Democrats Can’t Admit The Border Crisis Is Spiraling Out Of Control

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by John Daniel Davidson

There’s been a lot of nonsense about the southern border going around lately from the usual suspects, starting with the Biden administration’s smug Homeland Security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas. In two separate interviews last week, Mayorkas blamed the record number of illegal immigrants crossing into the country on climate change and later refused to call the situation a crisis, retreating to his favorite euphemism for the debacle at the border: “It’s a challenge,” he said.

It sure is, not least because in December more than 300,000 illegal immigrants were arrested at the border, the largest monthly total ever recorded. The numbers being what they are, it’s getting difficult to characterize what’s happened to our border under Biden. One way to put it is to note that at the current rate, we can expect 12 million arrests at the border in the first term of the Biden presidency, which is more than the preceding three terms combined. Most of those migrants have been released into the United States.

Or think of the problem from a different angle. Only 142,580 illegal immigrants were deported in all of 2023, which is less than half the number that illegally crossed the border in December alone. Those who were released into the country joined the more than 3 million-case backlog in our immigration courts, where it can take years for an asylum case to get an initial hearing.

So yes, it’s a “challenge,” as Mayorkas says, but probably not as much of a challenge as maintaining the cognitive dissonance required to keep going on national television to spout this gibberish. Yet Mayorkas keeps pulling it off somehow, so credit where credit is due. His approach seems a lot more difficult than just coming out and admitting openly what Democrats really want with all this border chaos: to turn millions of illegal immigrants into Democrat voters. To “fix” the border problem, said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a recent interview, we simply have to “document the undocumented people.” In case it isn’t bone-crushingly obvious, that’s leftist doublespeak for mass amnesty.

Both Mayorkas and AOC at least have the excuse of being partisan ideologues. One wonders, however, what possible excuse a person like Marc Thiessen could have for trotting out one of the most embarrassingly naïve arguments tacitly endorsing illegal immigration ever to appear in corporate media.

In his Washington Post column last week, Thiessen suggested that the record number of illegal immigrants now pouring over our southern border are coming for the same reason the Puritans came to America in the 17th century: They’re simply “seeking a better life than what they faced in the place of their birth.

It might surprise Thiessen to learn that the Puritans came not for economic reasons but religious ones, not to upgrade their lifestyle and become First World consumers but to hack out an existence in the wilderness and build a society they thought would be pleasing to God.

But give Thiessen this at least, no doubt the masses of illegal immigrants crossing the border are seeking a better life. The latest caravan to set out for the U.S. border from southern Mexico, some 15,000 strong, has dubbed itself the “poverty exodus,” which has the virtue of being direct. These are, by their own admission, economic migrants, and as such do not qualify for asylum under U.S. law — in contrast to the Puritans, it should be noted, who were a persecuted religious minority and surely would have met the standard for asylum.

Not to belabor the point, but Thiessen’s column was predicated on an intentional misreading of something former President Donald Trump has said, that illegal immigration is “poisoning the blood of our country.” In context, Trump seems pretty obviously to be referring to the attendant problems that mass illegal immigration brings, like fentanyl overdoses and cartel-backed criminal activity. Thiessen, however, blithely asserts that Trump has something in mind like European blood-and-soil nationalism, as if illegal immigrants are corrupting the pure bloodlines of “true” Americans.

It’s a strawman of course, and Thiessen absolutely slashes it to the ground in blow after tedious blow. That he would bother with such a chore at all suggests the Washington establishment, of which he is a part and serves as a mouthpiece, is aware, on some level, that the ongoing collapse of the border is not going over very well with the American people. They must therefore be reminded that immigration is good, that it makes America (or some part of America) wealthy, and that only bigots like Trump oppose immigration

As we move into the 2024 election cycle, expect the cognitive dissonance about the border crisis to become overwhelming and unbelievable. The reason is simple, if terrifying: The establishment, from Mayorkas to the Reaganite hacks at The Washington Post, cannot afford to admit that what’s happening at the border might actually be a crisis, a catastrophe even, that’s now begun to spiral out of control.

They were the authors of it and authored it for their own domestic political purposes and designs. But what they didn’t count on was the thing taking on a life of its own, propelled into something else entirely by the cartels and criminal smuggling networks that have figured out how to turn Democrat border policies into a major international black market. What we have on our hands now is not merely the “catch-and-release” policies of the Obama era.

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Does that include Greg Abbott transporting tens of thousands of illegal immigrants all over the US at taxpayer expense?

Aiding & abetting illegal immigration is a felony crime

It’s at TEXAS taxpayer expense, scooter, and it’s cheaper than keeping them here. The illegal immigration has already occurred. The problem is them BEING here, which is the solitary fault of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. It’s Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden that flies them all over the country at US taxpayer expense.

How about arresting them and sending them back; is it OK with you that Texas foots the bill for that, too?

Well duh. They wouldn’t be here if not for Biden. Abbott tries to secure the border and Biden sues to stop it. So Abbott then transports them to sanctuary cities where we have been told they are welcome. Which of course they really aren’t, see the Martha’s Vineyard welcome for reference. So what is a useful idiot to do? Blame Abbott. Right on cue, here you are.
The game is up, see link below.

Stunning: A Dem lawmaker admits ON CAMERA they’re importing third world illegals to stay in power…

Last edited 8 months ago by Mully

The invasion is being done intentionally. No responsible person would the ignore the obvious unless it was part of an overall plan.

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The Democrats/Globalists CFR/UN are all Partners in Crime with this Invasion The Lawsuit against Texas should be thrown out and make NYC Pay and the DNC pay as well

Can we now say camela failed as VP in charge of the border as a czarina?

Depends on what her mission statement actually was.

“I Started the Civil Rights Movement!” – Joe Biden Lies in Stump Speech in South Carolina Black Church (VIDEO)

He also falsely claims he’s the duly elected president. We all know better.

Goddamn, this guy can lie. He doesn’t even know the truth exists.

Problem is our education system is so poor he can stand in a Black Church and actually say that. None of the elders say I dont remember any white guy attending our church. I suppose someone generously donated to the collection plate before hand.

And worse, leftist blacks have so little respect for that struggle that they don’t even care that some racist old white guy takes credit for it. They just support whatever lines their pockets.

It’s Official: 50 Texas Counties Declare Border ‘Invasion’ Due to Biden’s Policies


So yes, it’s a “challenge,” as Mayorkas says, but probably not as much of a challenge as maintaining the cognitive dissonance required to keep going on national television to spout this gibberish. Yet Mayorkas keeps pulling it off somehow, so credit where credit is due.

The ONLY way such a turd as Mayorkas can “pull it off” is with the complicity of the Ministry of Propaganda, the left wing media. If a functioning objective media existed in the United States, it would be exposing this criminal operation and exerting pressure on this corrupt regime to address it properly. In fact, it probably would have never happened.

Democrats created “sanctuary cities” where illegal immigrants were shielded from CPB and lavished with perks, creating a further draw for MORE illegal immigrants. Now, they don’t want more illegal… unless they can get some federal billions of dollars they can all steal from. They blame Abbott when they get some new busloads of illegals instead of blaming the regime and its open border policy; it’s upend the excellent border security we HAD and let 8 million illegal immigrants in, 85% of which get their pass on into the country.

Yeah, it’s impossible for Democrats to admit that their incompetence has created a true crisis on the southern border. Currently they have to explain why Republicans are holding foreign aid hostage to our own national security. Of course, they don’t frame it exactly like that, but as it is happening, the truth of the matter is inevitably leaking out; we need money to SECURE the border, not to process illegal immigrants faster, provide more phone, more pay cards and more plane tickets.

Now this: