“Democracy,” Occupy Style: Dissent Is Crushed In Favor of “Consensus”

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You have an absolute right to free speech, as long as your speech is approved by the dominant faction.

A couple of people at Occupy LA wanted to make the point that the movement was being controlled by “communists and leftists.”

To disprove his claim, a group of communists and leftists kept him from speaking, and then went back to controlling the movement.

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Much better coverage of this is by Zombie at PJMedia.

Zombie concludes:

It’s heartening to see that at least some of the Occupiers are trying to resist being totally co-opted and taken over by the far left.
But unfortunately I fear they are far too few in number to make any difference at this point.
Whenever the communists and the anarchists try to cooperate on a project, the communists always take control and elbow the competition out of the way.
It’s happened before, it’s happening now, and it will surely happen in the future should the anarchists be foolish enough to ever hook up with the communists again.

For the complete report, with more insanity that you can even digest in one sitting, see Occupy Los Angeles, fellow photojournalist Ringo’s full photo essay Infighting, Pot Smoke & Chemtrails – One Hundred Minutes at Occupy L.A.