Democratic Women Senators Call on Franken to Resign After Seventh Accuser Comes Forward

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Wash Beacon:

Several female Democratic senators, within a span of minutes, all called on their Democratic colleague Al Franken (Minn.) to resign following a seventh accusation that he made improper sexual advances towards women.

Politico reported Wednesday that a former Democratic congressional aide claimed she was forcibly kissed by Franken while he was still a radio host. Later that morning, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) was the first to call for the Minnesota senator’s resignation in a Facebook post.

“While Senator Franken is entitled to have the Ethics Committee conclude its review, I believe it would be better for our country if he sent a clear message that any kind of mistreatment of women in our society isn’t acceptable by stepping aside to let someone else serve,” she argued.

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D., Hawaii) was next, tweeting, “Today, I am calling on my colleague Al Franken to step aside.” Hirono added that she “struggled” with the decision because of her friendship with Franken, “but that cannot excuse his behavior and his mistreatment of women.”

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Gee, wasn’t Franken likely to be a Presidential candidate? Awww…