Democrats: ‘If It Doesn’t Work, Keep Doing It’

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by Will Alexander

Jean-Henri Casimir Fabre (1823-1915) was a fiercely independent thinker who had a slavish drive for scientific truth. He was what you’d call an autodidact – a self-educated man who picked his own path to becoming a physicist, a chemist, a botanist, and an etymologist.
In a thinking man’s way, he questioned ideas like the paradox of Buridan’s Ass, a concept oft quoted in the schools of his day to illustrate the ironies of free will. One version of the paradox went like this: If you take a donkey that is equally starved and equally thirsty and sit him between water and a bundle of hay – unable to decide between “equal attractions” – he’d starve to death. Another version pictured the donkey dying between two bundles of hay.
“They slandered the worthy animal,” Fabre wrote. “The ass, who is no more foolish than anyone else, would reply to the logical snare by feasting off both bundles.”
“They slandered the worthy animal,” Fabre wrote. “The ass, who is no more foolish than anyone else, would reply to the logical snare by feasting off both bundles.”
A “reply to the logical snare” was not so obvious for the pine processionary caterpillar, an insect Fabre famously studied in 1896. They’re called “pine” because they eat pine needles; “processionary,” because they follow random leaders in a slavish procession.
Fabre compared the caterpillar’s fatalistic behavior to Dingdong’s sheep, the merchant in one of Francios Rabelais’ series of novels, Gargantua and Pantagruel (1532). Dingdong got into a heated argument with the devious lout, Panurge. To get revenge, Panurge bought one of Dingdong’s sheep just to throw it into the sea. Dingdong’s other sheep, “crying and bleating in the same intonation,” threw themselves one by one into the sea after the first sheep, then drowned.
“The herd was such that once one jumped, so jumped its companions,” wrote Rabelais. “It was not possible to stop them, as you know, with sheep, it’s natural to always follow the first one, wherever it may go.”
Fabre discovered that processionary caterpillars were “more sheep-like” than sheep. “Stupefied” was how he described his reaction to the depth of the critters’ dumb loyalty to the herd. That’s the same reaction we’re having to the death march that Democrats are on these days.
“… where the first goes, all the others go, in a regular string, with not an empty space between them,” Fabre wrote in his book, The Life of the Caterpillar. “They proceed in single file, in a continuous row, each touching with its head, the rear of the one in front of it.”
Fabre was curious. What would happen if the caterpillars were made to follow each other in an unbroken circle? Would they crawl in circles on a road that never ends? No. Fabre was certain, like the “worthy donkey,” the primal pangs of hunger would kick in.
“The procession will go turning for some time, for an hour, two hours perhaps; then the caterpillars will perceive their mistake,” he wrote. “They will abandon the deceptive road and make their descent somewhere or other.”
He was wrong.
Fabre arranged the caterpillars around the lip of the flowerpot until they followed each other in an unbroken circle. He then placed pine needles close enough for them to pick up the scent. He watched for hours, then days, then a week as many caterpillars dropped dead from exhaustion and starvation, with food only inches away.

“I was expecting too much of them when I accorded them that faint gleam of intelligence which the tribulations of a distressful stomach ought, one would think, to have aroused,” he wrote.
Today, we are beyond stupefied as we watch processionary Democrats in government, the media, business, sports, and education follow each other to a cultural graveyard. Like Fabre, we’ve hoped for signs of “that faint gleam of intelligence” that’s triggered when tribulations scream that what you’re doing is not working. With solutions to catastrophes only “inches away,” they crawl in circles, with no space between them, continuously, and they’re refusing to stop.
They’re force-feeding a tyrannical brand of “equity” into the culture that, in effect, establishes systemic black supremacy. It’s not working. Race relations are worse than ever, with no end in sight. Yet round and round they go.
They’re winking at illegal immigration, handcuffing law enforcement, crippling the military, and spending trillions to swat away the phantom threats of climate change. None of it’s working. The border is a catastrophe, the military is woke, and crime and debt are off the charts.
Like Buridan’s Ass, they’re circling America back to a middle position between Hamas terrorism and Israeli self-defense. It’s not working. Being “even-handed” in a choice between good and evil dooms the region to a cycle of wars, cease fires, and funeral processions.
They’re jerry-rigging Jan. 6 to be worse than Sept. 11 to terrify conservatives into silence about the rickety architecture behind the 2020 election anomalies; anomalies made possible by the COVID emergency. Even when COVID was under control, they locked Americans down inside a labyrinth of lies for months when fear became too useful for the truth to matter.

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Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Enough said?

Don’t make the mistake that racism is increasing and spreading in spite of the left trying to eliminate it. It is increasing and spreading because it serves the Democrat agenda and they want more of it. Of course, many Democrats are still racists, so it’s instinctive. But it’s not a mistake or failure; it’s a goal.

Those who keep squirming along in the death-circle are those who keep voting for the liberal dream, even after getting a good dose of the pain and failure of it and rejecting it for six or eight years. Then along comes some smooth-talking gimmick and we are infected with liberalism again. Or, we turn our backs and fraud puts us under the liberal thumb again.

This essay by Will Alexander of Townhall goes right up to the brink of the real problem dems have, then he backs off.
Who are the “THEY” who lead dems down all these dead ends?
Why do “THEY” do it?

The un-named puppet masters obviously include the billionaire lefty Soros family.
And the commie chinese are also proving to most who pay attention that they are in charge, not their dem frontmen.

Soros and china both played parts in the theft of the election from Donald Trump.
Soros has been funding the excuses for some socialist wet dreams, like defunding police, decriminalizing crimes, letting criminals loose, and general looting, arson and rioting.
China funded the election steal and the propaganda against out 1st and 2nd Amendments.
Cloward & Piven promised their acolytes, like Hillary, that, American freedom can be ended by simply overwhelming all of America’s social welfare systems.
The pandemic, open borders, unemployment being worth much more than working……all play their part in this plan.

Sometimes I wonder if most dems are ignorant of these wheels-within-wheels.
Most dems would not want what the final solution is when America collapses.
And many, many dems will be executed as previous commie dictators have done to their own enablors in Soviet Union, China, Cuba and Cambodia.

9/11 was very bad, lost three good friends. two in nyc and one in the skies over PA. the pedophile, the democrat gov’s, mayors have destroyed major cities. most of the now shithole cities depend upon tourist income as a 20% income to major cities via taxes, and private business income that will be taxed again. The decline of the Nation-State and end of the rights of man occurred in Europe Aug. 4, 1914. what the globalists do not understand is that it will produce barbarians that will change, if successful, the course of its master. during stalin’s fist purge 9-12 million people were executed between 1928-1933. this must be added to the Great Purge from 1936-38, deaths were noted at 950,000 to 1.2 million with over 200,000 from the Gulag system.
it is obvious that the demorats can not or do not read history. cnn news at 2300 hrs is not news.