanging out and no cover from their own government.

I heard one Obama lackey explain that getting air support to Benghazi would be like getting air support to Dallas from D.C. Remind me again how fast an F-14 flies. Not like we couldn’t have straffed the crowd attacking the compound.

Now it is being reported that Adm. Mullen admitted today at the hearings that Lt. Col. Gibson, Special Ops Command Africa commander, was told to “Hold in place.” No matter how left wing apologists like Greggie want to cut it, that was a stand down order, plain and simple.

This Administration, under CIC Obama, and Secretary of State Clinton, allowed those men to die without even trying to give them any back up.

@retire05, #9:

This Administration, under CIC Obama, and Secretary of State Clinton, allowed those men to die without even trying to give them any back up.

That’s one of the damnable lies that morally bankrupt right wing politicians hope to use to weasel their way back into the White House. As usual, there’s no evidence; only one of those never ending “search for the facts” that serve to keep Darrell Issa’s assorted flea circuses in the spotlight.

The guy is a weasel.

It is being reported that Adm. Mullen admitted today at the hearings that Lt. Col. Gibson, Special Ops Command Africa commander, was told to “Hold in place.”

Mullen also said that U.S. aircraft were not at the ready while the attack was ongoing. He claimed there was a “physics problem” in addition to a “time and distance problem” that prevented the United States from providing immediate air cover.

Now, we lack readiness in our military on a 9-11 anniversary???
Or, was it that Obama needed his beauty sleep so no one ”had the balls,” to wake him up to get him to sign the cross-border authorization?
And we know that this Special Ops Command Africa would not have crossed a border to go and help without it.

@retire05: #9
As I have mentioned many times. It all depends on who’s side you are on. You try to help the ones on YOUR side. I figured out a long time who’s side our Marionette-In-Chief is on, and it ain’t the USA’s.

I used to call obama our Puppet-In-Chief, but I finally figured out that puppets have only one person operating them. A marionette can have many, and obama has many puppeteers.

@Greg: If this is a lie, why isn’t the administration willing to submit to the investigation and show those despicable conservatives concerned with the lives of our citizens that it is a lie? That should insure the liberals get elected for the next 16 years unless it is the truth.


Anybody who votes for the democrats who left, are lost causes, as far as I am concerned. As I have mentioned before, many republican citizens have complained about things their republican politician has done or not done, but it seems that the democratic party is now a regime, where all work for the party, no matter what.

It has been that way since the 1930’s — communist SOB’s — all of them!

@Nan G:

Or, was it that Obama needed his beauty sleep so no one ”had the balls,” to wake him up to get him to sign the cross-border authorization?

I believe one of obie’s heroes had that “do not wake der fuerer” moment back in June 1944


They haven’t been honest about anything.

It is not in them!

@Randy: You are making the classic mistake — actually two mistakes — first is feeding a troll — the classic second mistake is expecting them to use logic and critical thinking skills

@Budvarakbar: Once in a Blue Moon, Greg actually takes the time to think an issue through. We must never give up hope when we are working with handicapped children. We must continue to try to show them the moral process by which true civilization requires. Otherwise, there can never be hope for improvement. Besides, I had nothing better to do today! LOL

Even you cannot be that blind, unless partisanship is your only trait.

If there were nothing for Obama and Hillary to hide then why are the eyewitnesses being hidden from the congressional investigation? Why did the Obama admin continue to lie for at least a week by insisting the stupid youtube video caused a spontaneous riot? Why did Hillary and Kennedy refuse multiple requests from the Ambassador for increased security? Why was the military quick reaction force in Tripoli told THREE TIMES to stand down instead of being given the authorization to fly to the aid of the Americans in Benghazi?

These are not only legitimate questions, they are the key to understanding why and how the Obama and Hillary State Dept was so incredibly incompetent and deceitfull. Your leftist spew claiming that the right is attempting the Big Lie is blatant hypocrisy, as usual from the left.

@Budvarakbar: #17
It must be that the democratic american citizens are ones who want the free stuff, or have been successfully brainwashed by the propaganda media and the liberal schools.

@Budvarakbar: #18

I believe one of obie’s heroes had that “do not wake der fuerer” moment back in June 1944

I was thinking the same thing. Wasn’t he the only other person in history who had to have his own symbol?


That’s one of the damnable lies that morally bankrupt right wing politicians hope to use to weasel their way back into the White House. As usual, there’s no evidence; only one of those never ending “search for the facts” that serve to keep Darrell Issa’s assorted flea circuses in the spotlight.

OK, Mr. Rocket Scientist; if you think there WAS actions taken to try to save those four Americans in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, then provide your proof. You claim that saying there were no actions taken to try to defend Ambassador Stevens, Ty Woods, Sean Smith or Glen Doherty is a lie, then prove, with credible links, where forces WERE sent to either defend, or extract them. Put your money where your mouth is instead of just parroting Democrat talking points.

My guess is you will do what you always do; make statements you can’t back up.

The guy is a weasel.

As to Issa; he doesn’t come close to being the weasel Nancy (Botox Queen) Pelosi or Harry (Real Estate) Reid are. You are just pissed because the truth will eventually see the light of day and the Community Organizer in Chief is not going to look good AT ALL.


If Greggie stops spewing his defense of the indefensible, OFA will stop his paycheck.

@DrJohn, #13:

The parents of the dead disagree.

Being a parent of the dead does not automatically guarantee that one will make an entirely reasonable evaluation of the circumstances surrounding a loved one’s death—particularly when it happened by violence a long way from home. Then you’ve got the a decadent political environment where opportunistic right wing politicians and their media shills have spent 5 years demonizing the man they’re publicly blaming. That’s the context they’re speaking from.

There are more parents of the dead than the two that republicans keep pushing into the spotlight, by the way. I presume they feel their losses no less. The two that republicans keep pushing into the spotlight don’t reflect the opinions of all of the surviving parents, any more than the anti-Obama ex-Navy Seal reflected the opinions of all the active duty Navy Seals he pretended to speak for.


OK, Mr. Rocket Scientist; if you think there WAS actions taken to try to save those four Americans in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, then provide your proof. You claim that saying there were no actions taken to try to defend Ambassador Stevens, Ty Woods, Sean Smith or Glen Doherty is a lie, then prove, with credible links, where forces WERE sent to either defend, or extract them. Put your money where your mouth is instead of just parroting Democrat talking points.

My guess is you will do what you always do; make statements you can’t back up.

Greggie, we know thee well. As ususal, you are all bark and no bite. But then, we can only assume you like being laughed at and thought a fool.

@retire05, #25:

OK, Mr. Rocket Scientist; if you think there WAS actions taken to try to save those four Americans in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, then provide your proof.

That’s a deliberately misleading statement. It totally ignores the timeline of Benghazi events, the geographical distances of the forces that could have been called on, and the times that would have been required to actually get them there. It also totally ignores the many uncertainties about what was going on in real time—as if every detail that has subsequently become known was known at the actual moment events were unfolding.

@retire05, #28:

Greggie, we know thee well. As ususal, you are all bark and no bite. But then, we can only assume you like being laughed at and thought a fool.

You seem to be prone to making all sorts of ridiculous assumptions. I’m not so much of a fool that I can’t see people like Darrell Issa and Ted Cruz exactly for what they are. They fall from the same mold as Joe McCarthy—unscrupulous frauds who use lies and distortions to deceive the public in order to achieve self-aggrandizement. The right seems inclined to elevate such people into positions of power and trust.


That’s a deliberately misleading statement. It totally ignores the timeline of Benghazi events, the geographical distances of the forces that could have been called on, and the times that would have been required to actually get them there.

IOW, in liberal speak, you have nothing to back up your claims. Got it.

Never mind that one Administration official used the example of trying to get a flight from D.C. to Dallas. Odd, American Airlines Flight 1425 flies from D.C. to Dallas in 3 hours and 5 minutes. How long did that battle in Benghazi last, Greggie? What time did it start and when was Ty Woods slaughtered? Ooops.

I’m not so much of a fool that I can’t see people like Darrell Issa and Ted Cruz exactly for what they are. They fall from the same mold as Joe McCarthy—unscrupulous frauds who use lies and distortions to deceive the public in order to achieve self-aggrandizement.

Unfortunately for you, who can only parrot left wing talking points, the Venona Papers proved that McCarthy was more right than wrong.

Damn, you are poorly informed, Greggie. I can only assume that is by choice.

@retire05, #31:

IOW, in liberal speak, you have nothing to back up your claims. Got it.

I just pointed out that your statement makes no sense. Republicans are the ones making the nonsensical claims. They’re the ones who have to back them up with evidence. Except, of course, in the case of the rather large segment of their audience having below average analytical skills. Those people will believe whatever they’re told. They apparently have no problem with a real-world timeline that isn’t compatible with the bullshit stories they’re being fed.

Unfortunately for you, who can only parrot left wing talking points, the Venona Papers proved that McCarthy was more right than wrong.

McCarthy was a charlatan. A liar. A populist demagogue. He built a mountain of lies on a few grains of truth. He destroyed many people’s lives in the process, before a few courageous people finally named him for what he was.


I just pointed out that your statement makes no sense.

Actually, you’re doing nothing but playing the obfuscation game to avoid having to back up your claims.
Your typical m.o.

Republicans are the one’s making the nonsensical claims.

What claims are Republicans making? That four Americans were slaughtered in Benghazi? Fact. That no one was dispatched to try to rescue/extract them from Benghazi? Fact. That the Administration gave out a false meme that the attack was due to an obscure video? Fact. That the Administration has refused to be transparent and above board with the Congressional committee by providing redacted copies of material that make the page look solid black? Fact.

They’re the ones who have to back them up with evidence.

Except when the Administration, the State Department, the DoD, all refuse to freely give the information they hold, how do you expect the Congress to prove anything?

Except, of course, in the case of the rather large segment of their (Democrats) audience having below average analytical skills. Those people will believe whatever they’re told. They apparently have no problem with a real-world timeline that isn’t compatible with the bullshit stories they’re being fed.

Fixed that for you, Greggie. And you fall right into that category.

Now, shock us and answer my questions, something you never will do. You are a hypocritical little weasel who thinks that you have the rest of us fooled. Sorry. You ain’t foolin’ anybody, Bubba.


McCarthy was a charlatan. A liar

Have you ever read the Venona Papers or are you just running your parrot mouth again?

Now. answer the questions I posed to you about Benghazi.

@retire05, #34:

Now. answer the questions I posed to you about Benghazi.

The premises that your questions are based on make no sense. Refer to the timeline. If you’re not smart enough to grasp how simple matters of time, distance, and the locations of available resources relate to which responses were actually possible and which were not, that’s your problem, not mine.

As far as I can see, the conundrum the right has always represented for America is based on two fundamental problems: The gullibility of its political base, and the unscrupulous willingness of its leaders and their media outlets to exploit that gullibility.

Republicans are turning the spotlight on Benghazi at this particular time primarily as a distraction. The critical issue of the moment is actually the crack-brained plan of the GOP’s extremist element to defund the Affordable Health Care Act—an unsound tactic which won’t produce the desired result, but which just might lead to a government shutdown or a disastrous default on the public debt. The republican leadership is too f-cking spineless to stand up to these reckless idiots, or to come clean with their own constituents about the extreme unlikelihood of such a scheme actually working. Consequently, they pass a spending bill that they know perfectly well will never pass in the Senate. While they loudly proclaim that neither a shutdown nor a default is their intention, they’re not doing a d-mn thing to prevent either.


Republicans are turning the spotlight on Benghazi at this particular time primarily as a distraction

So the deaths of four Americans are nothing more than a “distraction” to you, Greggie.

You’re a disgusting individual.

Once again, your inner troll is showing. Quite obviously.


Greggie, you certainly waste a lot of band width to avoid supporting your position.

The only thing you’re good for is comic relief.

You never answered my question. If there is nothing to fear, why do you liberals attend the session and see who lies? Make the conservatives look really bad by telling the truth. Maybe the truth will make others look bad. Why are you liberals afraid of the truth?

@Greg: #27

There are more parents of the dead than the two that republicans keep pushing into the spotlight, by the way.

Instead of the republicans trying to push them into the spotlight, the parents are just trying to get answers that they aren’t getting from the obama administration. I remember some parents who lost their loved one in Iraq or Afghanistan actually going to Iraq or Afghanistan and talked with the members of their son’s unit, so they could find out what ACTUALLY happened. Sometimes, it wasn’t what they were told by the administration.

The two that republicans keep pushing into the spotlight don’t reflect the opinions of all of the surviving parents, any more than the anti-Obama ex-Navy Seal reflected the opinions of all the active duty Navy Seals he pretended to speak for.

If active duty service members were allowed to say how they really feel about their commander-in-chief while they are in active duty, obama wouldn’t like it. It does remind me of the Navy Seals who were ORDERED to jog with bill clinton while he was president. They agreed ahead of time that they wouldn’t smile while they were jogging. I remember the picture in the paper, and they weren’t smiling. Compare that to ANY picture of active duty military with George Bush.

obama refused to honor our flag by putting his hand over his heart at different events. He refused to wear the American flag pin until enough people complained about it. When he was a senator, he saluted like the British do, with his open palm facing outward. Curt did a story about it, but I can’t find it. obama didn’t know how to pronounce Navy corpsman. He mispronounced it TWICE. Does he know how to pronounce it now? Has he ever watched a war movie? If so, which side was he rooting for?

If you were in Special Forces, and your commander-in-chief wouldn’t salute the flag, wouldn’t wear the US flag pin, didn’t know how to pronounce Navy corpsman, went around the world apologizing for the United States being the great success that it is, wanted YOU to pay for your own medical insurance,won’t let congress talk to Benghazi survivors, would you still trust him?

The family members of those who died at Benghazi, and the ones of those who survived, just want to know what happened, and why obama won’t let the survivors tell what happened. If everything was exactly the same, but under George Bush’s watch, you would be calling for his impeachment. Imagine one or more of the ones who died, or survived, was your son or daughter. Can you say you understand why obama won’t let you talk to them, and will wait until obama says it is OK for your to talk to them?