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Reminds me of this classic:

Cherry picked interviews for effect.

Bzzzzt. Wrong, liberal pile of #2!

The people interviewed would, undoubtedly, see the government as the hero in Atlas Shrugged. Cheering on the absurd Equalization of Opportunity act, and swooning over Directive 10-289, which forces all workers to remain in their current jobs, all businesses to stay open, and all inventions and patents to be turned over to the government.

Lib1 calls them “cherry-picked”. Evidence, including here with Lib1’s own mutterings, coupled with Greg’s numerous comments, would suggest otherwise. A conclusion can certainly be reached, quite easily I might add, that liberal/progressives prefer such government action towards it’s citizens.

These people have NO IDEA HOW JOBS ARE CREATED. By the very nature of the comment, they are ignorant rubes when it comes to economics 101.

How does the gov’t create a job? THEY DON’T. What creates jobs, PROFITS.

Lefty logic:
o – Tax cigarettes to reduce smoking
o – Tax sodas to reduce sugary beverage drinkers
o – Tax carbon to reduce emissions
o – But taxing job creators doesn’t reduce job creation

As to the cherry picked charge:

“We deliberately avoided speaking with the occupy protestors camping outside in tents to get a more “mainstream” Democratic perspective,” writes Schiff.

@Hard Right:
The only difference between the two is the folks inside were more familiar with bathing.


I’ve always said a clozapine bomb would pretty much wipe out the dem party.