by Stacey Matthews
“I’ve done some dumb things, and I’ll do dumb things again. I’ve done some dumb things as senator, and I’ve done some dumb things as a lawyer. Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve been dumb,” then-Sen. Joe Biden said during his failed 1988 presidential campaign over allegations he was a serial plagiarist.
Tuesday night on Tucker Carlson’s program, former Democratic Congresswoman and 2020 presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard grilled Rep.-elect George Santos (R-N.Y.) over what he admitted were lies he told on the campaign trail about who he is and his educational and family background.
In my opinion, Santos did not come off smelling like a rose during their lengthy exchange, but here’s the video so readers can decide for themselves what to think:
Rep.-elect George Santos to Tulsi: I can explain.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 28, 2022
Over the last week or so, as questions continued to swirl about Santos following a New York Times exposé that raised questions as to the truthfulness of some of Santos’ statements – including his claim that he is Jewish, some on the left suggested or insinuated that politically speaking there was no precedent for the level of deception a candidate has engaged in as Santos did.
For instance, Politico deputy managing editor Sam Stein asked if there had ever been a situation on par with Santos’ made-up history.
“Has Congress ever had someone with so many remarkable biographical holes?” he wondered:
Is there any precedent at all to this George Santos situation? Has Congress ever had someone with so many remarkable biographical holes?
— Sam Stein (@samstein) December 22, 2022
The answer is yes – and that “someone” is named Joe Biden.
Take, for instance, the repeated lies he told about his and his family’s history while on the campaign trail during his failed 1988 presidential run. Not only was he untruthful about his life story, but he also was caught numerous times lifting passages from the speeches of other prominent politicos, including Robert Kennedy and JFK, without attribution:
Too bad the media lost their appetite for Biden scandals when he actually became their nominee.
— NewsBusters (@newsbusters) December 27, 2022
Biden’s excuses for what he’d said at the time were to blame his staff and to suggest there was nothing deliberately underhanded about what had happened:Biden blamed his aides for putting that pilfered prose in his mouth.
“I write my own speeches,” he claimed. “This speech I did not write. I honestly thought the paragraph was a piece of brilliant work by my staff.”
Biden’s bottom line — I’m not dishonest, I’m stupid:
“I’ve done some dumb things, and I’ll do dumb things again. I’ve done some dumb things as senator, and I’ve done some dumb things as a lawyer,” he confessed. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve been dumb.”As it turned out, the tall tales he made up during that run for president were only the beginning, as Grabien’s Tom Elliott and others explained in response:
Biden claims
— Survived a fire
— Arrested in civil rights march
— Star football player
— Once a truck driver
— Arrested meeting Mandela
— Son killed in Iraq
— Overheard mass shooting
— Top of his class in college
— Hit a 368’ homer in baseball game
— Had job at timber co.— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 22, 2022
— Met Parkland families as vice president
— Was once a coal miner
— Comes from a family of coal miners
— Was shot at in Iraq
— Called Milosevic a “war criminal” to his face
— Criticized George W. Bush to his face
— Participated in sit-ins during civil rights movement— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 22, 2022
— Hiked Himalayas w/ Pres. Xi
— Received full-ride scholarship
— Graduated w/ 3 degrees
— His dad was an early gay marriage advocate
— Spoke to the inventor of insulin (despite not being born yet)
— Attended Delaware State Univ (an HBCU)
— Worked as lifeguard
— Not “the big guy”— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 23, 2022
Laughably but not surprisingly, MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes boiled Biden’s 50 years of lying down to “‘normal’ politican bs-ing,” and suggested the real scandal would have been if Biden’s law degree hadn’t been real:
Maybe George Santos would be a good choice for Speaker of the House.
He’d be the perfect foil for balancing the media because when they call him names, they’d be calling joe all those same names.
Every time joe made a run it was lackluster at best.
And, as fake President, he keeps that streak alive, doing one dumb thing (if intended to help the United States and US citizens) after another. Nothing BUT dumb things. And, man, can he lie.
Idiot Biden is a lie factory. The value of lies has plummeted since he began telling them because he has flooded the market. The only thing lacking in an idiot Biden statement (other than the truth) is ending it with “yeah… THAT’s the ticket!” like Tommy Flanagan. The one and only benefit of all his lying is that it exposes the true value the left puts on telling the truth. Like every single one of their other “principles”, it is nothing more than something to weaponize against an opponent.
I would be very disappointed and pissed if someone I voted for turned out to be a liar but I find it difficult to hold Santos to a standard the left will not hold their own to. Every prominent Democrat is a far larger liar than Santos; when they clean up their own act, others would be forced to do the same.
01/24/23 – Rep. George Santos now says campaign loan didn’t come from his personal funds
Half-a-million that didn’t belong to Santos came from Santos… Who would ever question an explanation like that?
We’ve got a drag queen in the House of Representative who isn’t what he says he is, occupying a seat purchased for him by God knows who, and a GOP Speaker who has rewarded him with committee appointments.
Thank goodness they are low level committees, this scum might yet get bagged for something, but he isnt the corruption that is Biden or Pelosi, almost as bold a liar as Schiff.
Indeed, Democrats have, sadly, lowered the bar of respectability considerably. It will be up to them to clean up their own dumpster fire before the damage can be repaired overall.
Again, clean up your own degenerate party first, THEN assail someone else for “lying”. That way you won’t continue to look like a hypocritical moron.
Hey, genius… NO drag queen “is what he says he is”. Duh.
01/26/23 – George Santos Fraudulent Signature Could Be Final Nail in Coffin
01/26/23 – Biden Hammers Republicans on the Economy, With Eye on 2024
01/26/23 – Voters Agree: Investigate Biden
01/26/23 – The GOP’s 30 Percent Sales Tax Plan Is Tearing the Republican Party Apart
DeSantis endorses Harmeet Dhillon for RNC Chair…
It’s a proposal; an idea (and a good one). What do the Democrats propose? HIGHER and HIGHER TAXES. Always HIGHER TAXES.
01/25/23 – Republicans’ plans to slash Social Security and Medicare are becoming clearer: ‘We have no choice but to make hard decisions’
How about raising taxes on the nation’s billionaires and multi-millionaires, back to the rates of the Reagan era? That would be a hard decision that the vast majority of working and middle class Americans would approve of.
There are no plans to slash social security or Medicare fuckhead.
Fear porn.
They’re keeping you distracted with tabloid bullshit. Were you even aware of the proposal to impose a 30% national sales tax and abolish the IRS? It’s a real proposal. As usual, the wealthiest would be made even wealthier, and everyone else would pay more.
01/26/23 – Bill to abolish the IRS likely dead in the House, GOP lawmaker predicts
Matt Gaetz is guilty of statutory rape.
Really? Where are the indictments? Where are the charges? Where is the conviction?
How about REAL rape? Why don’t you talk to Tara Reade and get back to us.
Idiot everyone would pay more its a sales tax no buy no pay, food is exempt. Those getting a new car every year pay the tax, its almost equal to the wage tax now. You seriously sound vaxxed it costs big bucks to run the IRS and most of their computers need upgrading, they havent processed all the forms from last April.
The IRS kicked off the 2022 tax filing season with a backlog of unprocessed and amended tax returns it received in 2021.
Imagine a system where Sales tax goes directly to the Treasury, and all the businesses dont have to process all the paperwork dealing with federal wage taxation. States are doing it and coming out way ahead, Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming
You’re quick to call anyone an idiot who observes that you’re being led down the garden path.
The scheme would abolish all income, payroll, estate and gift taxes, creating a permanent hereditary ruling aristocracy.
Your quick not to look at the obvious and make idiot statements.
No tax loopholes for the rich.
You think idiot Biden stealing top secret documents and making them available to his crack-head son and the CCP is “tabloid bullshit”? I see you take national security as “seriously” as idiot Biden.
Republicans do NOT plan to cut Social Security. Democrats, on the other hand, are working to completely destroy it.
How would you know that, since you reject all news sources that don’t tell you what you want to hear?
Because I pay attention to sources that deal in facts and truth, not leftist propaganda.
Well, hell, he wasn’t going to just sit around and let the Biden Crime Family make all the influence peddling money!
Now this is funny!
EXCLUSIVE: Matt Gaetz To Introduce ‘PENCIL Act,’ Blocking Adam Schiff From Reviewing Classified Information.
The Daily Caller first obtained the legislation, which is titled the PENCIL Act after former President Donald Trump’s nickname of Schiff, “Pencil-Neck.” PENCIL stands for “Preventing Extreme Negligence with Classified Information Licenses” Resolution.
Maybe Schiff will have more time to really get those nude photos of Trump he was salivating over.
That’s almost funny, considering idiot Biden took a health, strong, booming Republican economy and completely destroyed it.
The US GDP grew at a rate of 2.9% during the 4th quarter of 2022. The most serious danger to the US economy is the idiots you elected to the House, who could blow everything to hell with a debt default, for no damn reason at all.
The morons whine about the deficit, but they want even more tax cuts.
They whine about inflation, but they want lower interest rates.
They whine about government intrusion, but they want the state to mandate that every pregnancy results in a birth.
They yammer mindlessly about America being a police state, but support a bastard like Vladimir Putin.
Did it? Or will this be “adjusted” downward later when no one is watching, like idiot Biden and Obama always do with “good” numbers?
If they don’t want to default on the debt, those Democrats better get to compromising with Republicans to get spending under control after Democrats added almost $6 trillion to the debt since fraud saddled us with idiot Biden. Democrats destroy economies, Republicans rebuild them, just like Trump did after Obama cratered it.
What, exactly, have republicans presented to be compromised with? NOTHING.
GOP = Democrat.
People aren’t buying the false dichotomy, any longer. The GOP is just controlled opposition.
It’s we Americans verses you and people like you.
And what Democrat has agreed to have a discussion with Republicans? NONE. They merely say NO COMPROMISE, so it will be THEM that causes the damage, not Republicans.
Democrats are totally fiscally irresponsible and quite possibly ignorant. They cause the economic damage.
I have to wonder, when you readily accept such gigantic liars as idiot Biden, whore Harris, rapist Clinton, criminal Clinton, valor thief Blumenthal, spy-banger Swalwell, Spartacus Booker, “boy can I pick those stocks, or WHAT” Pelosi, “gee, that border sure is secure” Mayorkas, evidence-hoarder Schiff… hell ANY of your long, long list of Democrat liars, why Santos is such a preoccupation thorn in your side? I mean, Democrats tell lies that get people killed, destroy their life savings, cause cities to be burned and businesses looted; why don’t you address THOSE lies? Does Santos’ ONE VOTE in the House frighten you that much, you crybaby?
You wonder about all the wrong things. That’s how they control you.
So, you think obsessing over a minor, freshman Representative is more important than lies that affect our national security, our economy, our LIVES? By every indication, it is YOU, scooter, that obsesses over the totally wrong things.
“greg” is, in most of it’s posts, an A.I. “ChatGPT.”
It’s here to spread their lies.