democrats now paying people to talk others into voting democrat

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From Not the Bee

Oh man, this is glorious. Democrats are now paying people to convince their family and friends to vote left.

No joke. Look.


Conversations with friends, family members or neighbors are more likely to earn a voter’s support than chats with a stranger at their front door, which is the traditional way campaigns have run paid canvassing programs in the past. And an important test case for deploying the strategy at scale came out of the Georgia Senate runoffs in 2021 when now-Sen. Jon Ossoff’s (D-Ga.) campaign, flush with nearly unlimited cash but only two months to spend it, used a paid and volunteer relational program to get people talking to acquaintances instead of strangers about the election.


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That’s actual voter fraud, and it’s against the law.

If money has to change hands for you to vote for someone, that’s NOT democracy…

…it’s the “other thing.”

The lobbyists are being paid, not the targets of the persuasion.

The lobbyists are being paid, not the targets of the persuasion.

You don’t think being paid is a form of persuasion?

You don’t think being paid is a form of persuasion?

They’re not being paid to vote a certain way; they’re being paid to convince others to vote a certain way. Tens of thousands of people work for political parties across the spectrum, trying to get people to vote for the party’s candidates and initiatives. Are they all committing voter fraud? Are all PR firms that get paid to convince voters to mark the ballot a certain way committing voter fraud?

They’re not being paid to vote a certain way; they’re being paid to convince others to vote a certain way.

And you are sure about that.

And you are sure about that.

Do you have any reason beyond simple paranoia to believe otherwise?

Again, are you accusing everyone who gets paid money to help a candidate get elected of engaging in voter fraud?

Do you have any reason beyond simple paranoia to believe otherwise?

Yeah, the behavior of Democrats in 2020. I am accusing the Democrat party of taking every opportunity they can of committing election fraud.

Yeah, the behavior of Democrats in 2020.

So yes: simple paranoia.

STATE FARM ARENA. Democrat election fraud #1, first in a long, long series. Not paranoia, fact. Accept it, scooter.

So you have zero facts pointing to this particular plan being a vehicle for voter fraud. Gotcha.

So you are too cowardly to see the evidence repeatedly presented to you… gotcha.

At best, you have evidence of something else being a fraud, assuming we accept, purely for the sake of discussion, the existence of election-changing fraud in 2020. You don’t have anything suggesting that this is fraudulent except your own brain.

At best, you have evidence of something else being a fraud, assuming we accept, purely for the sake of discussion, the existence of election-changing fraud in 2020. You don’t have anything suggesting that this is fraudulent except your own brain.

It is evidence of election fraud carried out on a grand scale. It is but one valid example. There are many more in every contested state. That destroys the credibility of the Democrat party, particularly due to them working to cover it up and kill any discussion or investigation. So, everything they do is suspect.

If you catch someone stealing from you, do you continue to let them have access to your possessions?

The overwhelming evidence of 2020 election fraud is fact. It’s fractured the nation, and not one of the minority Biden “voters” can remotely shoulder the global catastrophe that is the Biden puppetry. “There’s no evidence” isn’t a valid argument. It’s delusion.

  • Video evidence of after-hours ballot counting. Coolers, boxes, pushing out poll watchers: illegal. Signed affidavits with ruined lives are a testament.
  • Software glitches with Dominion machines, all in swing states, after Eric “Trump won’t win, I made f*cking sure of that” admitted to rigging machines at an antifa meeting: illegal.
  • Zuckerberg paying 400 million to set up his own election harvesting operation: illegal.
  • News outlets parroting that Hawkfish, and paid DNC PR firm, assured there would be a “red mirage,” that Biden votes would come in the night. That’s telegraphing fraud, NLP-style so people won’t question it when it happens.
  • A banana-republic-style false-flag at the Capitol so obviously staged to install our first dictator, with 21,000 troops surrounding DC in the aftermath. That’s how dictators since time immemorable do it.
  • Laws deemed unconsitutional in swing states using the aptly timed Covid-19 virus that “got out” in the beginning of an election year for a truly independent, not-bought Donald Trump holding the global elites responsible and costing them money and their New World Order plans.
  • Ballot harvesting, allowing no ID, and no signature. That’s not democratic. No one in the WORLD does it like that.


Choose wisely, son. This will get ugly in the years to come if you people continue to suspend democracy while pretending that you are defending it.

There are those, apparently, who simply want liberalism and leftism in control of our government regardless of the damage they have done, the damage they do or the illicit means by which they achieve power. They don’t have the capability to think things through and challenge their beliefs.

That’s actual voter fraud

How so?

More so, this confirms that the Leftist/Dem ideology is indeed a religion, paying people to go get more converts.

And if the Dems can’t pay enough to get others to recruit votes for them from family and friends, there is always the Marxist/Socialist way; scare the bejeezus out of voters so they will flock together getting their mail in ballots to stop the evil Republicans. Just ask John Heilemann.

My sister would have me committed

The democrat agenda is not one that generates votes from a majority because the voters identify with the agenda. Were the democrats genuinely honest with voters about what the real agenda is, they would never win elections. Hence, the need the cheat in order to win.

They can pay me. I know just the people to talk to; they would NEVER vote Democrat. I would LOVE it if my liberal relatives struck up a political conversation. As it is, they are deathly afraid of the topic… for obvious reasons

As it is, they are deathly afraid of the topic… for obvious reasons

Just a guess of course, but does that obvious reason have anything to do with what a bloated, self-important windbag you are?

For what it’s worth, Michael, I vote for both parties…and happen to love my current Democrat Governor and plan on actually campaigning for him. I’m a two time Trump voter and very, very anti-woke.

We had one of the best responses to Covid and probably the best of any blue state.

I want freedom, politicians who seem to have the best interests of as many Americans as possible (you can’t please them all), and I firmly want money and oligarchic influence (Bezos, Zuckerberg, Soros, Schwab, etc) out of our government. Nothing to do with party. I’m a Liberal technically, and true Liberals don’t protect/fight for the rights of at-risk groups by taking away the rights of others.

The theology of revenge, Marxism, is wrong.

Whose rights are being taken away?

Whose rights are being taken away?
Where have you been for the last 2 years?
J6 prisoners, business owners, jab or job workers, parents.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

J6 prisoners

How on Earth are their rights being taken away?!

How on Earth are their rights being taken away?!

You are really not well versed in the Constitution and due process, are you? How about the right to a speedy trial? How about non-violent suspects with no previous criminal record being denied bail and kept in solitary? How about the denial of exculpatory evidence? How about entrapment? Any of those ring a bell?

J6 prisoners

How on Earth are their rights being taken away?!
Missed this ignorance of galatic nature.
Who do you know is arrested for simple trespass held without bond for well over a year without a court date, these people are political prisoners, conditions in the DC jail are 3rd world. I guess you are to ignorant to look anything up before asking incredibly STUPID questions.

A member of the Proud Boys and one of his brothers are being held without bond on charges that they were part of the Jan. 6 mob of Donald Trump supporters that stormed the U.S. Capitol, the Justice Department announced Monday.

The men, Jonathanpeter Klein and his brother Matthew Leland Klein, were charged last month with conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding, obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder and other counts.

“Simple trespass,” indeed.

There are those whose charges are “trespassing” that are also being held. Nevertheless, there is NO reason to hold any of these accused without bail; none can be shown to be a flight risk and, as we have see, suspects charged with far more serious crimes and with a long criminal record are released without bail. These people are targeted as political prisoners.

I have absolutely no problem with anyone seriously suspected of a crime being charged or anyone found to have actually committed a crime being punished, but these charges against people who just walked around the mall or peacefully entered the Capitol, waved in by Capitol Police, or those who just posted comments about the election or riot being charged with crimes stinks of totalitarianism.

So what action did they take to warrant the charged levied?
I know a little about the Proud boys and intentional attacks by Antifa. Why wont Pelosi release all the footage they have for J6?
I can make inflated absurd charges as well but innocent until proven democrat is wearing pretty thin.
The Antifa character that entered the capitol filmed himself breaking a window was free to sell his videos and do interviews for MSM.

Whose rights are being taken away?

Anyone that doubts the credibility of the government, CDC, Fauci or the vaccine and mask zealots. They have their opportunity to voice their opinion muted. Every fraudulent vote (and there were millions in 2020) negates a legitimate vote, suppressing the right to vote. Do you have the right to NOT wear a mask on an aircraft, the most highly-filtered environment the public enters? How about the right to self defense in some of the most crime-riddled areas of the country?

AMERICAN’S rights are being taken away. Some simply don’t care as long as they are pandered to by the government.

Do you have the right to NOT wear a mask on an aircraft, the most highly-filtered environment the public enters?

You have the right to follow a private company’s rules when using that company’s product. “No shirt, no shoes, no service.”

You have the right to follow a private company’s rules when using that company’s product. “No shirt, no shoes, no service.”

Those rules are imposed by the FAA, the federal government.

Just a guess of course, but does that obvious reason have anything to do with what a bloated, self-important windbag you are?

If that is your definition of someone who has been proven RIGHT on every point they’ve made, then absolutely. For instance, have you noticed how every one of YOUR points get trampled into the dust with logic, reason and facts? Speaking of windbags, where is YOUR support for the ruinous regime we are watching destroy this nation? For instance, where is your evidence of my bloating, self-importance or windbaggery? Please share.

have you noticed how every one of YOUR points get trampled into the dust with logic, reason and facts?

No. I see my points generally being dismissed without being directly addressed, simply because it’s me.

Speaking of windbags, where is YOUR support for the ruinous regime we are watching destroy this nation?

I don’t understand. Are you now coming after me because I’m not singing Biden’s praises?

Also: if I’m not vocally supporting him, how is that “speaking of windbags”?

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

No. I see my points generally being dismissed without being directly addressed, simply because it’s me.

Such as?

I don’t understand. Are you now coming after me because I’m not singing Biden’s praises?

Also: if I’m not vocally supporting him, how is that “speaking of windbags”?

You have come forth in support of every one of idiot Biden’s ruinous policies discussed here and opposed every point opposing those ruinous policies. Did you vote for Trump or idiot Biden?

For instance, where is your evidence of my bloating, self-importance or windbaggery?

Here’s one:

Because people who were dumb enough to believe the propaganda against Trump and who supported this utter catastrophe we suffer under now have no desire nor the courage to talk to anyone about political agendas except for those with like mental disabilities. Engaging someone with real concerns for the health of the nation (NOT a Democrat) would only be embarrassing.

How about dissecting that and showing me what part is not backed up by fact, i.e., windbaggery and/or self importance?

Windbaggery and self-importance have nothing to do with truth or falsehood.

Because they have so much material to use to convince people.

To reinforce the message.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mully

Are Dems suddenly afraid just to stuff ballot boxes?
Paying ballot box stuffers who prove they did the deed by selfie’ing themselves stuffing ballots into drop boxes in the dead of night worked so well last time.
And what about paying dems to create a false “emergency” so as to get rid of Republican ballot counters and watchers so extra boxes of ballots can be added to the totals, as well as running thru the counting machines only the Dem-favorable ballots more than once?

Paying relatives to talk to family sounds like cover for the above things to be repeated.

Paying relatives to talk to family sounds like cover for the above things to be repeated.

How on Earth does it sound like that? What’s the path from one to the other?

How on Earth does it sound like that? What’s the path from one to the other?

Because people who were dumb enough to believe the propaganda against Trump and who supported this utter catastrophe we suffer under now have no desire nor the courage to talk to anyone about political agendas except for those with like mental disabilities. Engaging someone with real concerns for the health of the nation (NOT a Democrat) would only be embarrassing.

I can only DREAM that one of my liberal relatives would bring up the topic.

So the purpose of funding political operatives is obviously not to change hearts and minds; it is to cultivate more potential fraud assets. Election fraud is the only way forward for the Democrat party; they have alienated themselves from the American citizen that cares about their country.

So the purpose of funding political operatives is obviously not to change hearts and minds; it is to cultivate more potential fraud assets. 

Sweet Jesus, that’s a reach, but you do you, I guess.

In the 2020 Georgia runoff election, Democrats encouraged people to quickly “move” to Georgia and vote for the Democrats, in other words, come to Georgia, register and vote and go back home. Election fraud.

neither Yang nor Friedman suggested “temporarily” moving to Georgia or establishing “fake residency” there to vote in the runoff election; nor is it illegal to move to Georgia to vote in an election, so long as one becomes a legal resident.

But Abrams did.

Sean Hannity is paid $25 million per year to talk people into becoming right-wing ass hats.

How much is the CCP paying you to try to talk people into accepting your Marxist/Communist b/s, Comrade Greggie?


Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

We know Hannity is a shrill shill he always has been. Talks over his guests an intolerable egotist. Its no wonder why Ryan kept him on Fox.

How much was NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR paid to suppress the evidence of corruption contained in Hunter’s laptop or spread Russian collusion lies?

Lower then a snake ina wagon rut this is a crime and its a attempt to influance the e lection just like Freee Phones to illegal aliens/Future Democrat voters and supporters

Since when did it become a crime to try to talk someone into voting a certain way?

If you’re sure it’s a crime, what statute do you think is being violated?