Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb: Let’s settle down about the Confederate flag, okay?

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He launched a presidential exploratory committee eight months ago and I don’t think I’ve seen a single TV interview with him since. For a guy who’s been keeping an oddly low profile, this is an … interesting way to raise it.

Which is not to suggest he’s not speaking from the heart. He is.

This is an emotional time and we all need to think through these issues with a care that recognizes the need for change but also respects the complicated history of the Civil War. The Confederate Battle Flag has wrongly been used for racist and other purposes in recent decades. It should not be used in any way as a political symbol that divides us.

But we should also remember that honorable Americans fought on both sides in the Civil War, including slave holders in the Union Army from states such as Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware, and that many non-slave holders fought for the South. It was in recognition of the character of soldiers on both sides that the federal government authorized the construction of the Confederate Memorial 100 years ago, on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery.

This is a time for us to come together, and to recognize once more that our complex multicultural society is founded on the principle of mutual respect.

Not the first time he’s spoken in defense of the men who fought for the Confederacy. Seven years ago, when Obama was finalizing his VP picks, Politico noted that Webb was a natural short-lister. Decorated veteran, accomplished author, senator from a key swing state, and Iraq war critic — he may have been more centrist than lefties preferred but in many ways he was an ideal choice. Except for one small thing:

He has suggested many times that while the Confederacy is a symbol to many of the racist legacy of slavery and segregation, for others it simply reflects Southern pride. In a June 1990 speech in front of the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, posted on his personal website, he lauded the rebels’ “gallantry,” which he said “is still misunderstood by most Americans.”

Webb, a descendant of Confederate officers, also voiced sympathy for the notion of state sovereignty as it was understood in the early 1860s, and seemed to suggest that states were justified in trying to secede.

“Most Southern soldiers viewed the driving issue to be sovereignty rather than slavery,” he said. “Love of the Union was palpably stronger in the South than in the North before the war — just as overt patriotism is today — but it was tempered by a strong belief that state sovereignty existed prior to the Constitution and that it had never been surrendered.”

In his book, “Born Fighting,” he lamented the “Nazification of the Confederacy,” but that’s essentially where the left is on this and where the GOP now sort of is, not quite embracing the idea themselves but acknowledging that blacks’ view of the Confederate flag as necessarily a symbol of murder and oppression is reason enough to yank it down. You can anticipate the pushback to Webb’s argument along those lines: If the Confederate flag is worth preserving as a tribute to the gallantry of southern soldiers on the battlefield, why isn’t the swastika worth preserving as a tribute to the bravery of Wehrmacht soldiers who fought to the bitter end? For that matter, why isn’t the hammer and sickle worth preserving as a tribute to the ferocious resilience of the Red Army? Webb would counter, I assume, that it all comes down to the character of the men involved. The Confederates weren’t waging total war on innocents and raping their way across the countryside like the German and Soviets were. To which the response will be: Well, yes, many of them were doing that, albeit before the war. That’s what slavery’s all about — subjugation, forced labor, rape, and murder. Those who fought and died without owning slaves themselves fought and died for the right of others to continue that. That debate, over whether Confederate soldiers should be honored even if the Confederacy as a political institution shouldn’t be, is really just the broader debate about the flag re-set in a military context. The broader question is this: Is it fair to expect blacks, whose ancestors were enslaved under the regime that flew that flag, to accept it now with assurances that it no longer signifies what it once signified? And if the answer is “no,” what then? Continue to fly it and tell them to get over it or retire it on public grounds as a gesture of goodwill, knowing that there are plenty of statuary monuments to Confederate soldiers across the south to recognize their gallantry?

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Rich Wheeler will be along soon with his pom-poms to cheer-lead for Webb while ignoring his support for the Confederate battle flag.

@Ditto: Obviously you’ve missed my comments on other threads. I do support Webb for POTUS and respect his independence on this issue. That’s the kind of guy he is.Think he clearly outshines all 15 or more declared Repubs.

@rich wheeler: If a Republican you don’t like made the same comments, would you brand that individual a racist who “doesn’t get it”.

@another vet: No.I don’t feel any of the Repub .candidate are racists.That is a very serious charge.
It is interesting how most have “caved” to pressure while Webb holds his ground.

@rich wheeler:

It is interesting how most have “caved” to pressure while Webb holds his ground.

Your exact comment on another thread:

S.C. Conservative Gov and Con. Senator say yank it. They got guts. Thumbs up

Which is it, did they cave or have guts?

I do support Webb for POTUS and respect his independence on this issue. That’s the kind of guy he is.Think he clearly outshines all 15 or more declared Repubs.

Some of your comments on the other thread:

Semper FI Yank that flag

The removal of the flag shows that Southern Conservatives are joining the 21st century. I commend them for stepping up.

Like I said I commend the Conservatives of South Carolina –don’t you?
I fought for the American Flag f–k the racist Confederate flag.

Using your past comments as the standard, Webb supports a racist flag, he lacks the guts to call for the flag’s removal, and he has not joined the 21st Century. Is Webb “backwards” as you imply about other Southerners who hold his view or are you using a double standard?

I think Webb has a good handle on American history.

@another vet: I can still like Webb though disagree with this son of the south on this issue.
Surely he won’t run after this stand. lol

@rich wheeler:

It is interesting how most have “caved” to pressure while Webb holds his ground.

As a Democrat, Webb has little to fear from the media while Republicans would only create more battles to fight against a stacked deck. Furthermore, it is a silly and stupid issue to risk a candidacy on. Note that the significance of his remarks are that NO ONE IS BOTHERING TO COVER THEM. Recall Ralph Nader calling Obama an “Uncle Tom” after the 2008 election; unless someone NEEDS to be destroyed, the media is not going to spend the energy just covering news for covering the news’ sake.

Let Webb rear his ugly head and pose a serious challenge to the candidate the media has chosen for us and all this will come raining down on him. For now, “nothing to see here”.

Whenever unmarked Confederate remains are discovered, they are reburied with full military honors – just like their Union counterparts. When the CNS Hunley was recovered, the Confederate remains were buried with full military honors. The Department of Navy said they could do no less. They gave their last, full measure.