Democrats Remove All References To “God” From Party Platform…

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Billy Hallowell @ The Blaze:

The Democratic Party may be getting a fair amount of attention this week — and not only because the political movement is hosting its national convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. Another point of focus has already been the contents — or the lack thereof — present in the 2012 Democratic Party Platform.

Earlier today, we told you that the document fails to mention Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a proclamation that was previously touted by the party. And now, in an even more shocking revelation, CBN News is reporting that the Democrats have removed mentions of “God” from the document as well.

This is a departure from the past. In 2008, the platform read (emphasis added), “We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.”

With the words “God-given” removed, the 2012 platform sticks to a more secular script: “We gather to reclaim the basic bargain that built the largest middle class and the most prosperous nation on Earth – the simple principle that in America, hard work should pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us.”

Democrats Remove God From 2012 Party Platform

In the end, the Democratic platform doesn’t mention the words “God” or “Lord” even one time. In contrast, the GOP platform mentions God 12 times. A simple comparison to past years’ platforms shows a disparity. In 2008, the Democrats had only one mention (the aforementioned ”God-given”), but in 2004, God was mentioned seven times.

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Of course they are!!! Ever so subtle….”Fundamentally Transforming America” you see…..they are showing their ‘true selves’….they are socialists/communists….
….and the [false God] “God” for socialists/communists is…



SERIOUSLY, Remember this when you go to VOTE!!!

Don’t be fooled TWICE!!! Did you regret voting for ‘The Won’ in 2008???….You will seriously regret giving him a second chance….

“The Won” [and his progressive/Liberal friends] aren’t finished with “Fundamentally Transforming America”….Yet. When they finish it won’t be pretty….and you will regret it….again!

Seriously, …Don’t give them a chance to !!!

“hard work should pay off” ?!?

Hard work should pay off???? Pay WHO is more like it…[Government/redistribution perhaps??]

Is this why Obama and his Administration continually go after the middle class…the wealthy…people who make over $250,000 ++???

What a farce…What a bunch of hypocrites….how do they even incorporate this into a speech???

Especially after Obama tells “business owners” in a recent speech that “business owners didn’t build their business”….and on top of that Obama and Company then continues to create “envy” among people….all because other peoples ‘hard work’ actually did pay off !?!????

These people are truly absurd…not to mention deranged!

Liberalism/Progressives/Democrats = Mental Disorder and extreme dysfunction syndrome.

That’s how it should be. No god, no theocracy.

The democrat party is the God-less party because their platform is everything God abhors; whether it’s their abortion-on-demand, corruption, destruction of family values or morality among many other issues they demand. They already caused us one ‘lost youth generation’.
The denial about Jerusalemand it’s meaning is to appease the jewish state’s enemy such as the muslim brotherhood. God and Jerusalem gos togehter; it will be the place where everything will end – world war III. What dems don’t understand is that it will bring the wrath upon this country never seen before;
God clearly stated ‘I will bless those who stand with my people; I will condemn those who will go against my people’! It can’t be any clearer than that!

Besides, they have their own little god in form of a 16ft sand bust – obama – which is displayed once more for worship. Remember, he will heal the planet, lower the sea level, heal all the sick and enrich all the poor. Obama is also the worshipper of his own idol – saul alinski – who dedicated his book to satan.As we all know, satan also challendged the power and authority of God and, we know how that ended. So, it makes all sense for this party to dedicate their platform to the same as obama – although finally they feel cocky enough to let us know how much they care about the christian community and jewish people.
Unfortunatedly, they made a big mistake due to their ignorance of not heading warnings given by God which is ‘A house build on sand’ will be washed away.

For that reason alone, the democratic party and their cult of personality obama will be wiped out by a landslide in Novemeber. God is NOT one to be mocked; they’ll reap what they’ve sown!

Nice false equivalency, lib1.
For over 200 years God has been included and we have never been ”a theocracy.”
All of a sudden abortion up to and maybe well past the day of birth is touted as a high achievement while God is shuffled off.
One of the old prophets wrote about the materialistic Jewish nation of his day that they had made their bellies their god.
Seems Democrats are making women’s bellies their newest god.

The DNC just pretended the ”ayes” had a 2/3rds voice vote and added both God and Jerusalem-as-capital-of-Israel back into the platform.
I listened to the voice vote.
It was either even (then it loses) OR the NAYS had it.
But they said the Ayes had it, so, back in they go.
Now…..why would the DNC do that?