Democrat Desperation Smells Like Victory

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That stink you’ve been smelling lately is called Democrat desperation. The Fourth Reich is in a tailspin, and the undead will play every card they can to survive.

One of the biggest problems facing the bloodsuckers is the Biden family. No one except for your lavender-haired demigender-in-law believes the Biden family isn’t dog-paddling in foreign bribery cabbage. And if the Bidens go down, the rest of the slugs will panic.

So naturally, the Pravda press shamelessly released a fable about the Trump family taking “payments” from twenty nations to the tune of $7.8 million. All the usual Stalinista news outlets jumped on board and spread the media manure to their fleeting readers.

In this article, NBC obeisantly uses the word “payment” nine times. What it is trying to hide is that these so-called payments were just people paying their tabs at Trump-owned hotels.

FACT-O-RAMA! The Biden family took in far more than $7.8 million from China Russia, Ukraine, etc., but they have no hotels. The Biden family has no goods or services to offer except access to Joe Biden. Leftists can no longer hide the Biden family bribery ring, and they are, again, accusing Trump of doing what they are doing.

Here’s the fun part; the clowns screaming “Trump got payments from a bunch of nations” somehow “forgot” that Trump donated that money to the U.S. Treasury.

And yet another Democrat Hail Mary pass goes down like the Hindenburg.

The real damage to the Dems is this: the more they and their tatterdemalions in the news media attack Trump with bogus accusations the more the swing voters wake up — ditto Hispanic, black, and younger voters.

The billionaire pedo cabal

Now that the Epstein documents are dropping, I want to point out something that people need to know about the Pritzker family.

FACT-O-RAMA! I am completely not suicidal, and my brakes are working wonderfully!

There are four Pritzers — thus far — we need to discuss. They are all billionaires:

  • Tom Pritzker, an Epstein accuser claims she was forced to have sex with him.
  • J.B. Pritzker, the governor of Illinois, Tom’s cousin.
  • Jennifer Pritzker, philanthropist, one of two openly transgender billionaires in the world.
  • Penny Pritzker, appointed by Biden to be the U.S. special representative for Ukraine’s economic recovery. She is a Harvard fellow and is largely responsible for choosing Claudine Gay, the now-humiliated former president of Harvard.

FACT-O-RAMA! The Pritzker billionaires have donated mad stacks to “gender-affirming” care and bail reform, two major Marxist ideologies plaguing the nation.

And check out this little nugget that the New York Post reported:

Penny, 63, was co-chair of former President Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and later became his secretary for the Department of Commerce. This, despite her once serving on the board of Superior Bank, which the Pritzkers bought with $460 million in tax credits from the federal government. The bank later collapsed after being one of the first to traffic in subprime mortgages.

To say the Pritzker family is phalloplasty-deep into the highest echelons of the Democrat crowd is an understatement, and they aren’t the only billionaire corps d’elite on Epstein’s list of A-list perverts.

A lot of fancy people have a lot to lose if when the Biden Family is exposed, and these Epstein doc drops are beginning to hurt the brand as well. So it’s time to pump Joe Biden full of baby blood and Adderal and address the awakening mobs.

Gropey Joe is set to give another “The MAGA peeps are evil” speech Friday at Valley Forge of all places. Rumor has it he wanted to do it on January 6, but snow is expected and the old Bolshevik can’t risk getting the sniffles.

The bottom is falling out, not only on the Democrats’ chances at the White House but on the whole, stinking, kiddie-diddling, Bohemian Grove crew. Most importantly, our normie neighbors are waking up, and that is their biggest fear.

Nothing says, “Shut up, little man” like Hunter Biden selling paintings for $500,000 to anonymous buyers. The wealthy, sneering elite hate us and aren’t even trying to hide their disdain.

When things get really bad, the Klaus Schwab kriegsmaschine will come up with something desperately insane to scare the bejesus out of us, like a new pandemic or perhaps a timely invasion of little green men.

I wouldn’t put it past Biden, his billionaire bozos, and the military-industrial complex to push us into WWIII to keep power.

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Nothing says, “Shut up, little man” like Hunter Biden selling paintings for $500,000 to anonymous buyers. The wealthy, sneering elite hate us and aren’t even trying to hide their disdain.

Yeah, but… hotels with Trump’s name on them made money because people showed up, rented rooms, ate food and (GASP!) paid their bills!

Watch for the Mau-Maus to play all their classic hits in a painful attempt to stay in power, such as “white supremacy,” “racism,” “January 6,” and my favorite, “Trump will end democracy.” When those all fail, their desperation may become deadly.

Indeed. They are to the point where losing power means prison.

01/07/24 – Conservatives Blast Mike Johnson’s ‘Total Failure’ in Spending Deal

…In a letter that Johnson sent to his Congressional colleagues on Sunday obtained by Newsweek, the speaker said that after weeks of debate, “we have secured hard-fought concessions” to allow the Appropriations Committee to finally begin negotiating and completing the annual appropriations bills. Johnson’s letter said the agreement includes $886 billion for defense and $704 billion for nondefense. …

And? Republicans expect more, Democrats simply are corrupt and steal.