Dem Rep Confirms Committee Will Investigate FBI Claim DNC Denied It Access To Servers

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Kerry Picket:

California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, vice chair of the House Select Intelligence Community, confirmed the committee’s probe into the breach of the Democratic National Committee’s servers will include why the DNC reportedly rebuffed the FBI when the agency asked for access to the organization’s servers over hack concerns

“Yes. We are going to look into what was the intelligence community and the FBI response to the Russian hack and that is how soon do we know that they were in the DNC, for example. What steps were taken? Were they adequate? Were they not adequate? What needs to be done in the future?” Schiff told The Daily Caller when asked if the committee would investigate the DNC’s not beef up its security following the FBI’s warning to do so.

According to an email statement given to Wired by a senior law enforcement official on Jan. 5, “The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed until well after the initial compromise had been mitigated.”

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Ahh dirty liberal demacrats time to try on those new shoes and pinch your toes and cuts off your circylation and walk to mexico in them without time to rest