Dem senator: Let’s confirm Neil Gorsuch and Merrick Garland together

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This guy understands that Trump has a base of his own to please and that that base would be ready to tar and feather him if he agreed to a proposal this stupid, yes? If so, what’s the point of floating it?

Ah, I see. Apparently this was the plot of an old episode of “The West Wing.” No foolin’: Democrats are so far from actual power right now, they’re cribbing ideas from Aaron Sorkin to try to manufacture drama.

“You had President Trump saying, ‘I want to unite the country, I’m a deal-maker, I’m going to bring people together,’” Udall told reporters following his meeting with Gorsuch on Monday. “Well, the deal right now for President Trump, if he wanted to do it, would be to put Gorsuch and Merrick Garland on the court at the same time.”

This is how Udall described it: Trump would discuss the option with one of the three Supreme Court justices often mentioned as retirement prospects in the coming years – Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer or Anthony Kennedy – and secure a resignation letter from one of them, contingent on Garland getting nominated and confirmed as their replacement.

Then the two nominees would have a simultaneous confirmation process and votes, Udall said.

Udall’s spokesman swears that he didn’t get the idea from “The West Wing,” an even more frightening prospect in that it suggests Democrats are starting to think like Sorkin independently. Anyway: In what alternate dimension does this plan benefit Trump? What incentive does he have to compromise? In the “West Wing” episode, a Democratic president was facing the dilemma of trying to get a liberal justice confirmed by a Republican Senate; agreeing to appoint a young conservative to a second vacant seat was his solution. Trump doesn’t have that problem. If Democrats vote as a bloc against Gorsuch or a future nominee, McConnell has the nuclear option in his back pocket. Only if there are three Republicans in the Senate who are committed to not using that option under any circumstances does Trump have an issue. And that’s unlikely.

So he holds all the cards. He can wait out Ginsburg, Breyer, and Kennedy over the next four years and simply appoint a conservative to replace them when they retire or die. Even if all of them stay put, replacing Ginsburg or Breyer with the much younger Garland would be foolish in that it would extend liberals’ ownership of that seat on the Court for another decade or two (or conceivably even three). Replacing Kennedy with Garland, as Udall insanely imagines, would actually create a liberal majority, something that would cause Trump’s right-wing support to collapse. Whether Ginsburg or Breyer would even agree to retire with the promise that they’d be replaced by Garland is another question, and not an unimportant one. Imagine if Trump sounded them out about that and got rejected — and the proposal leaked. Trump’s base would revolt and he’d have nothing to show for it.

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Liberal demacrats worst then ISIS would ever be and nasty nancy(Pelosi)is still caming for trump to be impeached when he hasnt done anything that wantents impeachment where as Obama warrentted many many reasons to have been impeached but as always they turned their backs and prefered to ignore the whole thing

There’s an awful denial of reality on the part of Dems lately.
They can’t accept that Trump won, for example.
They quickly glommed onto the line that Hillary had not done anything”prosecutable,” for another.
Then, despite No Evidence whatsoever tying Trump to any Russian hack of the DNC, those same Dems insist on him stepping down, being impeached, being investigated, being suspected forever.

So, now this.
Dems think Trump can’t see past their “heads I won, tails you lose,” game?
We all saw past that by 2nd grade!
Is there really an ”adult” oriented TV show that fell to that level and people dumb enough to watch?


Can you imagine the response of the party whose leader said, “I won” EVER entertaining such a ridiculous idea? The party whose Senate Majority leader (Reid) first launched the nuclear option in order to accomplish partisan leftist goals?


remember one caveat- never, never screw with the President of the United States. in a sentence he has the ability to make you and your entire family vanish from the face of this earth. economically, he the ability to cease every asset you own with a single phone call. he has the ability to call for a senator’s or representative’s resignation , or proceed with impeachment proceeding.