Erika Johnsen @ Hot Air:
That seems to be the general idea so far, at least. I think they know they can’t nail him on a lack of character/integrity the way they’ve been trying to with Romney, and they don’t seem to want to try (not yet, anyway) — so it looks like they’re going to aggressively insinuate that Ryan is an influential leader in that pesky, do-nothing, obstructionist, hostage-taking Congress of ours.
President Obama started a campaign tour through Iowa today, a swing state heavy with currently drought-stricken farmers. After ceding that he is a ‘good man, a family man, and an articulate spokesman for Romney’s vision,’ Obama reminded the audience that the all-important-to-Iowans farm bill is currently being held up in Congress by none other than the likes of that dastardly ‘ideological leader of the Republicans in Congress,’ Paul Ryan.
“The best way to help these states is for the folks in Congress to pass a farm bill that not only helps farmers and ranchers respond to natural disasters, but also makes some necessary reforms and gives farmers and ranchers some long-term certainty. Unfortunately right now, too many members of Congress are blocking the farm bill from becoming law. I am told that Governor Romney’s new running mate, Paul Ryan, might be around Iowa the next few days. He is one of the leaders of Congress standing in the way. So if you happen to see Congressman Ryan, tell him how important this farm bill is to Iowa and our rural communities. We’ve got to put politics aside when it comes to doing the right thing for rural America and for Iowa.”
A major part of the farm bill is the food stam program. The lefties have been advertizing to get as many people on the program as possible. Couple that with Obama gutting the work for welfare payments and Congress should be very concerned with the huge farm bill!
I think the titles of “Do nothing” and “Party of No” now belong to Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats. The Republican controlled House has been passing bill after bill but Harry wont let them come to the floor for a vote.
That’s why the Congress has a 16% disapproval rate. When Democrats had control of the House, Mitch McConnell was too interested in “making Obama a one-term president”—thereby not considering any potential fix for the economy offered by the Dems. Now with the Republicans in charge, Harry Reid is concentrating on Obama’s re-election.