Democrats Lose Their Grip on Reality

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David Harsanyi @ Reason:

Government is the only thing we all belong to—but, don’t worry, you won’t have to pay for any of it. That about sums up the Democratic National Convention’s case to America, a place where whatever isn’t handed to you is actually just being taken away.

Democrats like to claim that Ronald Reagan and William Buckley would be simply horrified if they saw the modern-day GOP; but please take a moment to ponder the spectacular display of bonkers in Charlotte, N.C., this week.

Here you’re free to imply or even say that a Republican is unpatriotic (I’m old enough to remember when that sort of thing was frowned upon) for conducting business outside the country. Here politicians celebrate the president’s courageous ability to use taxpayer funds to bail out a company that can only avoid another bankruptcy (barely) on the strength of foreign sales. This is called “economic patriotism” or, more familiarly, protectionism or, maybe, Hooverism—the kind of ism Democrats once rejected. Forward!

At the DNC, the head of NARAL argues that being allowed to have free abortions on demand is the high point of the American dream. And a woman whose only claim to fame is demanding free condoms is celebrated as a hero. Julian Castro, who I am assured is the charismatic mayor of San Antonio and a serious person, mocks the “magical” free markets that gave Bill Clinton the soaring economy he bragged about Wednesday night and America 25 years of unmatched prosperity.

Fortunately, Barack Obama evolved on gay marriage a couple of weeks back, or a slew of enlightened speakers would have seemed less so.

But we know that Democrats have a monopoly on caring and a solid grip on a larger moral truth. It frees them up to offer some, um, poetic truths. You know, like, Mitt Romney opposes poor people’s owning homes or Paul Ryan wants seniors to be denied medical care and he’s all for allowing pregnant women to die in the emergency room. In your hearts, you know it’s true.

Outright lies? There were many.

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Maybe they have a slender grasp of reality …. sometimes.
Like a couple days ago, for her Labor Day Tweet, we got this from White House Cabinet official, Sec. of Labor:


Screen capture:×390.jpg

Working people are slaves?
Who knew?
Apparently even Hilda Solis, head of the Department of Labor, thought better of her words.
She deleted her Tweet only 6 seconds after it hit the web.
Too bad for her the WEB NEVER LOSES ANYTHING!

To say Democrats lost their grip infers they had it. Sorry, Democrats are a disgrace and this convention proves to America again the truth of their lies!!

@Common Sense:
They had it….once.
I recall tearing up when JFK said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ……”
How opposite Obama who advertises what the taxpayers will give out to people if they ask….SNAP, mortgage refi, etc.

Common sense “the truth of their lies” huh? Weather in San Clemente is great. Had a great birthday down your way in La Jolla.
Not all Dems. are bad. I’ve even learned to appreciate some Conservatives here at F.A.

Semper Fi

@Richard Wheeler: LaJolla is beautiful and Happy Birthday!! Carlsbad isn’t a bad place either. Still miss the OC on occasion. I see the Music Festival is this weekend, lots of fun!!

Common Sense Tell me about the Music Festival. Carlsbad is a beautiful place to live.

@Richard Wheeler:
Doheny Days Music Festival


Robin Tung, August 21, 2012
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Doheny Days Music Festival 2012 tickets are now on sale for the two-day music lineup from September 8-9 at Doheny State Beach at Dana Point.

Should be fun!!

“Government is the only thing we all belong to”

I had never heard that one spoken before this week. . . . . New one on me.

I still can’t get my neurons and synapses to deliver up a meaning on it.

They never had a grip on reality. If they did, they wouldn’t be liberals!

We have a new class structure.
The upper class are government employees.
They have the authority to live off of the mandatory contributions of everyone else. They, of course, do not have to pay taxes (see Geithner, Tim). Someone else will pay those taxes for them.
They have cradle-to-grave security, guaranteed retirement, and protection against ever being fired.
They have no job requirements and no goals to meet.
The lower class are ordinary non-government employees. These schlubs pay the taxes for the upper class.
They actually have to work for a living.
I would honestly rather not go there.

I’ve decided, through years of blogging of right-wing sites, that the way righties get their information through the conservative tube, where someone picks up on an ambiguous term and gives it the preferred conservative meaning, then broadcasts it for their followers to believe.

For example, in the latest statement, “We all belong to government…”, the right-wing Ministry of Understanding immediately latched on to one meaning of belong—i.e., something that is owned by something, for example a belonging.

But what they missed is meaning of belong , which is the actual intention of the word, meaning to belong in the sense of membership—i.e., membership in a club (which does not necessarily connote ownership of the individual by the group).

Just another installment of how the ultra-right-wing forms their opinion based on misinterpretation of the English language.

@liberal1(objectivity): Your such a twit. And what say you when Slick said it depends on how you define the word “is”. Sorry dude, you’re not capable of understanding conservatism.

Liberals don’t even understand themselves, so their analysis of us is laughable at best.
What I have observed about leftists (aka liberals) is that they try to hide what they actually meant by playing word games. Out of context, nuance, creating an all new definition, or outright denying what was obviously intended are the tools they use.
The only people they fool are themselves.

@Hard Right:

And liberal/progressive’s accusations tend to be projections of their own traits onto others. I’d go so far as to say that since they live with themselves showing those traits, that they believe that is how everyone acts. And thus, it makes it easy to see how, when they look at a person of a different political persuasion, that they assume, automatically, that the person would have the same reasoning and causation, for their actions, that the liberal/progressive would.

Lib1 displays this daily, here at FA.

I think lib1 might have a point here…. if you put aside the snarkiness. The word “belong” has a many meanings in the notoriously sloppy English language. Both the “ownership” and “membership” interpretations are possible. I still think they were wrong to say that we belong to the government in either of those senses. We “belong” in the sense of membership to the country…. not the government, they are not the same thing. The government “belongs” in the sense of “ownership” to us. And we can not let them forget it.

@Jim S:

Yes, but while Lib1’s point has some merit, he is still wrong, when one considers the idea itself.

From the earliest founder’s notations on government and it’s people, to Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, through JFK’s “Ask not” line, it has always been viewed as the federal government being owned by, dictated by, and comprised of, We, the People.

To get a sense of the definition of ‘belong’ that the liberal/progressives actually use, one merely needs to look at their actions and rhetoric. To dictate to a people, what they can and cannot do, conveys a sense of ownership over them. Thus, when the word ‘belong’ is viewed from that standpoint, the liberal/progressives are using the “ownership” interpretation.

And that is a view that I strongly object to, as should anyone else who values freedom and liberty.

I agree with your projection statement because I too have seen it. They assume we are doing something for nefarious reasons because they have done it and/or would do it for the same nefarious reasons if the roles were reversed.
They also project all of their “bad traits” onto us in an effort to “purify” themselves. They really have no clue that they even do this.
Lastly, by belong, they meant ownership which is exactly backwards.